
上周电脑重装,换了ubuntu 16.04,想起来之前上课老师也是ubuntu而且他还提到他桌面是他自己写的个小脚本实现的自动更换桌面壁纸的,昨天晚上心血来潮自己网上搜了点资料实现了一下 = =


功能的话,是从必应壁纸爬取最新的那张壁纸,然后本来因为我怕电脑又放了太多东西,就设置了个图片最大的数目,到达这个阈值就删除所有的图片= =|| 通过python的os模块,设置壁纸,这里可以参考:how-to-change-desktop-background-from-command-line-in-unity , 还有就是考虑到刚开机时我不一定连得上网(辛酸 T_T),所以设置了一个爬取的间隔

Release1.0 代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/bash# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# This is a script which can change background automatically #
# every time the system starts.                               #
# author: Huang Zhenyang                                     #
# email: 745125931@qq.com                                    #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- ## ----- Import ----- #
import os
import re
import urllib
import time
import socket
# --- End Import --- #class Spider(object):"""This is the spider to get the img from being"""def __init__( self, img_matched_pattern_para, url_para, file_name_para ):"""init function:param img_matched_pattern_para: the pattern to match a img:param url_para: url to crawler:param file_name_para: file name"""self.img_matched_pattern = img_matched_pattern_paraself.url = url_paraself.file_name = file_name_paradef get_img(self):"""download the image:return:"""html = self.get_html()img_pos = re.search(self.img_matched_pattern, html)img_page_href = self.url + img_pos.group()[6:-7] + "download"urllib.urlretrieve(img_page_href, self.file_name)def get_html(self):"""return the html:return: page's html <type 'str'>"""page = urllib.urlopen(self.url)html = page.read()return htmlclass Controller(object):"""This is the controller to control the spider's parameters."""def __init__(self, pattern_href_para, path_para, url_para, img_max_num_para):""":param pattern_href_para: href's match pattern:param path_para: path to save images:param url_para: url:param img_max_num_para: max number that the"""self.pattern_href = pattern_href_paraself.path = path_paraself.url = url_paraself.img_max_num = img_max_num_paraself.file_name = ""self.init_file_name = "0.jpg"self.file_extension_name = ".jpg"def judge(self):"""judge if the number of images is grater than img_max_num.if true, delete all of them and then run spider, else directly run spider.Also, we should set the file name.:return:"""root = None_dirs = Nonefiles = Nonefor root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.path, True):passfiles_len = len(files)if files_len == 10:for i in range(0, 10):os.remove(root + files[i])self.file_name = self.path + self.init_file_nameelse:self.file_name = self.path + str(files_len) + self.file_extension_namedef run_spider(self):"""run spider.TODO: This function needs to be modified in the future which makes these two class coupling too much.:return:"""# In case user's computer hasn't connect the internet.for i in range(0, 60):try:spider = Spider(self.pattern_href, self.url, self.file_name)spider.get_img()breakexcept IOError as e:print "Connection error: %s" % etime.sleep(60)continueexcept Exception as e:print "Connection error: %s" % etime.sleep(60)continuec_path = '"file://' + self.file_name + '"'  # absolute path# call system command to change the gnome backgroundos.system('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri ' + c_path)print "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri " + c_pathif __name__ == '__main__':pattern_href = r'href="/photo/.*?"'path = '/home/hzy/图片/backgrounds/'url = 'https://bing.ioliu.cn/'img_max_num = 10controller = Controller(pattern_href, path, url, img_max_num)controller.judge()controller.run_spider()



[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Python Program
Exec=python /home/hzy/Script/autoChangeBackgroundImg/autoChangeBackgroundImg.py


  1. Exec 后面的路径就是该脚本的路径
  2. Icon的话可以自己随便找个图片,设置成该路径即可

Release1.1 代码


  1. 1.0的代码已经无法使用,必应高清壁纸和之前不太一样了,图片的下载链接不再能通过原来的方式获取
  2. 原来使用的urllib.urlretrieve()方法得到的不是图片,而是图片所在网页的整个html,改用urllib2.urlopen()方法获取
  3. 思路是先从必应高清壁纸中得到最新的图片的具体页面链接,再到该页面中匹配出图片的具体url。需要注意的是,图片具体页面中显示的图片url可以匹配的字段为class="mark"




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/bash# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# This is a script which can change background automatically #
# every time the system start.                               #
# author: Huang Zhenyang                                     #
# email: 745125931@qq.com                                    #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- ## ----- Import ----- #
import os
import re
import urllib
import urllib2
import time
import socket
# --- End Import --- #class Spider(object):"""This is the spider to get the img from being"""def __init__( self, img_matched_pattern_para, url_para, file_name_para ):"""init function:param img_matched_pattern_para: the pattern to match a img:param url_para: url to crawler:param file_name_para: file name"""self.img_matched_pattern = img_matched_pattern_paraself.url = url_paraself.file_name = file_name_paradef get_img(self):"""download the image:return:"""html = self.get_html()img_pos = re.findall(self.img_matched_pattern, html)img_href_arr = []for each in img_pos:if 'th?id=' not in each:img_href_arr.append(each)img_page_href = self.url + img_href_arr[0][6:]# print("img_page_href: ", img_page_href)img_url_pattern = 'data-progressive="(.*?jpg)"'img_page_html = urllib.urlopen(img_page_href).read()# print("img_page_html: ", img_page_html)img_url = re.findall(img_url_pattern, img_page_html)[0]# print("img_url: ", img_url)header = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) \AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) \Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36','Cookie': 'AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1'}request = urllib2.Request(img_url, None, header)response = urllib2.urlopen(request)with open(self.file_name, "wb") as f:f.write(response.read())def get_html(self):"""return the html:return: page's html <type 'str'>"""page = urllib.urlopen(self.url)html = page.read()return htmlclass Controller(object):"""This is the controller to control the spider's parameters."""def __init__(self, pattern_href_para, path_para, url_para, img_max_num_para):""":param pattern_href_para: href's match pattern:param path_para: path to save images:param url_para: url:param img_max_num_para: max number that the"""self.pattern_href = pattern_href_paraself.path = path_paraself.url = url_paraself.img_max_num = img_max_num_paraself.file_name = ""self.init_file_name = "0.jpg"self.file_extension_name = ".jpg"def judge(self):"""judge if the number of images is grater than img_max_num.if true, delete all of them and then run spider, else directly run spider.Also, we should set the file name.:return:"""root = None_dirs = Nonefiles = Nonefor root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.path, True):passfiles_len = len(files)if files_len == 10:for i in range(0, 10):os.remove(root + files[i])self.file_name = self.path + self.init_file_nameelse:self.file_name = self.path + str(files_len) + self.file_extension_namedef run_spider(self):"""run spider.TODO: This function needs to be modified in the future which makes these two class coupling too much.:return:"""spider = Spider(self.pattern_href, self.url, self.file_name)# In case user's computer hasn't connect the internet.for i in range(0, 60):try:spider.get_img()breakexcept IOError as e:print "Connection error: %s" % etime.sleep(60)continueexcept Exception as e:print "Connection error: %s" % etime.sleep(60)continuec_path = '"file://' + self.file_name + '"'  # absolute path# call system command to change the gnome backgroundos.system('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri ' + c_path)print "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri " + c_pathif __name__ == '__main__':pattern_href = r'href="/photo/.*?"'path = '/home/huangzhenyang/图片/backgrounds/'url = 'https://bing.ioliu.cn'img_max_num = 10controller = Controller(pattern_href, path, url, img_max_num)controller.judge()controller.run_spider()

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