
本文介绍如何使用Oracle Coherence提供分布式(分区)数据管理。 在下面的示例应用程序中,创建了一个名为OTV的新集群,并且在该集群的两个成员之间分配了一个名为user-map的缓存对象。


JDK 1.6.0_21
连贯性3.7.0 SolarisOS 5.10


创建一个Maven项目,如下所示。 (可以使用Maven或IDE插件创建)。




首先,将Coherence库安装到Local Maven Repository,并将其描述添加到pom.xml中,如下所示。 另外,如果不使用maven,则可以将coherence.jar文件添加到classpath中。

<!-- Coherence library(from local repository) --><dependency><groupId>com.tangosol</groupId><artifactId>coherence</artifactId><version>3.7.0</version></dependency>




otv-coherence-cache-config.xml包含(分布式或复制的)缓存方案和缓存方案映射配置。 创建后,所有缓存映射都应添加到coherence-cache-config.xml中

<?xml version="1.0"?><cache-config xmlns:xsi=""xmlns=""xsi:schemaLocation=""><caching-scheme-mapping><cache-mapping><cache-name>user-map</cache-name><scheme-name>MapDistCache</scheme-name></cache-mapping></caching-scheme-mapping><caching-schemes><distributed-scheme><scheme-name>MapDistCache</scheme-name><service-name>MapDistCache</service-name><backing-map-scheme><local-scheme><unit-calculator>BINARY</unit-calculator></local-scheme></backing-map-scheme><autostart>true</autostart></distributed-scheme></caching-schemes>


tangosol-coherence-override.xml包含集群, 成员身份和可配置缓存工厂配置。 同样在配置xml文件下面显示了集群的第一个成员。


<?xml version='1.0'?><coherence xmlns:xsi=""xmlns=""xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-operational-config.xsd"><cluster-config><member-identity><cluster-name>OTV</cluster-name><!-- Name of the first member of the cluster --><role-name>OTV1</role-name></member-identity><unicast-listener><well-known-addresses><socket-address id="1"><!-- IP Address of the first member of the cluster --><address>x.x.x.x</address><port>8089</port></socket-address><socket-address id="2"><!-- IP Address of the second member of the cluster --><address>y.y.y.y</address><port>8089</port></socket-address></well-known-addresses><!-- Name of the first member of the cluster --><machine-id>OTV1</machine-id><!-- IP Address of the first member of the cluster --><address>x.x.x.x</address><port>8089</port><port-auto-adjust>true</port-auto-adjust></unicast-listener></cluster-config><configurable-cache-factory-config><init-params><init-param><param-type>java.lang.String</param-type><param-value system-property="tangosol.coherence.cacheconfig">otv-coherence-cache-config.xml</param-value></init-param></init-params></configurable-cache-factory-config>


<?xml version='1.0'?><coherence xmlns:xsi=""xmlns=""xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-operational-config.xsd"><cluster-config><member-identity><cluster-name>OTV</cluster-name><!-- Name of the second member of the cluster --><role-name>OTV2</role-name></member-identity><unicast-listener>      <well-known-addresses><socket-address id="1"><!-- IP Address of the first member of the cluster --><address>x.x.x.x</address><port>8089</port></socket-address><socket-address id="2"><!-- IP Address of the second member of the cluster --><address>y.y.y.y</address><port>8089</port></socket-address></well-known-addresses><!-- Name of the second member of the cluster --><machine-id>OTV2</machine-id><!-- IP Address of the second member of the cluster --><address>y.y.y.y</address><port>8089</port><port-auto-adjust>true</port-auto-adjust></unicast-listener></cluster-config><configurable-cache-factory-config><init-params><init-param><param-type>java.lang.String</param-type><param-value system-property="tangosol.coherence.cacheconfig">otv-coherence-cache-config.xml</param-value></init-param></init-params></configurable-cache-factory-config></coherence>


