Yale university 2017年12月发布的基于机器学习中流形学习的单细胞降维降噪处理优化。

The manifold learning:


常见的MFL:PCA、MDS、diffusion mapping等,图下为不同方法的优劣简介。

本文关键词:MFL(Manifold models can also be useful for analyzing data generated from disparate dynamics or profiles as the data can be modeled with several disconnected mani- folds)、DPT(a pseudotime trajectory through the data to describe a latent axis of development or cell state transition)、DPT method(to find a major axis of variability in the data, DPT defines a distance from a source cell to all other cells over a modified transition operator that includes only non- trivial diffusion components. This produces trajec- tories of nonlinear variation across a dataset)


gene selection, 

manifold learning, 

cell organization,

Dimensionality reduction and visualization,

Density estimation and clustering。

而整体的前三步统称为pseudotime methods。





Comparison of pseudotime methods. Pseudotime methods(four kinds of method) may generally be broken down into three stages: gene selection, manifold learning, and cell organization.


A current limitation of these methods is their reliance to varying degrees on assumptions about the underlying shape of the data (数据潜在形态的假设几何对后期分型影响很大)(e.g. a tree, bifurcating trajectory, etc.)

而他们开发的DPT,也就是最后一种方法:provideing two significant advantages over other pseudotemporal techniques. First, working directly on a diffusion map does not require any greedy computational steps(层级聚类的经典算法,每一步都是贪婪模型,也就是局部最优而不是树的全局最优). Second and most importantly, because DPT operates directly on the diffusion space, it features the least coarse graining or over-fitting of data into low-dimensional assumptions(DPT的工作对象是整体的扩散空间,而不是二分支结构以及树状结构,所以可以以最小的粗粒度过拟合到低维空间).


三种降维分析的验证以及模拟数据点的jaccard index similarity validation in jaccard graph ,I mentioned in one piece of previous blog

文章整篇都是叙述性的算法介绍,而没有任何公示和代码stick up。就本人拙见,比较重要的机器学习思维是其中的manifold learning,pseudotime method,以及根据MFL衍生出来的降维分析方法。



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