

Google Performance Tools

The fastest malloc we've seen; works particularly well with threads and STL. Also: thread-friendly heap-checker, heap-profiler, and cpu-profiler.


Perftools is a collection of a high-performance multi-threaded malloc() implementation, plus some pretty nifty performance analysis tools.

Perftools is distributed under the terms of the BSD License.

For downloads, news, and other information, visit our Project Page.


Note: this is by no means complete documentation, but simply gives you an idea of what the API is like.

No recompilation is necessary to use these tools.

TC Malloc:

gcc [...] -ltcmalloc

Heap Checker:

gcc [...] -o myprogram -ltcmalloc
HEAPCHECK=normal ./myprogram

Heap Profiler:

gcc [...] -o myprogram -ltcmalloc
HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/netheap ./myprogram

Cpu Profiler:

gcc [...] -o myprogram -lprofiler
CPUPROFILE=/tmp/profile ./myprogram

Sample Output

The heap profiler can pop up a window that displays information as a directed graph:

The cpu profiler can produce a weighted call graph:


  • thread-caching malloc
  • heap-checking using tcmalloc
  • heap-profiling using tcmalloc
  • CPU profiler


For downloads, please visit our Downloads Page.

Links to Other Sites

Russ Cox's gperftools-httpd, a simple http server based on thttpd that enables remote profiling via google-perftool's pprof.

Brett Viren's Perftools project at the Brookhaven National Laboratory -- a similar project with the same name as Google's. [docs], [download]

Questions and Feedback

While this wiki page allows comments, I don't check it very often. If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please direct them to google-perftools@googlegroups.com.



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