
by Daryll Santos

达里尔·桑托斯(Daryll Santos)

那么我们如何解决Twitter? 用户界面改造将是一个不错的起点。 (So how do we fix Twitter? A user interface revamp would be a good place to start.)

It’s no secret that Twitter has been struggling to grow its user base. To fix this, they’ve laid out a long-term strategy to turn around its business by focusing on five areas:

Twitter一直在努力扩大其用户群 ,这已不是什么秘密。 为了解决这个问题,他们制定了一项长期战略, 着眼于五个领域来扭转业务局面 :

  1. Its core service其核心服务
  2. Live-streaming video直播视频
  3. The site’s “creators and influencers”该网站的“创作者和影响者”
  4. Safety安全
  5. Developers开发者

Two things that stuck out to me in that statement are 1) focus on its core service (tweeting) and 2) live-streaming video (Periscope).


Those stuck out to me because just recently, I convinced a friend to join Twitter. When he landed on the feed, his first questions were “how do I Tweet?” and “how do I go live?”

那些人对我很感兴趣,因为就在最近,我说服了一个朋友加入Twitter。 当他着陆在饲料上时,他的第一个问题是“我如何鸣叫?” 和“我该如何生活?”

Seeing as how those are key features of Twitter, I’d think that those should be the most intuitive things to do, even for a new user.


目标 (Objectives)

  1. Make Tweeting intuitive: Tweeting is the driving force behind Twitter; the staple that drives their product. So, right when a new user completes the registration process, the user should know, right away, how to Tweet.

    使推文变得直观:推文是Twitter背后的推动力; 驱动产品的钉书钉。 因此,当新用户完成注册过程时,该用户应立即知道如何进行鸣叫。

  2. Make going Live more intuitive: Twitter spent $86.6M on Periscope to provide their users the ability to live-video stream through their mobile app. It’s also a huge market, and it’s no surprise that Facebook is attacking it so aggressively. With that in mind, why isn’t this functionality more accessible? For example, I remember a time when my friend was at a concert trying to live stream an artist walking out onto the stage. He missed the moment because he wasn’t able to go live quickly enough.

    使上线更直观: Twitter在Periscope上花费了8,660万美元,以使其用户能够通过其移动应用进行实时视频流传输。 这也是一个巨大的市场 ,Facebook如此积极地攻击它也就不足为奇了。 考虑到这一点,为什么不能更方便地使用此功能? 例如,我记得有一次我的朋友在一场音乐会上试图直播一位艺术家走出舞台。 他错过了片刻,因为他不能足够快地上线。

  3. *Bonus* Update the Twitter feed: I’ve always felt that the Home Feed was a little too squished together. A few minor changes would benefit it tremendously. It’s also been some time since they’ve updated this, so a fresh face would be nice!

    *奖金*更新Twitter feed :我一直觉得Home Feed太挤了。 进行一些小的更改将极大地受益。 他们已经更新了这已经有一段时间了,所以换一张新面Kong会很不错的!

用户角色 (User Personas)

Of course, it’s always important to know your users. 37% of Twitter’s users are aged 18–29 and that’s also their largest user base, meaning that Twitter’s users are largely the tech-savvy, social media addicted, live-video streaming millennials. Knowing this, it’s imperative to make important features of Twitter (Tweeting and Periscope) more accessible to them.

当然,了解您的用户始终很重要。 37%的Twitter用户年龄在18-29岁之间 ,这也是他们最大的用户群,这意味着Twitter的用户主要是精通技术,社交媒体上瘾的实时视频流千禧一代。 知道这一点,就必须使Twitter的重要功能(Tweeting和Periscope)更易于使用。

用户研究 (User Research)

To ensure I made the best design choices possible and validate my objectives, I ran a survey to pinpoint the thoughts of Twitter users. Specifically, I aimed to discover:

为了确保我做出最佳的设计选择并验证我的目标,我进行了一项调查以查明Twitter用户的想法。 具体来说,我旨在发现:

  1. The ease-of-use level of tweeting for new users新用户发推的易用性级别
  2. How aware Twitter users are of the ability to go live (Periscope)Twitter用户如何了解上线能力(潜望镜)
  3. The ease-of-use level of live (Periscope)实时的易用性(潜望镜)

1.便于新用户使用 (1. Ease of Use for New Users)

I ran a survey and found that only 5/10 users (50%) found Tweeting easy to do at their first go-around. For their core service to only be easy for 5/10 people seems to be a bit of a concern because without it, there is no Twitter. I definitely think a UI improvement could help with this.

我进行了一项调查,发现只有5/10个用户(占50%)发现Tweeting在初次尝试时就很容易做到。 对于他们的核心服务来说,只有5/10人才能轻松使用它似乎有点令人担忧,因为没有它,就不会有Twitter。 我绝对认为UI的改进可以对此有所帮助。

2./3。 潜望镜的意识和易用程度 (2./3. Awareness of Periscope and Ease-of-Use Level)

It amazed me to find that only 43% (10/23) of Twitter users I asked knew that they could live-video stream! Additionally, these weren’t just any random users. These were people that have been using Twitter for years and are in the 18–24 and 25–34 age group.

