
StrictMath类rint()方法 (StrictMath Class rint() method)

  • rint() Method is available in java.lang package.


  • rint() Method is used to return the double type value and if the value of the given argument after decimal point is greater than 4 then the value is incremented by 1 before the decimal point is returned else if the value of the given argument after decimal point is less than or equal to 4 then the same value before the decimal point is returned.


  • rint() Method is a static method so it is accessible with the class name and if we try to access the method with the class object then we will not get any error.


  • rint() Method does not throw any exception.




    public static double rint(double d);



  • double d – represents a double type value.

    double d –表示双精度型值。

Return value:


The return type of the method is double, it returns the double floating point number which will be equivalent to mathematical integer.

该方法的返回类型为double ,它返回等于数学整数的双精度浮点数。



  • If we pass NaN, the method returns the NaN.


  • If we an infinity, the method returns the same (i.e. infinity).


  • If we pass an argument whose value after the decimal point is greater than 4, the method returns the value incremented by 1 before the decimal point.


  • If we pass zero, the method returns the same value with the same sign.




// Java program to demonstrate the example of
// rint(double d) method of StrictMath Class.
public class Rint {public static void main(String[] args) {// variable declarations
double d1 = -0.0;
double d2 = 0.0;
double d3 = -1.0 / 0.0;
double d4 = 1.0 / 0.0;
double d5 = 1234.56;
double d6 = 1234.12;
// Here , we will get (-0.0) because we are
// passing parameter whose value is (-0.0)
System.out.println("StrictMath.rint(d1): " + StrictMath.rint(d1));
// Here , we will get (0.0) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (0.0)
System.out.println("StrictMath.rint(d2): " + StrictMath.rint(d2));
// Here , we will get (-Infinity) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (-Infinity)
System.out.println("StrictMath.rint(d3): " + StrictMath.rint(d3));
// Here , we will get (Infinity) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (Infinity)
System.out.println("StrictMath.rint(d4): " + StrictMath.rint(d4));
// Here , we will get (1235.0) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (1234.56)
System.out.println("StrictMath.rint(d5): " + StrictMath.rint(d5));
// Here , we will get (1234.0) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (1234.12)
System.out.println("StrictMath.rint(d6): " + StrictMath.rint(d6));



StrictMath.rint(d1): -0.0
StrictMath.rint(d2): 0.0
StrictMath.rint(d3): -Infinity
StrictMath.rint(d4): Infinity
StrictMath.rint(d5): 1235.0
StrictMath.rint(d6): 1234.0



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