
Good morning, respected professors.

I am very glad to meet all of you and I want to thank you all for giving me a valuable chance for this interview.

My name is Hu Jin Hong, coming from Changsha.

I am an undergraduate of Hunan university of Chinese medicine

And my major subject is Computer science and technology.

I am a person who dares to innovate and think positively.
During the university, in addition to completing my basic learning tasks, I actively participated in the Project development competition and Programming competition related to my own academics. In the competition, I also learned the WeChat applet development, the use of Axure RP, and IT project management. Etc.

At the same time let me find out the benefits of reference paper before doing what project.
I also joined the innovative experimental plan of our school, and studied the knowledge expression in medicine in the field of computer together with the graduate students.

During my time at school, I served as Student union officer, commissary in charge of studies, commissary in charge of employment, and organize of the school's programming competition.
In my life, I set up the QiMeng class and the corresponding Official Accounts operation, which assumed my Three years of living expenses and Tourism funding;

When studying "Introduction to Data Mining," it is incredible that people can analyze many unexpected results through the relationship between many data. And it can relate to any part of life. 
Therefore, I hope that I can further study in the field of data mining in the postgraduate stage.
Through related technologies in data mining, a software can be better helped to attract users, retain users, and serve users.

The recommendation algorithm used in real life, the discrimination of spam, and the discrimination of red wine quality also indicate that data mining is everywhere.
What I hope more is that through my postgraduate study, I can make the industries involved in computer become broader and using data to solve problems in people's lives.

If I'm lucky enough to be a graduate student, I will try my best to finish my work no matter how difficult it is.

That's all my personal statement.

Thank you for spending your precious time here.


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