我刚刚对错误的分支做了很好的提交。 如何撤消我的主分支中的最后一次提交,然后进行相同的更改并将它们放入我的升级分支?




git stash                       # skip if all changes are committed
git branch my_feature
git reset --hard origin/master
git checkout my_feature
git stash pop                   # skip if all changes were committed

现在,您的主分支等于origin/master ,所有新提交都在my_feature 。 请注意, my_feature是本地分支,而不是远程分支。




git reset --hard HEAD^


git checkout other-branch
git cherry-pick COMMIT-HASH


另请注意, git reset --hard杀死您可能拥有的任何未经跟踪和修改的更改 ,因此如果您有这些更改 ,您可能更喜欢:

git reset HEAD^
git checkout .



git reset --soft HEAD^

这将恢复提交,但将提交的更改放回到索引中。 假设分支相对于彼此是最新的,git将允许你进入另一个分支,然后你可以简单地提交:

git checkout branch
git commit




git reset --hard HEAD^
git merge COMMIT_SHA1
git push --force



git reset --hard HEAD^^^^


因此,如果您的方案是您已经承诺master但意味着提交another-branch (可能或不存在可能尚未存在),但您尚未推送,这很容易修复。

// if your branch doesn't exist, then add the -b argument
git checkout -b another-branch
git branch --force master origin/master


来自爱的来自: http : //haacked.com/archive/2015/06/29/git-migrate/


如果您想要应用更改的分支已存在(例如,分支开发 ),请按照下面的fotanus提供的说明进行操作,然后:

git checkout develop
git rebase develop my_feature # applies changes to correct branch
git checkout develop # 'cuz rebasing will leave you on my_feature
git merge develop my_feature # will be a fast-forward
git branch -d my_feature




如果遇到此问题但您有Visual Studio,则可以执行以下操作:

右键单击您的分支,然后选择View History

右键单击要返回的提交。 并根据需要恢复或重置。


我最近做了同样的事情,我不小心改变了主人,当我应该致力于其他分支。 但我没有推动任何东西。


// rewind master to point to the commit just before your most recent commit.
// this takes all changes in your most recent commit, and turns them into unstaged changes.
git reset HEAD~1 // temporarily save your unstaged changes as a commit that's not attached to any branch using git stash
// all temporary commits created with git stash are put into a stack of temporary commits.
git stash// create other-branch (if the other branch doesn't already exist)
git branch other-branch// checkout the other branch you should have committed to.
git checkout other-branch// take the temporary commit you created, and apply all of those changes to the new branch.
//This also deletes the temporary commit from the stack of temp commits.
git stash pop// add the changes you want with git add...// re-commit your changes onto other-branch
git commit -m "some message..."

注意:在上面的例子中,我用git reset HEAD~1重写1次提交。 但是如果你想倒回n次提交,那么你可以做git reset HEAD~n。

此外,如果您最终提交到错误的分支,并且在意识到您已经提交到错误的分支之前最终编写了更多代码,那么您可以使用git stash来保存正在进行的工作:

// save the not-ready-to-commit work you're in the middle of
git stash // rewind n commits
git reset HEAD~n // stash the committed changes as a single temp commit onto the stack.
git stash // create other-branch (if it doesn't already exist)
git branch other-branch// checkout the other branch you should have committed to.
git checkout other-branch// apply all the committed changes to the new branch
git stash pop// add the changes you want with git add...// re-commit your changes onto the new branch as a single commit.
git commit -m "some message..."// pop the changes you were in the middle of and continue coding
git stash pop




git checkout develop # You're probably there already
git reflog # Find LAST_GOOD, FIRST_NEW, LAST_NEW hashes
git checkout new_branch
git cherry-pick FIRST_NEW^..LAST_NEW # ^.. includes FIRST_NEW
git reflog # Confirm that your commits are safely home in their new branch!
git checkout develop
git reset --hard LAST_GOOD # develop is now back where it started


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