创建一个新的User bean。 该bean将分布在OTV集群中的两个节点之间。 对于序列化,已经实现了接口,但是可以实现PortableObject以获得更好的性能。

package com.otv.user;import;/*** @author* @since 9 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/
public class User implements Serializable {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private String name;private String surname;public User(String name, String surname) { = name;this.surname = surname;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) { = name;}public String getSurname() {return surname;}public void setSurname(String surname) {this.surname = surname;}@Overridepublic String toString() {StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();strBuff.append("name : ").append(name);strBuff.append(", surname : ").append(surname);return strBuff.toString();}


创建一个新的TestCache类。 此类初始化分布式(已分类)数据管理并创建一个名为user-map的缓存对象。

package com.otv;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import com.otv.listener.UserMapListener;
import;/*** @author* @since 9 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/
public class TestCache {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestCache.class);private static TestCache instance = null;private NamedCache cache = null;private static final String USER_MAP = "user-map";private static final long LOCK_TIMEOUT = -1;public TestCache() {setCache(CacheFactory.getCache(USER_MAP));getCache().addMapListener(new UserMapListener());}public static TestCache getInstance() {if(instance == null) {instance = new TestCache();}return instance;}public static void setInstance(TestCache instance) {TestCache.instance = instance;}public NamedCache getCache() {return cache;}public void setCache(NamedCache cache) {this.cache = cache;}public void addToCache(Object key, Object value) {// key is lockedgetCache().lock(key, LOCK_TIMEOUT);try {// application logicgetCache().put(key, value);} finally {// key is unlockedgetCache().unlock(key);}}public void deleteFromCache(Object key) {// key is lockedgetCache().lock(key, LOCK_TIMEOUT);try {// application logicgetCache().remove(key);} finally {// key is unlockedgetCache().unlock(key);}}

步骤8:建立UserMapListener IMPL类别

创建一个新的UserMapListener类。 该侦听器接收分布式的用户映射事件。

package com.otv.listener;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import com.tangosol.util.MapEvent;
import com.tangosol.util.MapListener;/*** @author* @since 9 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/
public class UserMapListener implements MapListener {private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UserMapListener.class);public void entryDeleted(MapEvent me) {logger.debug("Deleted Key = " + me.getKey() + ", Value = " + me.getOldValue());}public void entryInserted(MapEvent me) {logger.debug("Inserted Key = " + me.getKey() + ", Value = " + me.getNewValue());}public void entryUpdated(MapEvent me) {
//  logger.debug("Updated Key = " + me.getKey() + ", New_Value = " +
//              me.getNewValue() + ", Old Value = " + me.getOldValue());}



package com.otv.exe;import java.util.Iterator;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import com.otv.TestCache;
import com.otv.user.User;/*** @author* @since 9 Oct 2011* @version 1.0.0**/
public class TestCacheExecutor implements Runnable {private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestCacheExecutor.class);public static void main(String[] args) {try {TestCacheExecutor testCacheExecutor = new TestCacheExecutor();while (true) {;Thread.sleep(10000);}} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public void run() {execute();}public void execute() {//Entries which will be inserted via first member of the cluster so before the project is built// in order to deploy first member of the cluster, this code block should be opened and below //code block should be commented-out...User firstUser = new User("Bruce", "Willis");User secondUser = new User("Clint", "Eastwood");TestCache.getInstance().addToCache("user1", firstUser);TestCache.getInstance().addToCache("user2", secondUser);  //Entries which will be inserted via second member of the cluster so before the project is //built in order to deploy second member of the cluster, this code block should be opened //and above code block should be commented-out...//User firstUser = new User("Anna", "Kornikova");//User secondUser = new User("Natalie", "Portman");//TestCache.getInstance().addToCache("user3", firstUser);//TestCache.getInstance().addToCache("user4", secondUser);  Iterator it = TestCache.getInstance().getCache().values().iterator();log.debug("***************************************");while(it.hasNext()){User user = (User);log.debug("1. Cache Content : "+user);}log.debug("***************************************");}}






