
推特 was just updated with a new interface. Now a progressive web app, Twitter’s website is more similar to the mobile versions. But you don’t have to use the new one—you can get the classic Twitter website back in a few clicks.

Twitter.com刚刚更新了一个新界面。 Twitter的网站现已成为一个渐进式Web应用程序 ,其网站与移动版本更加相似。 但是您不必使用新的网站,只需单击几下就可以返回经典的Twitter网站。

简单方法:安装浏览器扩展 (The Easy Way: Install a Browser Extension)

We recommend using the GoodTwitter extension—available for Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox—for this. Install the extension, refresh Twitter, and you’re done.

为此,我们建议使用GoodTwitter扩展程序(适用于Google Chrome或Mozilla Firefox) 。 安装扩展程序,刷新Twitter,您就完成了。

This extension is open-source, so you can see what it does on GitHub. Whenever you access, it sends a user agent saying you’re using Internet Explorer 11. Twitter sends the old, classic web interface to users of this older browser.

该扩展是开源的,因此您可以在GitHub上查看其功能 。 每当您访问Twitter.com时,它都会发送一个用户代理,说您正在使用Internet Explorer11。Twitter会将旧的经典Web界面发送给该旧浏览器的用户。

跳过浏览器扩展:更改用户代理 (Skip the Browser Extension: Change Your User Agent)

If you’d rather do this without the GoodTwitter extension, all you have to do is change your browser’s user agent to Internet Explorer 11 while it’s accessing There are many ways to do this. The main thing is you don’t want to change your browser’s user agent all the time, or you’ll get all sorts of ancient web pages intended for Internet Explorer 11 across the web.

如果您不想在没有GoodTwitter扩展名的情况下进行此操作,那么您要做的就是在访问Twitter.com时将浏览器的用户代理更改为Internet Explorer 11。 有很多方法可以做到这一点。 最主要的是您不想一直更改浏览器的用户代理,否则您会在网络上获得各种旨在用于Internet Explorer 11的古老网页。

For example, in Firefox, you can do this with an about:config preference—no browser extension required.


To do so, type about:config into Firefox’s address bar and press Enter. Click “I Accept the Risk” to bypass the warning. As long as you’re careful about what you modify in about:config and follow the instructions here, you’ll be fine.

为此,请在Firefox的地址栏中键入about:config,然后按Enter。 单击“我接受风险”以绕过警告。 只要您对在about:config中所做的修改保持谨慎,并按照此处的说明进行操作,就可以了。

Right-click on the list of settings and select New > String.


Name it . Give it the value Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko  . Click “OK,” and you’re done.

将其命名为general.useragent.override.twitter.comMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko给它值Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko 。 单击“确定”,完成。

However, you will have to clear Twitter’s cookies and sign back in before your changes take effect. To do so, visit, click the site info icon to the left of the URL, and then click “Clear Cookies and Site Data.”

但是,您必须清除Twitter的cookie并重新登录,然后更改才能生效。 为此,请访问,单击URL左侧的站点信息图标,然后单击“清除Cookie和站点数据”。




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