

Timer interrupt is responsible for decrementing the running process’s timeslice count.When the count reaches zero, need_resched is set and the kernel runs the scheduler as soon as possible

RTC(Real-Time Clock)


System Timer


The timer interrupt is broken into two pieces: an architecture-dependent and an architecture-independent
The architecture-dependent routine is registered as the interrupt handler for the system
timer and, thus, runs when the timer interrupt hits. Its exact job depends on the
given architecture, of course, but most handlers perform at least the following work:
1. Obtain the xtime_lock lock, which protects access to jiffies_64 and the wall
time value, xtime.
2. Acknowledge or reset the system timer as required.
3. Periodically save the updated wall time to the real time clock.
4. Call the architecture-independent timer routine, tick_periodic().

The architecture-independent routine, tick_periodic(), performs much more work:
1. Increment the jiffies_64 count by one. (This is safe, even on 32-bit architectures,
because the xtime_lock lock was previously obtained.)
2. Update resource usages, such as consumed system and user time, for the currently
running process.
3. Run any dynamic timers that have expired (discussed in the following section).
4. Execute scheduler_tick(), as discussed in Chapter 4.
5. Update the wall time, which is stored in xtime.
6. Calculate the infamous load average.


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