4.3. Zend_Cache前端

4.3.1. Zend_Cache_Core 简介

Zend_Cache_Core是一个特别的前端,因为他是模块的核心. 它是一个一般化(generic)的缓存前端,并且由其他类扩展. 可用选项
这些选项被传递给如前面例子中演示的工厂方法. 例子
An example is given in the manual at the very beginning.


// we assume you already have $cache$id = 'myBigLoop'; // cache id of "what we want to cache"if (!($data = $cache->load($id))) {// cache miss$data = '';for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {$data = $data . $i;}$cache->save($data);}// [...] do something with $data (echo it, pass it on etc.)


// make sure you use unique identifiers:
$id1 = 'foo';
$id2 = 'bar';// block 1
if (!($data = $cache->load($id1))) {// cache missed$data = '';for ($i=0;$i<10000;$i++) {$data = $data . $i;}$cache->save($data);}
echo($data);// this isn't affected by caching
echo('NEVER CACHED! ');// block 2
if (!($data = $cache->load($id2))) {// cache missed$data = '';for ($i=0;$i<10000;$i++) {$data = $data . '!';}$cache->save($data);}

如果你想缓存特殊值(带 “automatic_serialization” 选项的布尔值)或不能用上述紧缩结构的空字符串,你需要正式地测试缓存记录。

<?php// the compact construction (not good if you cache empty strings and/or booleans)
if (!($data = $cache->load($id))) {// cache missed// [...] we make $data$cache->save($data);}// we do something with $data// [...]// the complete construction (works in any case)
if (!($cache->test($id))) {// cache missed// [...] we make $data$cache->save($data);} else {// cache hit$data = $cache->load($id);}// we do something with $data

4.3.2. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Output 简介
Zend_Cache_Frontend_Output 是一个输出捕捉前端.它在PHP中使用输出缓冲捕获start() 和 end() 方法间的一切输出. 可用的选项
该前端除了Zend_Cache_Core那些选项外没有任何特定的选项. 例子
An example is given in the manual at the very beginning. Here it is with minor changes:

// if it is a cache miss, output buffering is triggered
if (!($cache->start('mypage'))) {// output everything as usualecho 'Hello world! ';echo 'This is cached ('.time().') ';$cache->end(); // output buffering ends}echo 'This is never cached ('.time().').';

Using this form it is fairly easy to set up output caching in your already working project with little or no code refactoring.

4.3.3. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function Introduction
Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function caches the results of function calls. It has a single main method named call() which takes a function name and parameters for the call in an array. A可用的选项
表 4.2. 函数前端选项 例子
在PHP中使用 call() 函数于使用 call_user_func_array()相同:

$cache->call('veryExpensiveFunc', $params);# $params is an array
# for example to call (with caching) veryExpensiveFunc(1, 'foo', 'bar'), you will use
# $cache->call('veryExpensiveFunc', array(1, 'foo', 'bar'))

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