








(2)进入c:Documents and Settings

username>Application DataMathWorksMATLAB























(2)在【目标】中,键入如下内容”$MATLABbinwin32MATLAB.exe” -c

file name>”


to the MATLAB license file>是License文件的绝对路径




Why does MATLAB get stuck in the 'Initializing' state or take

a long time to start on a Windows machine?

Problem Description:

MATLAB opens but the status states 'Initializing' for a long

time. MATLAB takes a long time to launch with or without a remote

license manager.



Licensing issues:


If MATLAB starts, but remains in the "Initializing" state,

MATLAB may be unable to find the licenses on your system. This may

be caused by an improperly set environment variable named

LM_LICENSE_FILE. This variable tells MATLAB and other flexlm

applications where to find the license file. If this variable is

set improperly, MATLAB may search for a license for extended

periods of time. Also if you become disconnected from the network

and you access a network license for toolboxes, MATLAB will hang if

this variable is not set correctly.

This slow startup can also happen if you have a standalone

license for MATLAB, but have the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable set for a

different FLEXlm application.

NOTE: There may also be an MLM_LICENSE_FILE variable. This

variable works only for MATLAB, but MATLAB will still read

LM_LICENSE_FILE if it is set before it reads MLM_LICENSE_FILE. If

you have an MLM_LICENSE_FILE variable, you may get better

performance by switching to LM_LICENSE_FILE

In either case, to fix this problem please do the


1) Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and go to

"Properties". (You may also do this by going to the Control Panel

and double clicking "System."

2) Go to the "Advanced" tab and click on "Environment


3) Under the bottom window, System variables, look for a

variable named LM_LICENSE_FILE

4) If there is an LM_LICENSE_FILE variable already set, skip

to step 5. If there is not, create an LM_LICENSE_FILE variable by

clicking "New" and typing "LM_LICENSE_FILE" in the Variable name


5) Set the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable to the absolute path of

the MATLAB license.dat file for your standalone license first. The

license file should be in the $MATLAB/bin/win32 directory, where

$MATLAB is the root MATLAB directory. If there is more than one

license file, put a semi-colon (;) after the first path, then type

the path to the next license file. Click "OK" to save.

6) Launch MATLAB again.

Option 2


Alternatively, if you use only one license to access MATLAB

and toolboxes, you can specify the license file in the MATLAB

shortcut. To do so, follow these steps:

1) Right-click on a shortcut to MATLAB and select


2) In the "Target" field, enter the following:

"$MATLABROOTbinwin32MATLAB.exe" -c


(where $MATLABROOT is the root MATLAB directory)

3) Click "OK".

4) Launch MATLAB from the shortcut.


Non-licensing issues:


(Make sure you have enabled viewing of hidden files and

folders first)

1. Browse to the folder c:Documents and Settings



2. Remove the directory named "MathWorks"

3. Once this has been removed, restart MATLAB. This directory

will be recreated the next time you start MATLAB.

If that does not resolve the issue, there is a known issue

with MATLAB 7.0 (R14) and the graphics libraries supplied with

certain graphics cards, which do not use memory efficiently, and

cause MATLAB 7.0 (R14) to use virtual memory more frequently than

would be expected. In this case, disabling the hardware graphics

acceleration features of the card may improve the performance of

MATLAB 7.0 (R14). To do so, follow the steps below.

1) Close MATLAB.

2) Right-click on the Windows desktop, and select


3) In the Display Properties window that opens, select the

"Settings" tab, and then click on the "Advanced" button.

4) In the window which opens, select the "Troubleshoot"


5) Set the "Hardware acceleration" slider all the way to the

left, to "None".

6) Click "OK" in this window, and then click OK again in the

Display Properties window.

7) Restart MATLAB.

Solution 2:


In some instances, customers have reported that the anti-virus

application on their machine, which was working in the background,

was slowing down MATLAB. For these customers, disabling the active

scan option for at least the MATLAB directories improved

performance substantially.


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