

0: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

1: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

2: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

I want to remove 0:{} array in array. how can i remove? and how to find the value of the first item?


Since an array's first element is always index 0, you can use Array.prototype.shift which removes the first element:

const array = [{

id: 1553825061863,

name: "Thai Milk Tea",

qty: "1",

total_amount: 9500,

toppings: 500

}, {

id: 1553825061863,

name: "Thai Milk Tea",

qty: "1",

total_amount: 9500,

toppings: 500

}, {

id: 1553825061863,

name: "Thai Milk Tea",

qty: "1",

total_amount: 9500,

toppings: 500


let remainingArray = array;



.as-console-wrapper {

max-height: 100% !important;

top: auto;



There can be multiple ways of doing that.

let arr = [{id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}]



Note: shift() will modify the original array.

let arr = [{id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}]



Note: splice() will modify the original array.

Using slice

let arr = [{id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}]

let res = arr.slice(1)


Using Spread Operator And Destructuring Assignment

let arr = [{id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}, {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500}]

const [,...rest] = arr



//try this on your console. You can use the shift operator to shift the first element.

//also to remove the last element use pop

>>var myArr = [{id : 1, name: "A"}, {id: 2, name: "B"}, {id:3, name: "C"}];



{id: 1, name: "A"}


0: {id: 2, name: "B"}

1: {id: 3, name: "C"}

Here is the detailed link about Array.protoType.shift() which removes the first element:


the simple way to remove one array index form array using

var ar = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three'];

ar.shift(); // returns "zero"

console.log( ar );

if array like this you can delete 0 index using the following command.

var ar = [

{ id: 155382506003, toppings: 500},

{ id: 155382506002, toppings: 100},

{ id: 155382506001, toppings: 200}



console.log( ar );


You have an array of Javascript objects. You can remove the first element by:

using shift function, for example:

var first = fruits.shift(); // remove Apple from the front

using splice function, for example - remove an element by index position:

var removedItem = fruits.splice(pos, 1); // this is how to remove an item

you can access value of an element by index, for example:

var first = fruits[0];

you can find value of a field by using foreach, for example:

fruits.forEach(function(item, index, array) {

if (item.id === 1553825061863) {

console.log(item, index);




As I understood from your question that you have something like below that you have to remove Array2 from Array1,

Array1 = 0: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

1: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

2: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

Array2 = 0: {id: 1553825061863, name: "Thai Milk Tea", qty: "1", total_amount: 9500, toppings: 500, …}

If so just try as below using the filter function.

var data = Array1;

var selectedRows = Array2;

var unSelectedRows = [];

var unSelectedRows = data.filter( function( el ) {

return !selectedRows.includes( el );

} );

You can get the 1 st and 2nd element in unSelectedRows Array.

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