vSphere Client 编辑虚拟机属性的问题



vpxclient.vmconfig.cpuid 初始值设置异常之类的,重置了, 并将注册表中的所有vmvare 相关键值删除了, 还是一样的。。

后面参照https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1007373 解决问题了!

原来是字体问题! 我开始不相信, 后面干脆把同事电脑中的同目录下的所有字体拷贝过来,安装,就可以了!!

—— 这就说得通 为什么我的电脑不行, 别人电脑却可行了!  但是, 为什么会出现字体丢失的情况呢? 是我升级vSphere Client后出现的吗?

Unable to launch VI/vSphere Client with error: The type initializer for vpxClient.VMconfig.CPUID threw an exception (1007373)


  • When you click Edit Settings for a virtual machine in VMware Infrastructure (VI)/vSphere Client, you see the error:

    The type initializer for vpxClient.VMconfig.CPUID threw an exception

  • The vpxclient logs shows the error:

    [ :ShowExcp] 2008-10-22 11:39:54.870 System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'VpxClient.VMConfig.CPUID' threw an exception.
    System .ArgumentException: Font 'Courier New' does not support style 'Regular'.

  • The VPX Client process fails to start with the error:

    vpxclient has stopped working

  • The vpxclient logs, you see an error similar to:

    A fatal unhandled error occurred in vi client
    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

    System.ArgumentException: Font 'Tahoma' does not support style 'Regular'


This issue occurs if font files are missing.
To resolve this issue:
  1. Copy the following files from C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\on a working computer of the same operating system version (for example, Windows XP Pro) to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\on the problem system:
    • arial.ttf
    • arialbd.ttf
    • arialbi.ttf
    • ariali.ttf
    • cour.ttf
    • courbd.ttf
    • courbi.ttf 
    • couri.ttf
  2. Close and then re-open VI/vSphere Client.

Additional Information

There possibly could be other fonts that can cause this issue.  Ensure that the workstation/server you are using has all default Window fonts installed.

Update History

01/30/2012 - Added vCenter Server 4.x to Products 03/14/2013 - Added vCenter Server 5.1.x to Products 0521/2013 - Added Symptoms.

Request a Product Feature

To request a new product feature or to provide feedback on a VMware product, please visit the Request a Product Feature page.

posted on 2016-05-06 10:58 CanntBelieve 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏


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