
C ++ pow()函数 (C++ pow() function)

pow() function is a library function of cmath header (<math.h> in earlier versions), it is used to find the raise to the power, it accepts two arguments and returns the first argument to the power of the second argument.


Syntax of pow() function:


    pow(x, y);

Parameter(s): x, y – are the numbers to calculate x^y.

参数: x,y –是用于计算x ^ y的数字。

Return value: double – it returns double value that is calculate result of x to the power of y.

返回值: double-返回double值,它是x的计算结果乘以 y的幂。



float x = 2;
float y = 3;
Function call:

C ++代码演示pow()函数的示例 (C++ code to demonstrate the example of pow() function)

// C++ code to demonstrate the example of
// pow() function
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// main code section
int main()
{float x;
float y;
//input the values
cout<<"Enter the value of x: ";
cout<<"Enter the value of y: ";
// calculate the power
float result = pow(x,y);
cout<<x<<" to the power of "<<y<<" is = "<<result;
return 0;



First run:
Enter the value of x: 10
Enter the value of y: 5
10 to the power of 5 is = 100000
Second run:
Enter the value of x: 10.23
Enter the value of y: 1.5
10.23 to the power of 1.5 is = 32.72
Third run:
Enter the value of x: 10
Enter the value of y: 0
10 to the power of 0 is = 1
Fourth run:
Enter the value of x: 0
Enter the value of y: 1.5
0 to the power of 1.5 is = 0

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/pow-function-with-example.aspx


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