令我惊讶的是,我询问的Twitter用户中只有43%(10/23)知道他们可以直播视频! 此外,这些不仅仅是随机用户。 这些人已经使用Twitter多年,年龄在18-24岁和25-34岁之间。

技术分析 (Technical Analysis)

First, understanding Twitter’s current layout will inform us of how it tends to its users’ needs. I’ve laid out the UI and split it up into blocks, as each block has a purpose, and in each block, we’ll see what/how it can be improved. Let’s take a look:

首先,了解Twitter的当前布局将使我们了解它如何满足其用户需求。 我已经布置了UI并将其分成几个块,因为每个块都有其用途,在每个块中,我们将看到可以对其进行改进的方式。 让我们来看看:

  • Block 1: This is basically Twitter’s bread and butter since this is where users go to Tweet. I believe it can be improved because the Tweet button is out of the thumb’s natural radius zone (see change 1 below).区块1:基本上,这就是Twitter的生死存亡,因为这是用户访问Tweet的地方。 我相信它可以改善,因为“ Tweet”按钮不在拇指的自然半径范围内(请参见下面的更改1)。
  • Block 2: This is where the Twitter feed is. There’s nothing wrong with it, but I believe a minor improvement can make it better.块2:这是Twitter feed所在的位置。 没什么错,但是我相信稍作改进可以使它更好。
  • Block 3: This is where users go to navigate through the different Twitter views. There’s nothing wrong with it, but since users constantly have their eyes down here, a key addition would probably help them reach their long-term goals.块3:用户可以在这里浏览不同的Twitter视图。 没什么错,但是由于用户经常将视线放在这里,因此添加一些关键内容可能会帮助他们实现长期目标。

结果 (Results)

变更1:改善核心服务:重新定位并更改“鸣叫”按钮 (Change 1: Improve Core Service: Relocate and change the Tweet button)

By moving the Tweet button to the bottom-middle, adding a label, increasing its size, and giving it color, users will know exactly what that button is just by looking at it. Also, by giving it a background color, it acts as a call to action that essentially tells the user “Hey! Press me!”

通过将“ Tweet”按钮移动到底部的中间,添加标签,增加其大小,并为其赋予颜色,用户只需查看一下按钮,即可确切知道该按钮的含义。 此外,通过为其提供背景色,它可以充当号召性用语,从本质上告诉用户“嘿! 按我!”

Most importantly, it’s in an easier location for users to press due to being in a comfortable location for thumbs (see picture above).


变更2:通过将Periscope Live移至家庭供稿来改善实时视频流 (Change 2: Improve Live-Video Streaming by moving Periscope Live to the Home feed)

In conjunction with Twitter focusing on live-streaming (Periscope), the idea for this change came when I saw my buddy miss that moment at a concert he wanted to record live, because it took him too much time to hit Periscope. By the time he had gone live, the intro he wanted to capture had already been missed. Yes, he could have activated it earlier. But sometimes life’s moments need to be caught quickly.

结合Twitter专注于实时流媒体(潜望镜),当我看到我的好友错过了他想录制现场演唱会的那一刻,因为我花了太多时间来打动潜望镜时,这种改变的想法就来了。 到他上线时,他想捕捉的介绍片已经错过了。 是的,他本可以提前激活它。 但是有时候生活的时刻需要被Swift抓住。

The current 3-step process to go live goes like this:


  1. Hit the Tweet button点击推特按钮
  2. Wait for the Tweet view to slide up等待推文视图向上滑动
  3. Hit “Live”打“现场”

For the sake of speed, it should be:


  1. Hit “Live”打“现场”

That’s it. Just one step.

而已。 只需一步。

To do this, I had to remove the Live button from the Tweet view and bring it to the Home view. By bringing it there, it’s accessible in just 1 step.

为此,我必须从“推文”视图中删除“实时”按钮,并将其带到“主视图”。 通过将其带到那里,只需一步即可访问它。

变更3:更新供稿 (Change 3: Update the feed)

Twitter’s feed is pretty good, but I believe a few minor changes can improve it.


  • I changed the Twitter icon to look less similar to the buttons near it (Messages & Live) because their weights looked too similar. By having drastically different weights, it’s easier for users to know that it’s not a button without having to press it.我更改了Twitter图标,使其看起来不太像它旁边的按钮(“消息和实时”),因为它们的权重看上去太相似了。 通过具有截然不同的重量,用户可以更轻松地知道它不是必须按下的按钮。
  • I added space in-between each tweet so they’re less cramped together. This helps people identify conversations on their feeds easier, since chains are spaced from the rest of the Tweets now.我在每条推文之间添加了空间,以减少它们的局促性。 由于链与现在的其他Tweet隔开了,因此这有助于人们更轻松地识别其供稿上的对话。
  • I changed the AVI frame from a rounded square to a circle.我将AVI框架从圆角正方形更改为圆形。

结论 (Conclusion)

Twitter is one of my favorite apps and I use it daily, so working on this project was fun for me to work on. I also knew this would be a great way for me to hone my design capabilities, seeing as how Twitter is already a great mobile app.

Twitter是我最喜欢的应用程序之一,我每天都使用它,因此从事这个项目对我来说很有趣。 我也知道这对我来说是磨练设计能力的好方法,因为Twitter早已是一个出色的移动应用程序。

I built an ? interactive prototype here ? using Sketch and Invision.

我建了一个? 我在这里互动原型吗? 使用Sketch和Invision。

If you’ve read this far, I appreciate you! Hopefully, I’ve written something that was helpful or interesting to you.

如果您已经阅读了本文,我将不胜感激! 希望我写了一些对您有帮助或有趣的东西。

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs

“设计不仅是外观和感觉。 设计就是它的工作方式。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

Thanks for reading and happy designing!




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