Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol是乐器(instruments),控制器(controllers)和电脑(computers)之间的的通信协议
MIDI不直接发送音频信号,而是发送event messages,包含了musical notes,controller signals(volume,vibrato,panning,cues,clock signals)来设置tempo等。

Web MIDI API 将不会实现高级的概念,比如sequencing,不直接支持 MIDI文件(MIDI播放器可以使用Web MIDI API创建)


The feature name for requestMIDIAccess() is midi

partial interface Navigator {[SecureContext] Promise <MIDIAccess> requestMIDIAccess(optional MIDIOptions options = {});

MIDIOptions Dictionary

dictionary MIDIOptions {boolean sysex;boolean software;

MIDIInputMap Interface

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface MIDIInputMap {readonly maplike <DOMString, MIDIInput>;

This type is used to represent all the currently available MIDI input ports.

// to tell how many entries there are:
var numberOfMIDIInputs = inputs.size;// add each of the ports to a <select> box
inputs.forEach( function( port, key ) {var opt = document.createElement("option");opt.text =;document.getElementById("inputportselector").add(opt);

MIDIOutputMap Interface

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface MIDIOutputMap {readonly maplike <DOMString, MIDIOutput>;

This type is used to represent all the currently available MIDI output ports. This enables:

// to tell how many entries there are:
var numberOfMIDIOutputs = outputs.size;// add each of the ports to a <select> box
outputs.forEach( function( port, key ) {var opt = document.createElement("option");opt.text =;document.getElementById("outputportselector").add(opt);

MIDIAccess Interface

provides the methods to list MIDI input and output devices, and obtain access to an individual device

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface MIDIAccess: EventTarget {readonly attribute MIDIInputMap inputs;readonly attribute MIDIOutputMap outputs;attribute EventHandler onstatechange;readonly attribute boolean sysexEnabled;
属性 描述
inputs MIDI输入
outputs MIDI输出
onstatechange 新的端口连接,或者已有的端口变化

MIDIPort Interface

This interface represents a MIDI input or output port.

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface MIDIPort: EventTarget {readonly attribute DOMString id;readonly attribute DOMString? manufacturer;readonly attribute DOMString? name;readonly attribute MIDIPortType type;readonly attribute DOMString? version;readonly attribute MIDIPortDeviceState state;readonly attribute MIDIPortConnectionState connection;attribute EventHandler onstatechange;Promise <MIDIPort> open();Promise <MIDIPort> close();
属性 描述
id A unique ID of the port
manufacturer 端口的生产商
name 端口的名称
type 输入(input)或输出(output)的标志
state disconnected 或 connected
connection open 或 close 或 pending
open 打开端口
close 关闭端口

MIDIInput Interface

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface MIDIInput: MIDIPort {attribute EventHandler onmidimessage;

MIDIOutput Interface

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface MIDIOutput : MIDIPort {void send(sequence<octet> data, optional DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp = 0);void clear();

MIDIMessageEvent Interface

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window]
interface MIDIMessageEvent : Event {constructor(DOMString type, optional MIDIMessageEventInit eventInitDict = {});readonly attribute Uint8Array data;



var midi = null;  // global MIDIAccess objectfunction onMIDISuccess( midiAccess ) {//如果连接midi设备成功console.log( "MIDI ready!" );midi = midiAccess;  // store in the global (in real usage, would probably keep in an object instance)
}function onMIDIFailure(msg) {//如果连接midi设备失败console.log( "Failed to get MIDI access - " + msg );
}navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then( onMIDISuccess, onMIDIFailure );


function listInputsAndOutputs( midiAccess ) {for (var entry of midiAccess.inputs) {var input = entry[1];console.log( "Input port [type:'" + input.type + "'] id:'" + +"' manufacturer:'" + input.manufacturer + "' name:'" + +"' version:'" + input.version + "'" );}for (var entry of midiAccess.outputs) {var output = entry[1];console.log( "Output port [type:'" + output.type + "'] id:'" + +"' manufacturer:'" + output.manufacturer + "' name:'" + +"' version:'" + output.version + "'" );}


