
介绍 (Introduction)

Laravel is a powerful framework of PHP which is used to develop a web application. Laravel is created by Taylor Otwell. This is simple, elegant, robust and easy to understand to create a fully-featured web application. If you know basic HTML, PHP, and Advance Php then you can easily use this PHP Framework Laravel which is reused the existing components of different frameworks.

Laravel是一个功能强大PHP框架,用于开发Web应用程序。 Laravel是由Taylor Otwell创建的。 这是简单,优雅,健壮且易于理解的功能,可以创建功能全面的Web应用程序。 如果您了解基本HTML,PHP和Advance Php,则可以轻松使用此PHP框架Laravel,该Laravel可重用不同框架的现有组件。

Basically, It is a PHP framework that is focused on working code easy to write, understand and implement in your project and still providing a lot of power for you to customize the user/developer needs. Laravel follows an MVC design pattern, it also offers a rich functionality which includes a basic feature of ruby on rails, CodeIgniter (Php frameworks), etc.

基本上,这是一个PHP框架,专注于易于在项目中编写,理解和实现的工作代码,并且仍然为您提供了强大的功能来定制用户/开发人员的需求。 Laravel遵循MVC设计模式,它还提供了丰富的功能,其中包括Rails on Rails,CodeIgniter(Php框架)等的基本功能。

优点 (Advantages)

  • Scalable


  • Time saving


  • Use namespace and interface which is used to organize and manage resources


特征 (Features)

  • Testing: It provides feature and helper which is used for testing. This feature helps in maintaining the code as per requirement.

    测试 :它提供用于测试的功能和帮助程序。 此功能有助于按要求维护代码。

  • Routing: It provides users to define a route in the web application which helps us to scale the application in a better way and also helps to increase its performance.

    路由 :它为用户提供了在Web应用程序中定义路由的方法,这有助于我们更好地扩展应用程序,并有助于提高其性能。

  • Modularity: Laravel provides 20 built-in libraries and modules which is integrated with the composer dependency manager; which helps in the enhancement of web application.

    模块化 :Laravel提供了20个内置库和模块,这些库和模块与composer依赖管理器集成在一起。 这有助于增强Web应用程序。

  • Query Builder: It is used for querying the database using the chain method; it also provides object-relational mapper (ORM) and ActiveRecord implementation.

    查询生成器 :用于使用链方法查询数据库; 它还提供了对象关系映射器(ORM)和ActiveRecord实现。

  • Template Engine: It uses a lightweight template named blade template engine which is used to design hierarchical blocks and the layout with predefined blocks that include dynamic content.

    模板引擎 :它使用名为Blade模板引擎的轻量级模板,用于设计层次结构块以及具有包含动态内容的预定义块的布局。

  • Schema: It is used to maintain the database and schema; also maintain the track of change wrt. Database migration.

    模式 :用于维护数据库和模式。 还保持wrt的变化轨迹。 数据库迁移。

  • E-mail: It has a mail class used to send an mail with text and attachment from the wen application.

    电子邮件 :它具有一个mail类,用于从wen应用程序发送带有文本和附件的邮件。

  • Configuration manager: It provides a reliable approach to handle configuration because there will be a change in its configuration that's why the application is run on a different environment.

    配置管理器 :它提供了一种可靠的方法来处理配置,因为配置会发生变化,这就是应用程序在不同环境中运行的原因。

  • Authentication: Authentication is done in laravel like forgot the password, reset password, etc.

    身份验证 :身份验证在laravel中完成,例如忘记密码,重置密码等。

  • Queue: Queue is also included in laravel feature where more than one user can take action; no need to wait for one task to be completed.

    队列 :laravel功能还包括队列,多个用户可以采取行动; 无需等待一项任务完成。

  • Events: Many commands and events are performed in laravel which is simple to use.

    事件 :许多命令和事件都是在laravel中执行的,很容易使用。



In this article, we learned about laravel, its advantage, and features. If you have any query feel free to ask in the comment section. We will know more about laravel; Its structure, how we use laravel and what is its built-in function. Have a great day! Happy learning!

在本文中,我们了解了laravel其优势和功能 。 如果您有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提问。 我们将进一步了解laravel; 它的结构,我们如何使用laravel以及其内置功能是什么。 祝你有美好的一天! 学习愉快!




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