线程类最终同步无效连接(long time_in_ms) (Thread Class final synchronized void join(long time_in_ms))

  • This method is available in package java.lang.Thread.join(long time_in_ms).

    软件包java.lang.Thread.join(long time_in_ms)中提供了此方法。

  • join(long time_in_ms) method is applicable when currently executing thread wants to wait for a particular amount of time in milliseconds until completing some other thread then we should go for join(long time_in_ms) method of Thread class.

    join(long time_in_ms)方法适用于当前正在执行的线程想要以毫秒为单位的特定时间,直到完成其他线程为止,然后我们应该使用Thread类的join(long time_in_ms)方法。

  • This method is synchronized that is only one thread is allowed to operate one object.


  • This method is not static so we cannot access this method with the class name too.


  • This method is final we can't override this method in child class.


  • The return type of this method is void so it does not return anything.


  • This method throws an InterruptedException so it is needed to handle exception either by try-catch or throws otherwise we will get a compile-time error.


For example, We have two threads [t1 – PreparedExamPaper], [t2 – PrintingExamPaper] so will see what will happen.

例如,我们有两个线程[ t1 – PreparedExamPaper],[ t2 – PrintingExamPaper],因此将看到会发生什么。

Let suppose if a thread t1 executes, t2.join(1000), then thread t1 will entered into waiting state for 1000 milliseconds until t2 completes and suppose in case if t2 couldn't complete its execution in 1000 ms so in that case, t1 will get a chance to execute and if thread t1 goes into waiting state or sleep mode then again t2 will get a chance to execute its execution for 1000 ms and the same process will repeat.

假设如果线程t1执行了t2.join(1000) ,则线程t1将进入等待状态1000毫秒,直到t2完成为止,并假设t2无法在1000 ms内完成执行,因此在这种情况下, t1线程t1将有机会执行,并且如果线程t1进入等待状态或睡眠模式,则t2再次有机会执行其执行1000 ms,并且将重复相同的过程。



    final synchronized void join(long time_in_ms){



When we write t2.join(2000), so this line means currently executing thread will stop its execution for 2000 milliseconds until t2 completion.

当我们编写t2.join(2000)时 ,此行表示当前正在执行的线程将在2000毫秒内停止执行,直到t2完成。

Return value:


The return type of this method is void, it does not return anything.

此方法的返回类型为void ,它不返回任何内容。

Java程序演示join(long time_in_ms)方法的示例 (Java program to demonstrate example of join(long time_in_ms) method)

/*  We will use Thread class methods so we are importing
the package but it is not mandate because
it is imported by default
import java.lang.Thread;
class MyThread extends Thread {//Override run() method of Thread class
public void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {System.out.println("Thread started:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
try {Thread.sleep(500);
} catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println(ex.getMessage());
System.out.println("Thread Ended :" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
class MainThread1 {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {MyThread mt = new MyThread();
/* Note -1*/
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
System.out.println("Thread started:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
System.out.println("Thread ended:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());

Note1 : Here, we have written /*mt.join(1000)*/ means currently executing thread [main] will give a chance to another thread named [MyThread mt] for 1000 ms and then after main thread will get a chance to execute and if main thread goes into waiting for state or sleep mode then again MyThread will get a chance for 1000 ms and this repeats until complete execution of MyThread.

注意1:这里,我们已经编写了/*mt.join(1000)*/,表示当前正在执行的线程[main]将给另一个名为[ MyThread mt ]的线程一个机会,持续1000 ms,然后在主线程执行之后,有机会执行如果主线程进入等待状态或睡眠模式,则MyThread再次有机会获得1000毫秒的机会,并重复执行直到MyThread完全执行为止。



E:\Programs>javac MainThread1.java
E:\Programs>java MainThread1
Thread started:Thread-0
Thread started:Thread-0
Thread started:main
Thread started:main
Thread ended:main
Thread started:Thread-0
Thread started:Thread-0
Thread started:Thread-0
Thread Ended :Thread-0

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/thread-class-final-synchronized-void-join-long-time_in_ms-method-with-example.aspx

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