root@wpbxdbt # java -jar OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
2011-10-09 21:24:42.112/2.947 Oracle Coherence n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from "jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/tangosol-coherence.xml"2011-10-09 21:24:42.557/3.392 Oracle Coherence n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/tangosol-coherence-override-dev.xml"2011-10-09 21:24:42.997/3.832 Oracle Coherence n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/tangosol-coherence-override.xml"2011-10-09 21:24:43.029/3.864 Oracle Coherence n/a <D5> (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override "/custom-mbeans.xml" is not specifiedOracle Coherence Version n/a Build n/aGrid Edition: Development mode
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.2011-10-09 21:24:45.307/6.142 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from "jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/otv-coherence-cache-config.xml"2011-10-09 21:24:46.934/7.769 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D4> (thread=main, member=n/a): TCMP bound to /x.x.x.x:8089 using SystemSocketProvider2011-10-09 21:24:50.629/11.464 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Created a new cluster "OTV" with Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096, Location=machine:dbt,process:13723, Role=OTV1, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=64, SocketCount=64) UID=0x0AD2339700000132E9EE15572F401F992011-10-09 21:24:50.644/11.479 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Started cluster Name=OTVWellKnownAddressList(Size=2,WKA{Address=x.x.x.x, Port=8089}WKA{Address=y.y.y.y, Port=8089})MasterMemberSet(ThisMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096, Location=machine:wpbxdbt,process:13723, Role=OTV1)OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096,
Location=machine:wpbxdbt,process:13723, Role=OTV1)ActualMemberSet=MemberSet(Size=1, BitSetCount=2
Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096, Location=machine:dbt,process:13723,Role=OTV1))RecycleMillis=1200000RecycleSet=MemberSet(Size=0, BitSetCount=0))TcpRing{Connections=[]}
IpMonitor{AddressListSize=0}2011-10-09 21:24:50.773/11.608 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Invocation:Management, member=1): Service Management
joined the cluster with senior service member 12011-10-09 21:24:52.099/12.934 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=1): Service
MapDistCache joined the cluster with senior service member 109.10.2011 21:24:52 DEBUG ( - Inserted Key = user1, Value = name : Bruce, surname : Willis
09.10.2011 21:24:52 DEBUG ( - Inserted Key = user2, Value = name : Clint, surname : Eastwood
09.10.2011 21:24:52 DEBUG ( - ***************************************
09.10.2011 21:24:52 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Bruce, surname : Willis
09.10.2011 21:24:52 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Clint, surname : Eastwood
09.10.2011 21:24:52 DEBUG ( - ***************************************
2011-10-09 21:25:38.881/59.716 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2011-10-09
21:25:38.68, Address=y.y.y.y:8089, MachineId=12097, Location=machine:ebt,process:29580, Role=OTV2) joined Cluster with senior
member 12011-10-09 21:25:39.122/59.957 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member 2 joined Service Management
with senior member 12011-10-09 21:25:40.767/61.602 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member 2 joined Service MapDistCache
with senior member 12011-10-09 21:25:40.866/61.702 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=1): 1>
Transferring vulnerable PartitionSet{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127} to member 2 requesting 128
2011-10-09 21:25:41.147/61.982 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D4> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=1): 1>
Transferring 129 out of 129 partitions to a machine-safe backup 1 at member 2 (under 129)
2011-10-09 21:25:41.233/62.068 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=1): Transferring
0KB of backup[1] for PartitionSet{128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256} to member 209.10.2011 21:25:41 DEBUG ( - Inserted Key = user3, Value = name : Anna, surname : Kornikova
09.10.2011 21:25:41 DEBUG ( - Inserted Key = user4, Value = name : Natalie, surname : Portman
09.10.2011 21:25:42 DEBUG ( - ***************************************
09.10.2011 21:25:42 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Natalie, surname : Portman
09.10.2011 21:25:42 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Bruce, surname : Willis
09.10.2011 21:25:42 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Clint, surname : Eastwood
09.10.2011 21:25:42 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Anna, surname : Kornikova
09.10.2011 21:25:42 DEBUG ( - ***************************************


