
$ go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
$ go install github.com/Masterminds/glide


$ glide
NAME:glide - Vendor Package Management for your Go projects.Each project should have a 'glide.yaml' file in the project directory. Fileslook something like this:package: github.com/Masterminds/glideimports:- package: github.com/Masterminds/cookooversion: 1.1.0- package: github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsysubpackages:- yamlFor more details on the 'glide.yaml' files see the documentation athttps://glide.sh/docs/glide.yamlUSAGE:glide [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]VERSION:0.13.0-devCOMMANDS:create, init       Initialize a new project, creating a glide.yaml fileconfig-wizard, cw  Wizard that makes optional suggestions to improve config in a glide.yaml file.get                Install one or more packages into `vendor/` and add dependency to glide.yaml.remove, rm         Remove a package from the glide.yaml file, and regenerate the lock file.import             Import files from other dependency management systems.name               Print the name of this project.novendor, nv       List all non-vendor paths in a directory.rebuild            Rebuild ('go build') the dependenciesinstall, i         Install a project's dependenciesupdate, up         Update a project's dependenciestree               (Deprecated) Tree prints the dependencies of this project as a tree.list               List prints all dependencies that the present code references.info               Info prints information about this projectcache-clear, cc    Clears the Glide cache.about              Learn about Glidemirror             Manage mirrorshelp, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one commandGLOBAL OPTIONS:--yaml value, -y value  Set a YAML configuration file. (default: "glide.yaml")--quiet, -q             Quiet (no info or debug messages)--debug                 Print debug verbose informational messages--home value            The location of Glide files (default: "/home/users/qiangmzsx/.glide") [$GLIDE_HOME]--tmp value             The temp directory to use. Defaults to systems temp [$GLIDE_TMP]--no-color              Turn off colored output for log messages--help, -h              show help--version, -v           print the version



篇幅有限,我只介绍经常使用到的。 先进入在GOPATH的一个项目中。

cd $GOPATH/src/foor

初始化 (glide init)

$ glide init
[INFO]  Generating a YAML configuration file and guessing the dependencies
[INFO]  Attempting to import from other package managers (use --skip-import to skip)
[INFO]  Scanning code to look for dependencies
[INFO]  --> Found reference to github.com/urfave/cli
[INFO]  Writing configuration file (glide.yaml)
[INFO]  Would you like Glide to help you find ways to improve your glide.yaml configuration?
[INFO]  If you want to revisit this step you can use the config-wizard command at any time.
[INFO]  Yes (Y) or No (N)?
[INFO]  Loading mirrors from mirrors.yaml file
[INFO]  Looking for dependencies to make suggestions on
[INFO]  --> Scanning for dependencies not using version ranges
[INFO]  --> Scanning for dependencies using commit ids
[INFO]  Gathering information on each dependency
[INFO]  --> This may take a moment. Especially on a codebase with many dependencies
[INFO]  --> Gathering release information for dependencies
[INFO]  --> Looking for dependency imports where versions are commit ids
[INFO]  Here are some suggestions...
[INFO]  The package github.com/urfave/cli appears to have Semantic Version releases (http://semver.org).
[INFO]  The latest release is v1.19.1. You are currently not using a release. Would you like
[INFO]  to use this release? Yes (Y) or No (N)
[INFO]  Would you like to remember the previous decision and apply it to future
[INFO]  dependencies? Yes (Y) or No (N)
[INFO]  Updating github.com/urfave/cli to use the release v1.19.1 instead of no release
[INFO]  The package github.com/urfave/cli appears to use semantic versions (http://semver.org).
[INFO]  Would you like to track the latest minor or patch releases (major.minor.patch)?
[INFO]  Tracking minor version releases would use '>= 1.19.1, < 2.0.0' ('^1.19.1'). Tracking patch version
[INFO]  releases would use '>= 1.19.1, < 1.20.0' ('~1.19.1'). For more information on Glide versions
[INFO]  and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions
[INFO]  Minor (M), Patch (P), or Skip Ranges (S)?
[INFO]  Would you like to remember the previous decision and apply it to future
[INFO]  dependencies? Yes (Y) or No (N)
[INFO]  Updating github.com/urfave/cli to use the range ~1.19.1 instead of commit id v1.19.1
[INFO]  Configuration changes have been made. Would you like to write these
[INFO]  changes to your configuration file? Yes (Y) or No (N)
[INFO]  Writing updates to configuration file (glide.yaml)
[INFO]  You can now edit the glide.yaml file.:
[INFO]  --> For more information on versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions/
[INFO]  --> For details on additional metadata see https://glide.sh/docs/glide.yaml/
$ ll
$ cat glide.yaml
package: foor
import: []

