128 - 环境光遮挡&逐晕&镜头失真

官方教程项目系列/官方教程06_3D/John Lemon's Haunted Jaunt/05.后期处理.md · chutianshu/AwesomeUnityTutorial - Gitee.c...

128.1 环境光遮罩 Ambient Occlusion

  • Thickness Modifier : 增大阴影

128.2 逐晕 Vignette


128.3 镜头失真 Lens Distortion


129 - 设置游戏结束UI

129.1 创建 Image

创建 Image 会 直接创建 Canvas.

129.2 关闭特效

129.3 Img平铺

129.4 颜色

129.5 填图

Preserve Aspect : 保持原有比例

129.6 逻辑

默认不显示 , 游戏结束时淡入淡出地显示.


130 - 添加游戏结束代码逻辑

130.1 创建配置触发

130.2 新建脚本

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class GameEndingController : MonoBehaviour
{private bool isPlayerAtExit;public GameObject player;public float fadeDuration = 1.0f;    //渐隐时间private float timer;                  //计时器public float displayImageDuration = 1.0f;public CanvasGroup exitBackgroundImageCanvasGroup;private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){if (other.gameObject == player) { isPlayerAtExit = true;}}// Update is called once per framevoid Update() {if (isPlayerAtExit) { EndLevel();Debug.Log("退出游戏!!");}}void EndLevel() {timer += Time.deltaTime;exitBackgroundImageCanvasGroup.alpha = timer / fadeDuration;if (timer > fadeDuration + displayImageDuration) {//Application.Quit();  //结束当前应用程序 , 打包发布之后才能生效.UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;}}

130.3 配置

131 - 加入石像鬼敌人

131.1 配置动画

131.1.1 创建 Animator Controller

131.1.2 加入Idle动画

131.2 配置石像鬼碰撞体

131.2.1 给石像鬼整体添加碰撞体

添加胶囊碰撞体 , 包裹模型.

131.2.2 添加空物体配置胶囊碰撞体


132 - 加入石像鬼代码

132.1 复制

复制上一节做好的 Canvas Image 为 被抓住 时的游戏结束UI.

132.2 代码

132.2.1 ObserverController.cs

public class ObserverController : MonoBehaviour
{public Transform player;private bool isPlayerRange;public GameEndingController gameEnding;private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){if (other.transform == player) {isPlayerRange = true;}}private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other){if (other.transform == player) {isPlayerRange = false;}}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){if (isPlayerRange) {Vector3 direction = player.position - transform.position + Vector3.up;Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, direction);RaycastHit raycastHit;//out 代表第二个参数是输出参数 , 可以带出数据到参数中if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit)) {if (raycastHit.collider.transform == player){gameEnding.CaughtPlayer();}}}}

132.2.2 GameEndingController.cs

public class GameEndingController : MonoBehaviour
{private bool isPlayerAtExit;public GameObject player;public float fadeDuration = 1.0f;    //渐隐时间private float timer;                  //计时器public float displayImageDuration = 1.0f;public CanvasGroup exitBackgroundImageCanvasGroup;//新增一个表示游戏失败的结束界面public CanvasGroup caughtBackgroundImageCanvasGroup;private bool isPlayerCaught;public void CaughtPlayer() {isPlayerCaught = true;}private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){if (other.gameObject == player) { isPlayerAtExit = true;}}// Update is called once per framevoid Update() {if (isPlayerAtExit){EndLevel(exitBackgroundImageCanvasGroup,false);Debug.Log("退出游戏!!");}else if (isPlayerCaught) {EndLevel(caughtBackgroundImageCanvasGroup, true);Debug.Log("被抓住了!");}}void EndLevel(CanvasGroup imageCanvasGroup , bool doRestart) {timer += Time.deltaTime;imageCanvasGroup.alpha = timer / fadeDuration;if (timer > fadeDuration + displayImageDuration) {//Application.Quit();  //结束当前应用程序 , 打包发布之后才能生效.if (doRestart) {//重新加载第一个场景SceneManager.LoadScene(0);}UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;}    }}

132.3 配置

134 - 添加巡逻幽灵

134.1 创建&添加动画

134.2 配置Ghost

134.2.1 添加碰撞体

134.2.2 添加刚体

  • Is Kinematic : 受力但不运动

134.2.3 添加 视野用 collider

复制石像鬼的 PointOfView 对象 , 之后进行调整.