function onMIDIMessage( event ) {var str = "MIDI message received at timestamp " + event.timestamp + "[" + + " bytes]: ";for (var i=0; i<; i++) {str += "0x" +[i].toString(16) + " ";}console.log( str );
}function startLoggingMIDIInput( midiAccess, indexOfPort ) {midiAccess.inputs.forEach( function(entry) {entry.onmidimessage = onMIDIMessage;});


function sendMiddleC( midiAccess, portID ) {var noteOnMessage = [0x90, 60, 0x7f];    // note on, middle C, full velocityvar output = midiAccess.outputs.get(portID);output.send( noteOnMessage );  //omitting the timestamp means send immediately.output.send( [0x80, 60, 0x40], + 1000.0 ); // Inlined array creation- note off, middle C,// release velocity = 64, timestamp = now + 1000ms.
var context=null;   // the Web Audio "context" object
var midiAccess=null;  // the MIDIAccess object.
var oscillator=null;  // the single oscillator
var envelope=null;    // the envelope for the single oscillator
var attack=0.05;      // attack speed
var release=0.05;   // release speed
var portamento=0.05;  // portamento/glide speed
var activeNotes = []; // the stack of actively-pressed keyswindow.addEventListener('load', function() {// patch up prefixeswindow.AudioContext=window.AudioContext||window.webkitAudioContext;context = new AudioContext();if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess)navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then( onMIDIInit, onMIDIReject );elsealert("No MIDI support present in your browser.  You're gonna have a bad time.")// set up the basic oscillator chain, muted to begin with.oscillator = context.createOscillator();oscillator.frequency.setValueAtTime(110, 0);envelope = context.createGain();oscillator.connect(envelope);envelope.connect(context.destination);envelope.gain.value = 0.0;  // Mute the soundoscillator.start(0);  // Go ahead and start up the oscillator
} );function onMIDIInit(midi) {midiAccess = midi;var haveAtLeastOneDevice=false;var inputs=midiAccess.inputs.values();for ( var input =; input && !input.done; input = {input.value.onmidimessage = MIDIMessageEventHandler;haveAtLeastOneDevice = true;}if (!haveAtLeastOneDevice)alert("No MIDI input devices present.  You're gonna have a bad time.");
}function onMIDIReject(err) {alert("The MIDI system failed to start.  You're gonna have a bad time.");
}function MIDIMessageEventHandler(event) {// Mask off the lower nibble (MIDI channel, which we don't care about)switch ([0] & 0xf0) {case 0x90:if ([2]!=0) {  // if velocity != 0, this is a note-on messagenoteOn([1]);return;}// if velocity == 0, fall thru: it's a note-off.  MIDI's weird, y' 0x80:noteOff([1]);return;}
}function frequencyFromNoteNumber( note ) {return 440 * Math.pow(2,(note-69)/12);
}function noteOn(noteNumber) {activeNotes.push( noteNumber );oscillator.frequency.cancelScheduledValues(0);oscillator.frequency.setTargetAtTime( frequencyFromNoteNumber(noteNumber), 0, portamento );envelope.gain.cancelScheduledValues(0);envelope.gain.setTargetAtTime(1.0, 0, attack);
}function noteOff(noteNumber) {var position = activeNotes.indexOf(noteNumber);if (position!=-1) {activeNotes.splice(position,1);}if (activeNotes.length==0) {  // shut off the envelopeenvelope.gain.cancelScheduledValues(0);envelope.gain.setTargetAtTime(0.0, 0, release );} else {oscillator.frequency.cancelScheduledValues(0);oscillator.frequency.setTargetAtTime( frequencyFromNoteNumber(activeNotes[activeNotes.length-1]), 0, portamento );}


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