macos mojave

Apple’s macOS Mojave disables subpixel antialiasing, also known as font smoothing, by default. On a MacBook Air or a desktop Mac hooked up to a non-Retina display, upgrading will make your fonts look worse.

苹果的macOS Mojave默认情况下禁用子像素抗锯齿,也称为字体平滑。 在连接到非Retina显示器的MacBook Air或台式Mac上,升级将使字体看起来更糟。

Update: We’ve found a better method that will actually re-enable subpixel antialiasing rather than just relying on font smoothing. Open a Terminal and run the following command:

更新:我们发现了一种更好的方法,该方法实际上将重新启用亚像素抗锯齿功能,而不仅仅是依靠字体平滑。 打开终端并运行以下命令:

defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO

Log out and log back in for your changes to take effect. Thanks to Dean Herbert for reporting this to us.

注销并重新登录,以使更改生效。 感谢Dean Herbert向我们报告此事。

这是区别 (Here’s the Difference)

Subpixel antialiasing is a trick designed to make fonts look better on lower-resolution displays. Without this feature enabled by default, macOS Mojave makes text look thinner and more blurry on non-Retina displays.

亚像素抗锯齿是一种技巧,旨在使字体在较低分辨率的显示器上看起来更好。 如果没有默认启用此功能,则macOS Mojave会使非Retina显示屏上的文本看起来更细,更模糊。

(As some eagle-eyed readers have noticed, the below trick doesn’t technically enable subpixel antialiasing. However, this does increase font weight, which makes fonts look less jagged and all-around better on the MacBook Air and other low-resolution displays.)

(正如一些老鹰眼的读者所注意到的那样,以下技巧从技术上讲并未启用亚像素抗锯齿。但是,这确实增加了字体粗细,这使得字体在MacBook Air和其他低分辨率显示器上看起来不那么锯齿,并且全方位更好。 )

While subpixel font smoothing is disabled by default, you can re-enable it with a terminal command. There are four possible settings: 0 (disabled), 1 (light smoothing), 2 (medium smoothing), and 3 (heavy smoothing).

默认情况下,禁用子像素字体平滑功能时,可以使用终端命令重新启用它。 共有四种可能的设置:0(禁用),1(轻度平滑),2(中度平滑)和3(重度平滑)。

Here’s what they look like:


We don’t recommend enabling subpixel antialiasing if you have Mac with a Retina display. Fonts should look nice and readable on a Retina display even without subpixel antialiasing. But, if you have a non-Retina display, we recommend re-enabling this feature.

如果您的Mac配备Retina显示器,我们不建议启用亚像素抗锯齿功能。 即使没有亚像素抗锯齿,字体也应该在Retina显示屏上看起来不错并且可读。 但是,如果您使用的不是Retina显示屏,建议您重新启用此功能。

如何启用亚像素抗锯齿 (How to Enable Subpixel Antialiasing)

You must run a terminal command to change your subpixel antialiasing settings. To open a Terminal window, press Command+Space to open Spotlight search, type “Terminal,” and press Enter. You can also open a Finder window and head to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

您必须运行终端命令来更改子像素抗锯齿设置。 要打开终端窗口,请按Command + Space打开Spotlight搜索,键入“ Terminal”,然后按Enter。 您也可以打开Finder窗口并转到“应用程序”>“实用程序”>“终端”。

Copy and paste one of the following commands into the Terminal window and press Enter.


Light font smoothing (1):


defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 1

Medium font smoothing (2):


defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2

Heavy font smoothing (3):


defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 3

No font smoothing (0):


defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 0

Sign out of your Mac and sign back in. Your changes won’t fully take effect until you do.


Feel free to try different font smoothing levels. You’ll just have to sign out and sign back in before you can see your changes after running each command.

随意尝试不同的字体平滑级别。 您只需注销并重新登录,即可在运行每个命令后看到所做的更改。

This process was tested on macOS Mojave developer beta 3, also known as macOS Mojave public beta 2.

此过程已在macOS Mojave开发人员beta 3(也称为macOS Mojave公共beta 2)上进行了测试。


macos mojave

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