136 - 相对坐标 X 绝对坐标

默认子游戏物体的 Transform 坐标为相对 父物体 的 Local 坐标.

如果想要 子物体的 Transfrom 的位置 表示 Word的坐标,则把父物体的 Transfrom 0,0,0即可

137 - 添加非剧情音频

137.1 添加非剧情音乐

分别为 : BGM , 胜利时音效 , 游戏失败时音效.

137.2 创建 Audio Source 对象




137.3 GameEndingController

public class GameEndingController : MonoBehaviour
{private bool isPlayerAtExit;public GameObject player;public float fadeDuration = 1.0f;    //渐隐时间private float timer;                  //计时器public float displayImageDuration = 1.0f;public CanvasGroup exitBackgroundImageCanvasGroup;//新增一个表示游戏失败的结束界面public CanvasGroup caughtBackgroundImageCanvasGroup;private bool isPlayerCaught;/*** 音效*/public AudioSource exitAudio;public AudioSource caughtAudio;private bool hasAudioPlayed = false;             public void CaughtPlayer() {isPlayerCaught = true;}private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){if (other.gameObject == player) { isPlayerAtExit = true;}}// Update is called once per framevoid Update() {if (isPlayerAtExit){EndLevel(exitBackgroundImageCanvasGroup,false,exitAudio);       Debug.Log("退出游戏!!");}else if (isPlayerCaught) {EndLevel(caughtBackgroundImageCanvasGroup, true,caughtAudio);Debug.Log("被抓住了!");}}void EndLevel(CanvasGroup imageCanvasGroup , bool doRestart , AudioSource audioSource) {if (!hasAudioPlayed) {audioSource.Play();hasAudioPlayed = true;}timer += Time.deltaTime;imageCanvasGroup.alpha = timer / fadeDuration;if (timer > fadeDuration + displayImageDuration) {//Application.Quit();  //结束当前应用程序 , 打包发布之后才能生效.if (doRestart) {//重新加载第一个场景SceneManager.LoadScene(0);}UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;}    }

138 - 添加玩家脚步声

138.1 Lemon添加AudioSource

138.2 PlayerMovementController

 if (isWalking){   //保证不是每帧都重头播放if (audioSource.isPlaying == false) {audioSource.Play();}    }else {         audioSource.Stop();                 }
public class PlayerMovementController : MonoBehaviour
{/*** 移动*/private Vector3 m_Movement;private float horizontal;private float vertical;private Rigidbody rigidbody;/*** 动画*/private Animator animator;/***  转向*/Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;   //四元数 public float rotateSpeed = 20.0f;            //角速度/*** 音效*/private AudioSource audioSource;// Start is called before the first frame updatevoid Start(){rigidbody = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();animator = this.GetComponent <Animator>();audioSource = this.GetComponent<AudioSource>();}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){/*** 获取用户输入*/horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");}private void FixedUpdate(){m_Movement.Set(horizontal, 0.0f, vertical);m_Movement.Normalize();bool hasHorizontal = !Mathf.Approximately(horizontal, 0.0f);bool hasVertical = !Mathf.Approximately(vertical, 0.0f);bool isWalking = hasHorizontal || hasVertical;if (isWalking){   //保证不是每帧都重头播放if (audioSource.isPlaying == false) {audioSource.Play();}    }else {         audioSource.Stop();                 }animator.SetBool("isWalking", isWalking);/***  旋转*  p1 : current*  p2 : target*  p3 : maxRadiansDelata ,radians : 弧度 : 此旋转允许的最大角度*  p4 : maxMagnitudeDelata : 此旋转允许的最大矢量幅度变化*/Vector3 desiredForward = Vector3.RotateTowards(transform.forward, m_Movement, rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(desiredForward); //设置四元数}private void OnAnimatorMove() //事件 : 当动画播放引发根移动时执行{rigidbody.MovePosition(rigidbody.position + m_Movement * animator.deltaPosition.magnitude);rigidbody.MoveRotation(rotation);}

139 - 幽灵音效

139.1 调换 Audio Listener

139.2 配置 Audio Source

139.3 优化

当 Lemon 转动时, 音频监视器(Audio Listener)也会随之转动,这意味着,当Lemon面向屏幕时,玩家的虚拟眼睛(摄像机)和玩家的虚拟耳朵(Audio Listener)将面向不同方向.因此听起来,鬼魂就在对面


139.3.1 单声道

139.3.2 Speard

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