gopro6 连接电脑

Most of the time, your GoPro will be attached to a helmet, car, bike, or other piece of moving machinery. But if you want to capture better audio, and don’t mind a bit of added bulk to your setup, here’s how you can connect an external microphone to your GoPro.

大多数情况下,您的GoPro会被连接到头盔,汽车,自行车或其他移动机械上。 但是,如果您想捕获更好的音频,并且不介意您的设置增加一些额外的体积,可以使用以下方法将外部麦克风连接到GoPro。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

To be blunt, the built-in microphone on the GoPro is less than stellar, even when you don’t have a waterproof case on (the waterproof case seriously hinders the mic quality). Of course, this usually isn’t a big deal most of the time, since whatever you’re capturing on your GoPro you’re mostly capturing for the video alone more than the audio.

直言不讳,即使您没有防水套,GoPro上的内置麦克风也不如星际(防水套严重阻碍了麦克风的质量)。 当然,在大多数情况下,这通常不是什么大问题,因为无论您在GoPro上捕获的是什么,您捕获的主要是视频而不是音频。

However, there may be times where better audio quality will be something you’re after. For instance, I have a GoPro attached to my motorcycle helmet that’s always recording whenever I’m riding, just in case I get into an accident. However, all the built-in microphone captures is the nasty wind noise, and I’d much rather prefer to have it capture my voice so that it’s recording any dialogue that may prove useful during an accident. A small external microphone tucked inside my helmet does the job.

但是,有时候您会追求更好的音频质量。 例如,我的摩托车头盔上装有GoPro,当我骑车时,它会一直记录,以防万一我出了事故。 但是,所有内置麦克风捕获的声音都是令人讨厌的风声,我宁愿更喜欢让它捕获我的声音,以便它记录任何在事故中可能有用的对话。 一个小的外部麦克风塞在我的头盔内,可以完成工作。

However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when you do decide to hook up an external microphone to your GoPro.


只有某些GoPro型号可以执行此操作 (Only Certain GoPro Models Can Do This)

The secret ingredient that makes this possible is the official Mic Adapter ($20). It plugs into your GoPro’s charging port and converts it to into a 3.5mm jack to plug in any microphone with a 3.5mm plug.

使之成为可能的秘密成分是官方的麦克风适配器(20美元)。 它可以插入GoPro的充电端口,并将其转换为3.5毫米插Kong,从而可以插入带有3.5毫米插头的任何麦克风。

Because of this, the adapter will only work with certain GoPro models, more specially the HERO4 Black Edition, HERO4 Silver Edition, HERO3+, and all editions of the HERO3. This is because these models have the Mini-USB connection, whereas the cheaper models (like the HERO+) utilize a Micro-USB connection. The entry-level HERO uses a Mini-USB connection, but it doesn’t support the mic adapter.

因此,该适配器仅适用于某些GoPro型号,尤其是HERO4黑色版,HERO4银色版,HERO3 +和HERO3的所有版本。 这是因为这些型号具有Mini-USB连接,而较便宜的型号(如HERO +)则使用Micro-USB连接。 入门级HERO使用Mini-USB连接,但不支持麦克风适配器。

只有官方的麦克风适配器才能工作 (Only the Official Mic Adapter Will Work)

The official mic adapter offered by GoPro is pretty expensive for what it is, but unfortunately, it’s the only mic adapter that works right out of the box.


While you can buy a third-party adapter for a lot cheaper on Amazon (and there are a ton to choose from), none of them will work correctly with your GoPro, and some may not even work at all. I’ve bought several that only recorded audio to one channel, and others that just gave me a slight hissing sound the whole time.

虽然你可以购买第三方适配器亚马逊便宜很多(并有一吨可供选择),他们都将与您的GoPro的正常工作,有的可能根本连工作。 我买了几只只能将音频录制到一个频道的声音,而另一些则一直给我带来轻微的嘶嘶声。

One reason for this: GoPro’s Mini-USB connection uses 10 pins, while most general purpose Mini-USB cables and adapters use only 5 pins. Plus, the official adapter has a resistor built in that makes everything work like it should.

原因之一:GoPro的Mini-USB连接使用10针,而大多数通用Mini-USB电缆和适配器仅使用5针。 另外,官方适配器内置有一个电阻,可使所有功能正常工作。

However, many users who want to use an external mic with their GoPro prefer a right-angle adapter that makes the setup a bit more streamlined. Since the official GoPro mic adapter isn’t angled, it sticks out of your GoPro like crazy and isn’t really ideal in most scenarios. However, since third-party adapters don’t work right out of the box, many users have taken the time to modify third-party adapters in order to get them to work properly.

但是,许多希望将外部麦克风与GoPro配合使用的用户更喜欢使用直角适配器,从而使设置更加简化。 由于官方的GoPro麦克风适配器没有角度,因此它会像疯了似的那样伸出您的GoPro,在大多数情况下并不是理想的选择。 但是,由于第三方适配器无法立即使用,因此许多用户已经花了一些时间来修改第三方适配器,以使其正常工作。

It mostly just comes down to adding a resistor to the adapter’s wiring, anything from 275k-ohm to 330k-ohm seems to work perfectly, and it’s just a matter of opening up the adapter and soldering in the resistor. Of course, not everyone is capable of doing this, so it’s not the easiest solution by any means, but it’s the best one.

这主要是由于在适配器的布线上增加了一个电阻,从275k欧姆到330k欧姆的任何电阻似乎都可以正常工作,而这只是打开适配器并焊接电阻的问题。 当然,并不是每个人都有能力做到这一点,因此,这绝不是最简单的解决方案,而是最好的解决方案。

或者:使用外部音频源 (Alternatively: Use an External Audio Source)

If you don’t want to spend $20 on the official mic adapter (or just don’t like how it looks sticking out of the side of your GoPro), the next best option is to simply just use an external audio source. That could be a full voice recorder like the Zoom H1, or just a microphone hooked up to a smartphone, or tablet.

如果您不想在正式的麦克风适配器上花费20美元(或者只是不喜欢它看起来像从GoPro的侧面伸出),那么下一个最佳选择就是仅使用外部音频源。 那可能是像Zoom H1这样的完整语音记录器,或者只是连接到智能手机或平板电脑的麦克风。

There’s a bit more effort involved, since you have to sync the video and audio when you go to edit the footage, but if you’re looking for the best possible audio quality, it would make sense to use an external audio source anyway.


To make it easier to sync, though, stand in front of the GoPro while it’s recording, fire up your audio source, and then clap a few times. From there, you can simply match the clapping noises to the visual clapping in your video editor and have the rest of the video and audio be all synced up.

但是,为了使同步更容易,请在录制时站在GoPro前面,启动音频源,然后拍手几次。 从那里,您可以在视频编辑器中简单地将拍手声与视觉拍手相匹配,并使其余的视频和音频全部同步。

In the end, using the official GoPro mic adapter is the easiest solution, but it restricts you to using only microphones that have a 3.5mm plug. If you want anything more complex or higher quality than that, it might be best to stick with a separate, external audio source.

最后,使用官方的GoPro麦克风适配器是最简单的解决方案,但它限制您只能使用插头为3.5mm的麦克风。 如果您想要更复杂或更优质的东西,最好坚持使用单独的外部音频源。

Image by Andreas Kambanis/Flickr

图片由Andreas Kambanis / Flickr提供


gopro6 连接电脑

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