在初始化过程中, glide 会询问一些问题。 glide.yaml记载了依赖包的列表及其更新规则,每次执行 glide up 时,都会按照指定的规则(如只下载补丁(patch)不下载升级(minor))下载新版。


package: foor
homepage: https://github.com/qiangmzsx
license: MIT
- name: qiangmzsxemail: qiangmzsx@hotmail.comhomepage: https://github.com/qiangmzsx
# 去除包
- appengine
- golang.org/x/net
# 排除目录
- node_modules
# 导入包
- package: github.com/astaxie/beegoversion: 1.8.0
- package: github.com/coocood/freecache
- package: github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis
- package: github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
- package: github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
- package: git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
- package: github.com/smartystreets/goconveysubpackages:- convey


  • package:顶部的 package 是它所在GOPATH的位置,glide 将从该位置下开始导包。

  • homepage:该项目的详情页面。

  • license:许可证标识,可以是SPDX license字符串或文件路径。

  • owners:项目的所有者信息,便于接受漏洞信息。

  • ignore:忽略导入的包,注意是包而不是目录。

  • excludeDirs:排除扫描依赖的目录。

  • import:import 的包列表:

    • package:导入包的名称,必填。软件包名称遵循go工具所用的相同模式。这意味着:1、映射到VCS远程位置的软件包名称以.git,.bzr,.hg或.svn结尾。 例如,example.com/foo/pkg.git/subpkg。2、GitHub, BitBucket, Launchpad, IBM Bluemix Services, and Go on Google Source是特殊情况,不需要 VCS 扩展。

    • version:可以为semantic version, semantic version range, branch, tag 或者 commit id。

    • repo:如果包名称不是repo位置或这是一个私人存储库,它可以去这里。 该软件包将从repo签出并放在软件包名称指定的位置。 这允许使用fork。

    • vcs:要使用的VCS,如git,hg,bzr或svn。仅当无法从名称中检测到类型时才需要。例如,以.git或GitHub结尾的仓库可以被检测为Git。 对于Bitbucket的repo,我们可以联系API来发现类型。

    • subpackages:在存储库中使用的包的记录。这不包括存储库中的所有包,而是包括正在使用的包。

    • os:用于过滤的操作系统的列表。如果设置它将比较当前运行时操作系统与指定的操作系统,并且只有获取匹配的依赖。如果未设置过滤,则跳过。这些名称与构建标志和GOOS环境变量中使用的名称相同。

    • arch:用于过滤的体系结构列表。如果设置它将比较当前运行时架构与指定的架构,并且只有在匹配时获取依赖关系。如果未设置过滤,则跳过。名称与构建标志和GOARCH环境变量中使用的名称相同。

  • testImport:在导入中未列出的测试中使用的软件包列表。每个包具有与导入下列出的相同的详细信息。


=: equal (aliased to no operator)
!=: not equal
>: greater than
<: less than
>=: greater than or equal to
<=: less than or equal to1.2 - 1.4.5 which is equivalent to >= 1.2, <= 1.4.5
2.3.4 - 4.5 which is equivalent to >= 2.3.4, <= 4.5
1.2.x is equivalent to >= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0>= 1.2.x is equivalent to >= 1.2.0
<= 2.x is equivalent to < 3
* is equivalent to >= 0.0.0~1.2.3 is equivalent to >= 1.2.3, < 1.3.0
~1 is equivalent to >= 1, < 2
~2.3 is equivalent to >= 2.3, < 2.4
~1.2.x is equivalent to >= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0
~1.x is equivalent to >= 1, < 2^1.2.3 is equivalent to >= 1.2.3, < 2.0.0
^1.2.x is equivalent to >= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0
^2.3 is equivalent to >= 2.3, < 3
^2.x is equivalent to >= 2.0.0, < 3


安装依赖 (glide install)


$ glide install
[ERROR]    Failed to parse /home/users/xxxx/golang/src/foor/glide.yaml: yaml: invalid leading UTF-8 octet


$ glide install
[INFO]    Lock file (glide.lock) does not exist. Performing update.
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Detected semantic version. Setting version for github.com/astaxie/beego to v1.8.0
[INFO]    Resolving imports
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    Setting references for remaining imports
[INFO]    Exporting resolved dependencies...
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Exporting git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    Replacing existing vendor dependencies
[INFO]    Project relies on 6 dependencies.
$ ll
total 12
$ ll vendor/

看到glide.look了吗,这个文件记载了依赖包确定的revision, 下次再执行 glide install 时,会直接读这个文件下载确定的版本。

升级版本 (glide up)

glide up 会按照语义化版本规则更新依赖包代码,开发过程中如果需要使用新版代码,可以执行这个命令: 修改一下glide.yaml中的一个Package.

