by rajaraodv


以下是ECMAScript 2016、2017和2018中所有新增功能的示例 (Here are examples of everything new in ECMAScript 2016, 2017, and 2018)

It’s hard to keep track of what’s new in JavaScript (ECMAScript). And it’s even harder to find useful code examples.

很难跟踪JavaScript(ECMAScript)的新功能。 而且,找到有用的代码示例更加困难。

So in this article, I’ll cover all 18 features that are listed in the TC39’s finished proposals that were added in ES2016, ES2017, and ES2018 (final draft) and show them with useful examples.


This is a pretty long post but should be an easy read. Think of this as “Netflix binge reading.” By the end of this, I promise that you’ll have a ton of knowledge about all these features.

这是一篇相当长的文章,但应该很容易阅读。 将此视为“ Netflix暴饮暴食”。 到此为止,我保证您将对所有这些功能有很多了解。

好,让我们一一介绍。 (OK, let’s go over these one by one.)

1. Array.prototype.includes (1. Array.prototype.includes)

includes is a simple instance method on the Array and helps to easily find if an item is in the Array (including NaN unlike indexOf).

includes是Array上的一个简单实例方法,可帮助轻松查找是否在Array中(包括与indexOf不同的NaN )。

Trivia: the JavaScript spec people wanted to name it contains , but this was apparently already used by Mootools so they used includes .

Trivia:人们希望将JavaScript规范命名为contains ,但Mootools显然已经使用了它,因此他们使用了includes

2.求幂中infix operator (2. Exponentiation infix operator)

Math operations like addition and subtraction have infix operators like + and - , respectively. Similar to them, the ** infix operator is commonly used for exponent operation. In ECMAScript 2016, the ** was introduced instead of Math.pow .

数学运算(例如加法和减法)分别具有中缀运算符(例如+- )。 与它们相似, ** infix运算符通常用于指数运算。 在ECMAScript 2016中,引入了**而不是Math.pow

1. Object.values() (1. Object.values())

Object.values() is a new function that’s similar to Object.keys() but returns all the values of the Object’s own properties excluding any value(s) in the prototypical chain.


2. Object.entries() (2. Object.entries())

Object.entries() is related to Object.keys , but instead of returning just keys, it returns both keys and values in the array fashion. This makes it very simple to do things like using objects in loops or converting objects into Maps.

Object.entries()Object.keys有关,但它不仅返回键,还以数组形式返回键和值。 这样就很容易执行诸如在循环中使用对象或将对象转换为Map之类的事情。

Example 1:


Example 2:


3.字符串填充 (3. String padding)

Two instance methods were added to String — String.prototype.padStart and String.prototype.padEnd — that allow appending/prepending either an empty string or some other string to the start or the end of the original string.


'someString'.padStart(numberOfCharcters [,stringForPadding]); '5'.padStart(10) // '         5'
'5'.padStart(10, '=*') //'=*=*=*=*=5''5'.padEnd(10) // '5         '
'5'.padEnd(10, '=*') //'5=*=*=*=*='

This comes in handy when we want to align things in scenarios like pretty print display or terminal print.


3.1 padStart示例: (3.1 padStart example:)

In the below example, we have a list of numbers of varying lengths. We want to prepend “0” so that all the items have the same length of 10 digits for display purposes. We can use padStart(10, '0') to easily achieve this.

在下面的示例中,我们列出了不同长度的数字。 我们想在前面加上“ 0”,以便所有项目都具有相同的10位数字长度以用于显示。 我们可以使用padStart(10, '0')轻松实现这一目标。

3.2 padEnd示例: (3.2 padEnd example:)

padEnd really comes in handy when we are printing multiple items of varying lengths and want to right-align them properly.

当我们要打印长度不同的多个项目并希望正确对齐它们时, padEnd确实派上了用场。

The example below is a good realistic example of how padEnd , padStart , and Object.entries all come together to produce a beautiful output.


const cars = {'												

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