
PS : 本BLOG采用中英混合模式,有些英文下有中文翻译(并不是博主翻译的)



Neural networks (Bishop 1995; Ripley 1996; Titterington 2010) are powerful nonlinear regression techniques inspired by theories about how the brain works.

The outcome is modeled by an intermediary set of unobserved variables (called hidden variables or hidden units here).

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These hidden units are linear combinations of the original predictors, but, they are not estimated in a hierarchical fashion(层级的方式).

As previously stated, each hidden unit is a linear combination of some or all of the predictor variables. However, this linear combination is typically transformed by a nonlinear function g(⋅)g(\cdot)g(⋅),such as the logistic function:
hk(x)=g(β0k+∑j=1Pxjβjk)g(u)=11+e−uh_k(x)=g\left( \beta_{0k}+ \sum_{j=1}^P x_j \beta_{jk} \right) \\g(u) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-u}} hk​(x)=g(β0k​+j=1∑P​xj​βjk​)g(u)=1+e−u1​
The β\betaβ coefficients are similar to regression coefficients; coefficient βjk\beta_{jk}βjk​ is the
effect of the jthj thjth predictor on the kthk thkth hidden unit. A neural network model usually involves multiple hidden units to model the outcome.

There are no constraints that help define these linear combinations. Because of this, there is little likelihood that the coefficients in each unit represent some coherent piece of information.

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Once the number of hidden units is defined, each unit must be related to the outcome. Another linear combination connects the hidden units to the outcome:
f(x)=γ0+∑k=1Hγkhkf(x)=\gamma_0 + \sum_{k=1}^H \gamma_k h_k f(x)=γ0​+k=1∑H​γk​hk​

For this type of network model and P predictors, there are a total of H(P+1)+H+1H (P +1) + H + 1H(P+1)+H+1 total parameters being estimated, which quickly becomes large as P increases.

Treating this model as a nonlinear regression model, the parameters are usually optimized to minimize the sum of the squared residuals.

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This can be a challenging numerical optimization problem (recall that there are no constraints on the parameters of this complex nonlinear model).

The parameters are usually initialized to random values and then specialized algorithms for solving the equations are used. The back-propagation algorithm (逆向传播算法) is a highly efficient methodology that works with derivatives to find the optimal parameters. However, it is common that a solution to this equation is not a global solution, meaning that we cannot guarantee that the resulting set of parameters are uniformly better than any other set.

Also, neural networks have a tendency to over-fit the relationship between the predictors and the response due to the large number of regression coefficients.

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To combat this issue, several different approaches have been proposed.

First, the iterative algorithms for solving for the regression equations can be prematurely halted(求解回归方程的迭代算法可以提前被中断) . This approach is referred to as early stopping (提前停止)and would stop the optimization procedure when some estimate of the error rate starts to increase.

Another approach to moderating over-fitting is to use weight decay(权重衰减), a penalization method to regularize the model(正则化模型) similar to ridge regression(岭回归).

The structure of the model described here is the simplest neural network architecture: a single-layer feed-forward network(单层前馈神经网络). There are many other kinds, such as models where there are more than one layer of hidden units (i.e., there is a layer of hidden units that models the other hidden units). Also, other model architectures have loops going both directions between layers.

Given the challenge of estimating a large number of parameters, the fitted model finds parameter estimates that are locally optimal(局部最优); that is, the algorithm converges(算法收敛), but the resulting parameter estimates are unlikely to be the globally optimal estimates.

Very often, different locally optimal solutions can produce models that are very different but have nearly equivalent performance.

This model instability can sometimes hinder this model(这种模型的不稳定性往往会制约神经网络的使用).

As an alternative, several models can be created using different starting values and averaging the results of these model to produce a more stable prediction

These models are often adversely affected by high correlation among the predictor variables.

Two approaches for mitigating this issue is to pre-filter the predictors to remove the predictorsthat are associated with high correlations (移除高相关性变量). Alternatively a feature extraction technique(特征提取技术), such as principal component analysis(PCA), can be used prior to modeling to eliminate correlations(减缓相关性).


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