







The new day started again, and the campus was filled with a lot of noise. The student is like a tall, straight, straight, dead, dead man, who is not allowed to be the "Mr. Nanguo". On the

campus, the students are refreshed, and a smiling face, like flowers in the flowers. The most comfortable, the feeling of the class of the students, the sound of the reading of the sound of the

reading, makes the person have a kind of unspeakable excitement. In the morning, the campus is full of life.

At noon, the students went home. The campus was restored again, as if a shy girl sat quietly, listening to the sound of her surroundings. The campus is so mysterious and so mysterious and

quiet as the castle in the fantasy novel.

In the afternoon, after the students' renderings, the campus soon came to its senses, playing with everyone and working hard. The campus was not as lively as it was in the morning, and in the

evening light of the evening, some of it was vague and unreadable, not like it was understood.

As the students drifted away, the noise of the campus was gone. The setting sun shone down on the campus, and it was brilliant, and a little drowsy, like a sleeping beauty, closed her eyes

slowly, and went to her dream... One day on campus was over.


During morning independent study today is Chinese, as usual our homework the teacher on the platform, also from time to time on the spot, named criticism being criticized by the teacher, to

be honest, who is not willing to be the teacher singled out in public. I still don't care so much, I read the book myself. "Du Yanlin" the teacher pronounce his name, perhaps because everyone

reading voice is too big, I think the teacher is in my name, and I'm not sure, I on and off in his seat, don't know what to do, I determined to go up and take a look. As soon as I got to the

lectern, the teacher said, "du yanlin", my subconscious, I went wrong and hastened back to position. Not long after, the teacher read clearly "Wang Yi" I also clearly heard, I quickly took to

the stage to go, I have a look at the handwriting will know that this is not I, I said "it's not my book. The teacher said "wrong, this is # # #". The second time I was wrongfully walked down

the stage.



One day I went to a place in chaoyang park, first of all, to buy a ticket, step two, buy the ticket, then check the ticket. Then, there were flowers and flowers in chaoyang park. We went

there to look and feel good. There is a sea of people.

In the afternoon we reached another mountain, and there was no one on the mountain, and we returned. But when I lost my parents, I lost my parents, and I ended up using an adult phone call,

and finally we found them. They taught me: don't leave alone, do you know? I said: I know. In the end, I learned a lesson.

In the evening, our family drove home. When we arrived home, we immediately turned on the TV and read, some reading, some watching TV, some eating watermelon. At ten o 'clock, we began to

take a bath and went to bed. I'm tired of sleeping at night.

Wish: everyone is healthy, all the best!






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