
今天提交代码时,在一次提交,莫名其妙没成功后,再次用git commit -a命令时,出现以下错误,无论是用git还是TortoiseGit等其他客户端都会出现以下这个问题。。


$ git commit -a

fatal: Unable to create 'XXXXXX/.git/index.lock': File exists.

If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a
git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git
process is running and remove the file manually to continue.


找到index.lock 删除即可

rm /home/xxx/.git/index.lock

解决:关于Git无法提交 index.lock File exists的问题相关推荐

  1. 使用git上传工程出现fatal:Unable to create ‘/xxx/xxx/xxx/.git/index.lock‘:File exists的解决办法

    git上传工程出现fatal:Unable to create '/xxx/xxx/xxx/.git/index.lock':File exists的原因及解决方法 先说解决办法 再来说说原因 官方说 ...

  2. 【038】使用git commit命令时遇到 fatal: Unable to create index.lock File exists 错误的解决办法

    一.问题描述 使用git commit 命令提交代码,遇到下面的错误: $ git commit -m 'Test' fatal: Unable to create 'D:/MyProject/.gi ...

  3. Git出现Unable to create 'E:/xxx/.git/index.lock': File exists.的解决办法

    版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明. 本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/darlinghqq/article/d ...

  4. Git 错误 Unable to create 'E:/xxx/.git/index.lock': File exists.的解决办法

    执行commit操作的时候提示: Unable to create 'D:/git/testgit/.git/index.lock': File exists. 解决方法:rm -f .git/ind ...

  5. fatal: Unable to create ‘D:/project/.git/index.lock‘: File exists

    git 命令行报错:fatal: Unable to create 'D:/project/.git/index.lock': File exists 出现这种错误 解决办法: //在git bash ...

  6. 使用Sourcetree进行Git操作时失败提示:Unable to create '../.git/index.lock': File exists.

    今天使用git时发现无法切换分支,也无法拉取更新代码,报错: fatal: Unable to create '-/.git/index.lock': File exists. 分析原因应该是:我在使 ...

  7. IDEA中对代码进行commit时,git报Unable to create ‘E:/blog/.git/index.lock‘: File exists问题解决

    IDEA中对代码进行commit时,git报Unable to create 'E:/blog/.git/index.lock': File exists问题解决 **解决方法** **方法一** * ...

  8. Unable to create '/media/sf_nginx/H2_20151103/H2/.git/index.lock': File exists.

    今天不知怎么回事,git 突然不能add修改文件,错误信息如下,但是很奇怪的是git status 没有问题,依然正常工作 [root@test01 test_code_driver]# git ad ...

  9. Unable to create '.git/index.lock': File exists

    Git – fatal: Unable to create '/.git/index.lock': File exists. fatal: Unable to create '/path/my_pro ...


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