
I'm using node-mysql and most of the queries. Working. some queries not working.

I tried every version of Node (from 0.5...) until (5.6.0), I also tried (4.0) and (4.1), Nothing helps.

I tried to change maually, and didn't work. I tried to change the sequence file to: this._idleTimeout = -1; and didn't help.

I read the issues and GitHub, and nothing helped.

I can try to fix it by myself, but I need more information. Where is the timeout, why? when? what is this type of message? Where is the timeout came from?

MYSQL_ERROR { [Error: Handshake inactivity timeout]

code: 'PROTOCOL_SEQUENCE_TIMEOUT', fatal: true,

timeout: 10000 }


Ok, the timeout comes from the Protocol.js file line:162. If you checkout node-mysql you'll see that it is a variable "timeout" for queries. If you set the timeout to something a lot higher than 10000, the default, then the error should go away. An example is

pool = require('mysql').createPool({

connectionLimit : 1000,

connectTimeout : 60 * 60 * 1000,

acquireTimeout : 60 * 60 * 1000,

timeout : 60 * 60 * 1000,

host : process.env.DB_HOST,

user : process.env.DB_USERNAME,

password : process.env.DB_PASSWORD,

database : process.env.DB_DATABASE


You can also edit the timeout in the Sequence.js file (node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequence/Sequence.js)

this._timeout = 100000;


If you are using Amazon's services, I was able to resolve this by changing the allowed IP Addresses in the security settings or by changing the open connections ports.


For those deploying on AWS and experiencing this error, you'll need to make a change to the security group of your database/cluster and add an inbound rule where the source is the security group of your instance/s.

The inbound rule should look as follows:

Type: MySQL/Aurora

Protocol: TCP (default)

Port: 3306 (default)




for those deploying on aws and heroku! enter in rds db instance settigns and change the inboud rule --> source: any..

Heroku dont provide a ip specific, remember!


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