
In this program, we will have an idea - how two numbers can be added and displayed as the output on the screen?

在此程序中,我们将有一个想法- 如何将两个数字相加并显示为屏幕上的输出

Open XCode terminal and type the following program


import Foundation
var num1 = 4;
var num2 = 6;
var ans = Int();
ans = num1+num2;
print("num1 + num2 = ",ans);



num1 + num2 = 10
Program ended with exit code: 0



  • import Foundation is a library which is used to access all the functions present that header file.

    import Foundation是一个库,用于访问该头文件中提供的所有功能。

  • var is a data type with num1 as a variable whose value is initialized as 4. Similarly, num2 is a variable with same data type whose value is initialized as 6.

    var是一种数据类型,以num1作为变量,其值初始化为4 。 同样, num2是具有相同数据类型的变量,其值初始化为6

  • Whereas, var ans includes same data type with ans as a variable where the result is stored.

    而var ans包含与ans相同的数据类型,而ans作为存储结果的变量。

  • print function prints the string with the answer on the output screen.


  • Whereas, "program ended with exit code: 0" at the end shows that there are no further programs to be run.


  • Semicolon ";" is must after every end of the command as similar in C/C++ etc.

    分号“;” 在命令的每个结尾之后必须是,类似于C / C ++等。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/swift/addition-of-two-numbers.aspx


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