- package: github.com/astaxie/beegoversion: 1.8.3

执行glide up。

$ glide up
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Detected semantic version. Setting version for github.com/astaxie/beego to v1.8.3
[INFO]    Resolving imports
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    Setting references for remaining imports
[INFO]    Exporting resolved dependencies...
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Exporting git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    Replacing existing vendor dependencies
[INFO]    Project relies on 6 dependencies.

添加并下载依赖 (glide get)

除了自动从代码中解析 import 外,glide 还可以通过 glide get 直接下载代码中没有的依赖,与 go get 的用法基本一致:

$ glide get github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    Preparing to install 1 package.
[INFO]    Attempting to get package github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Gathering release information for github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Adding github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map to your configuration
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Fetching github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    Resolving imports
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    --> Detected semantic version. Setting version for github.com/astaxie/beego to v1.8.3
[INFO]    Exporting resolved dependencies...
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Exporting git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    Replacing existing vendor dependencies

使用镜像 (glide mirror)

[WARN]    Unable to checkout golang.org/x/crypto
[ERROR]    Update failed for golang.org/x/crypto: Cannot detect VCS
[ERROR]    Failed to do initial checkout of config: Cannot detect VCS

这几行信息估计很多人都是遇到过的。在我天朝或者在公司内部都可能不能访问一些站点,导致很Golang的依赖包不能通过go get下载。此时也就是glide大发神威的时候到了,可以通过配置将墙了的版本库 URL 映射到没被墙的 URL,甚至也可以映射到本地版本库。 将golang.org映射到github: 修改glide.yaml加入

- package: golang.org/x/crypto


$ glide mirror set golang.org/x/crypto github.com/golang/crypto
[INFO]    golang.org/x/crypto being set to github.com/golang/crypto
[INFO]    mirrors.yaml written with changes
$ glide up
[INFO]    Loading mirrors from mirrors.yaml file
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Fetching golang.org/x/crypto
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Detected semantic version. Setting version for github.com/astaxie/beego to v1.8.3
[INFO]    Resolving imports
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    Setting references for remaining imports
[INFO]    Exporting resolved dependencies...
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Exporting golang.org/x/crypto
[INFO]    --> Exporting git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    Replacing existing vendor dependencies
[INFO]    Project relies on 8 dependencies.
$ ll vendor/

终于看到golang.org啦!!! 细心的你一定已经发现了

[INFO]    mirrors.yaml written with changes

说明执行glide mirror时候镜像配置写入到的是$HOME/.glide/mirrors.yaml中,打开看看。

- original: golang.org/x/cryptorepo: github.com/golang/crypto

还可以映射到本地目录。 推荐大家可以去https://www.golangtc.com/download/package下载很多Golang类库。 现在我去下载了:https://www.golangtc.com/static/download/packages/golang.org.x.text.tar.gz,解压到本地目录/home/users/qiangmzsx/var/golang/golang.org/x/text

$ glide mirror set golang.org/x/text /home/users/qiangmzsx/var/golang/golang.org/x/text
[INFO]    golang.org/x/text being set to /home/users/qiangmzsx/var/golang/golang.org/x/text
[INFO]    mirrors.yaml written with changes
$ glide up
[INFO]    Loading mirrors from mirrors.yaml file
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    --> Fetching golang.org/x/text
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for golang.org/x/crypto
[INFO]    --> Fetching updates for github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Detected semantic version. Setting version for github.com/astaxie/beego to v1.8.3
[INFO]    Resolving imports
[INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
[INFO]    Setting references for remaining imports
[INFO]    Exporting resolved dependencies...
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/astaxie/beego
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/coocood/freecache
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/garyburd/redigo
[INFO]    --> Exporting github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map
[INFO]    --> Exporting golang.org/x/text
[INFO]    --> Exporting golang.org/x/crypto
[INFO]    --> Exporting git.oschina.net/qiangmzsx/beegofreecache
[INFO]    Replacing existing vendor dependencies
[INFO]    Project relies on 9 dependencies.



GLOBAL OPTIONS:--yaml value, -y value  Set a YAML configuration file. (default: "glide.yaml")--quiet, -q             Quiet (no info or debug messages)--debug                 Print debug verbose informational messages--home value            The location of Glide files (default: "/home/users/qiangmzsx/.glide") [$GLIDE_HOME]--tmp value             The temp directory to use. Defaults to systems temp [$GLIDE_TMP]--no-color              Turn off colored output for log messages--help, -h              show help--version, -v           print the version


 $ glide -y qiangmzsx.yaml

在官网中会看到一个GLIDE_HOME变量,该变量就是/home/users/qiangmzsx/.glide。 这个目录之前有提到过,除了包含有mirrors.yaml还有一个很重要的目录cache本地 cache,每次更新代码时, glide 都会在本地保存 cache,以备下次 glide install 使用 。


 $ glide  --home /home/glide



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