

Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. Everyone should be in class on time. Every class we should listen to the teachers carefully and quickly get to work on the activity. And we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We should remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.


Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can’t have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.



Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple.

I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.


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