root@wpbxwebt # java -jar OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
2011-10-09 21:25:37.623/3.056 Oracle Coherence n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from
"jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/tangosol-coherence.xml"2011-10-09 21:25:38.085/3.517 Oracle Coherence n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from
"jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/tangosol-coherence-override-dev.xml"2011-10-09 21:25:38.522/3.954 Oracle Coherence n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/tangosol-coherence-override.xml"2011-10-09 21:25:38.554/3.986 Oracle Coherence n/a <D5> (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override "/custom-
mbeans.xml" is not specifiedOracle Coherence Version n/a Build n/aGrid Edition: Development mode
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.2011-10-09 21:25:40.946/6.378 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from
"jar:file:/root/OTV/New/OTV_Coherence-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/otv-coherence-cache-config.xml"2011-10-09 21:25:42.665/8.097 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D4> (thread=main, member=n/a): TCMP bound to /y.y.y.y:8089 using
SystemSocketProvider2011-10-09 21:25:43.266/8.698 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Failed to satisfy the variance:
allowed=16, actual=312011-10-09 21:25:43.266/8.698 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Increasing allowable variance to 17
2011-10-09 21:25:43.599/9.031 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): This Member(Id=2,
Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:25:38.68, Address=y.y.y.y:8089, MachineId=12097, Location=machine:ebt,process:29580, Role=OTV2,
Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=32, SocketCount=32) joined cluster "OTV" with senior Member(Id=1,
Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096, Location=machine:dbt,process:13723, Role=OTV1,
Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=64, SocketCount=64)2011-10-09 21:25:43.649/9.081 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Member 1 joined Service Cluster with
senior member 12011-10-09 21:25:43.650/9.082 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Member 1 joined Service Management
with senior member 12011-10-09 21:25:43.650/9.082 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Member 1 joined Service MapDistCache
with senior member 12011-10-09 21:25:43.656/9.088 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Started cluster Name=OTVWellKnownAddressList(Size=2,WKA{Address=y.y.y.y, Port=8089}WKA{Address=x.x.x.x, Port=8089})MasterMemberSet(ThisMember=Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:25:38.68, Address=y.y.y.y:8089, MachineId=12097, Location=machine:ebt,process:29580, Role=OTV2)
OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096, Location=machine:dbt,process:13723, Role=OTV1)ActualMemberSet=MemberSet(Size=2, BitSetCount=2Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:24:46.935, Address=x.x.x.x:8089, MachineId=12096, Location=machine:dbt,process:13723,
Role=OTV1)Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2011-10-09 21:25:38.68, Address=y.y.y.y:8089, MachineId=12097, Location=machine:ebt,process:29580,
Role=OTV2))RecycleMillis=1200000RecycleSet=MemberSet(Size=0, BitSetCount=0))TcpRing{Connections=[1]}
IpMonitor{AddressListSize=1}2011-10-09 21:25:43.812/9.248 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=Invocation:Management, member=2): Service Management
joined the cluster with senior service member 12011-10-09 21:25:45.230/10.662 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=2): Service
MapDistCache joined the cluster with senior service member 12011-10-09 21:25:45.482/10.914 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D4> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=2): Asking member 1
for 128 primary partitions2011-10-09 21:25:45.840/11.272 Oracle Coherence GE n/a <D5> (thread=DistributedCache:MapDistCache, member=2): Deferring the
distribution due to 128 pending configuration updates09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - Inserted Key = user3, Value = name : Anna, surname : Kornikova
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - Inserted Key = user4, Value = name : Natalie, surname : Portman
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - ***************************************
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Anna, surname : Kornikova
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Bruce, surname : Willis
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Natalie, surname : Portman
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - Distributed Cache Content : name : Clint, surname : Eastwood
09.10.2011 21:25:46 DEBUG ( - ***************************************



参考: Online Technology Vision博客上的JCG合作伙伴 Eren Avsarogullari提供的Oracle Coherence中的分布式数据管理 。



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