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/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */$styleVersion: 3.2;// change theme-colors here
$primary: #38a8ae !default;
$secondary: #148181 !default;
$success: #5dac06 !default;
$danger: #e51f34 !default;
$warning: #ffc107 !default;
$info: #17a2b8 !default;
$light: #d3d6db !default;
$dark: #161C23 !default;
$background: #f4f4f4 !default;
$inverse: #ffffff !default;
$text: #000000 !default;
$transparent: transparent !default;
$visual-focus: #6d9df7 !default;
$background-focus: rgba(80, 176, 244, 0.1);$theme-colors: ('primary': $primary,'secondary': $secondary,'success': $success,'danger': $danger,'warning': $warning,'info': $info,'light': $light,'dark': $dark,'background': $background,'inverse': $inverse,'text': $text,'transparent': $transparent,'visual-focus': $visual-focus,'background-focus': $background-focus,
);@import '~@spartacus/styles/index';

需要添加变量 $theme-colors,赋以自定义颜色值。

I needed to add the variable with the updated colours.

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