Day 2: On Your Choices

  • Day 2: On Your Choices
    • MOTTO
    • Part 01
    • Part 02
    • Part 03
    • Part 04
    • Part 05
  • Words
    • **greasy**^1^
    • **swallow**^2^
    • **jeopardize**^3^
    • **precedent**^4^
    • **in a row**^5^
    • **modus operandi**^6^
    • **underestimating**^7^
    • **reverberate**^8^
  • Full Text Translation
    • 第2天:由您选择
    • Part 01
    • Part 02
    • Part 03
    • Part 04
    • Part 05
    • -End-


Day 2: On Your Choices


Your choices are made in a moment, but their consequences will transcend a lifetime.

​ ——MJ DeMarco

Part 01

Eat this greasy1, high-calorie hamburger or prepare a healthy salad? Sleep in and barely get to work on time or wake up at 5 a.m. to work on your side business before going to work at your day job? Stop trying the moment you get rejected or swallow2 your pride and keep going, despite hearing “no” dozens of times?

Part 02

It takes only a moment to make the wrong choice and jeopardize3 your future. What feels like an insignificant decision today can have a great, lasting impact on your future.

Part 03

Each choice sets a precedent4 — and when you make the same wrong choice several times in a row5, it becomes your standard modus operandi6 .

Part 04

While one hamburger every now and then isn’t likely to ruin your overall efforts to lose weight, underestimating7 the impact of repeatedly making the wrong choice can profoundly affect you over the course of the rest of your life.

Part 05

Each time you’re faced with a decision between exerting self-discipline and taking it easy, remind yourself that the choice you’re making today doesn’t affect the present moment alone. A momentary decision can (and often will) reverberate8 for many years or even decades into the future.



英//'griːsɪ/ 美/'grisi/

  • 英:greasy adj.

    a. containing an unusual amount of grease or oil

  • 中:1.adj. 脂肪的,涂有脂肪的,含脂肪过多的
    3.n. 润滑油箱

  • Eg: Keith, you’re getting the remote all greasy.

  • 拓展:oily


英/'swɒləʊ/ 美/'swɑlo/

  • 英:swallow
    a. v.
    pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking

b. n.

the act of swallowing

  • 中:1. vt. 忍受;吞没

    1. vi. 吞下;咽下

    2. n. 燕子;一次吞咽的量

  • Eg: One swallow does not make a summer.

  • 拓展:synonymous: down, get down, ingest


英/'dʒɛpɚdaɪz/ 美/'dʒɛpɚdaɪz/

  • 英:jeopardize v.
    a. pose a threat to; present a danger to

    b. put at risk

  • 中:1. vt. 危及, 损害

  • Eg: The soldier jeopardized his life to save his comrade.

  • 拓展:synonymous:endanger, jeopardise, menace, threaten, imperil, peril


英/'presɪd(ə)nt/ 美/'prɛsɪdənt/

  • 英:precedent
    a. n.
    an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time

b. adj.
preceding in time, order, or significance

  • 中:1. n. 先例;前例

    1. adj. 在前的;在先的
  • Eg: The judgment set a new precedent.

  • 拓展:synonymous :former, preceding, previous, prior

in a row5

  • 中:连续;成一长行

modus operandi6

英/'modəs/ 美/'modəs/

英/ɔpə’rændai/ 美/ɔpə’rændai/

  • 英: a method of procedure
  • Eg: Remind me to stop inquiring about your modus operandi.


英/ʌndər’estɪmeɪt/ 美/ʌndɚ’ɛstəmet/

  • 英:underestimate v.

    a. assign too low a value to
    b. make too low an estimate of


    a. an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value

  • 中:1. vt. 对…估计不足, 低估

    1. n. 估计不足, 低估
  • Eg: Don’t underestimate him. He’s no fool.


英/rɪ’vɜːbəreɪt/ 美/rɪ’vɝbə’ret/

  • 英:reverberate v.
    a. ring or echo with sound

    b. have a long or continuing effect

  • 中:1. vi. 回响;回荡

    1. vt. 使反响; 使回荡; 使反射

    2. adj. 反响(性)的;反射(性)的

  • Eg: Thunder reverberated across the valley.

Full Text Translation




​ ——MJ DeMarco

Part 01

Eat this greasy1, high-calorie hamburger or prepare a healthy salad?

Sleep in and barely get to work on time or wake up at 5 a.m. to work on your side business before going to work at your day job? Stop trying the moment you get rejected or swallow2 your pride and keep going, despite hearing “no” dozens of times?



Part 02

It takes only a moment to make the wrong choice and jeopardize3 your future. What feels like an insignificant decision today can have a great, lasting impact on your future.


Part 03

Each choice sets a precedent4 — and when you make the same wrong choice several times in a row5, it becomes your standard modus operandi6 .


Part 04

While one hamburger every now and then isn’t likely to ruin your overall efforts to lose weight, underestimating7 the impact of repeatedly making the wrong choice can profoundly affect you over the course of the rest of your life.


Part 05

Each time you’re faced with a decision between exerting self-discipline and taking it easy, remind yourself that the choice you’re making today doesn’t affect the present moment alone. A momentary decision can (and often will) reverberate8 for many years or even decades into the future.



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