
In this series of blogs, AI in HR, we already understood what is AI, what is HR and benefits of AI in recruitment (read blog to know more).


In this blog we will understand role of AI in learning and development and also how can AI help L&D with examples.

在此博客中,我们将通过示例了解AI在学习和发展中的作用,以及AI 如何帮助L&D

Below is a pictorial representation of layers of AI.


L&D plays a major role in enhancing the skill of an employee or taking the current knowledge level to the next level. L&D is a branch of HR which is always involved in enhancing the skills of employees there by helping the business to achieve new goals.

L&D在提高员工的技能或将当前的知识水平提高到新水平方面发挥着重要作用。 L&D是人力资源部门的一个分支机构,始终致力于通过帮助企业实现新目标来提高员工的技能。

Let’s understand what AI can do today in the space of L&D?


  1. Pattern recognition — Recommendation.模式识别-建议。
  2. NLP — Sentiment Analysis.NLP —情绪分析。
  3. Conversational response — Text to Speech and Speech to text会话响应-文本到语音和语音到文本

Pattern recognition: The ability of a program to process large amount of data and identify the pattern of the data and makes recommendations. This was not possible traditionally.

模式识别:程序处理大量数据并识别数据模式并提出建议的能力。 传统上这是不可能的。

Example: Lot of guided workout/exercise related apps like cure.fit available in the market are AI enabled which can monitor the body movements through camera and can help us know whether we are following the steps correctly or not. Considering the learning pattern app suggests next set of workout training.

示例:市场上提供的许多与指导性的锻炼/运动相关的应用程序,例如curre.fit,都具有AI功能,可以通过摄像头监视人体运动,并可以帮助我们知道我们是否正确地遵循了这些步骤。 考虑学习模式的应用程序建议下一组锻炼训练。

Google and YouTube are best examples for pattern recognition. We already know about Google’s suggestions when we search for a keyword. Same is the case with YouTube. At the end of every video, YouTube suggests next video which is related to the current video.

Google和YouTube是模式识别的最佳范例。 搜索关键字时,我们已经了解Google的建议。 YouTube也是如此。 在每个视频的结尾,YouTube都会建议与当前视频相关的下一个视频。

Example: If you watch a video on “how to install phpMyAdmin”, it will suggest watching video on “Installing XAMPP”. At the end of this video it will suggest to watch video on “issues faced in bringing up phpMyAdmin” and after this it will suggest watching video on “phpMyAdmin tutorial”. If you notice, YouTube is suggesting videos in sequence, which is a pattern which it has already identified and making recommendations.

示例:如果您观看有关“如何安装phpMyAdmin”的视频,则建议您观看有关“安装XAMPP”的视频。 在此视频的结尾,它将建议观看有关“提出phpMyAdmin时遇到的问题”的视频,然后,将建议在“ phpMyAdmin教程”中观看视频。 如果您注意到,YouTube会按顺序建议视频,这是它已经确定的模式并提出建议。

Real-time assessment and recommending personalized learning: Traditionally every employee needed to learn the same course content. Now content can be personalized to suit what learner’s need, focus on weaker areas of the learner, recommend suitable content based on past learning history, predict needs based on their role and even auto-generate content using various content creation algorithms.

实时评估并推荐个性化学习:传统上,每个员工都需要学习相同的课程内容。 现在可以对内容进行个性化设置,以适应学习者的需求,关注学习者的弱势领域,根据过去的学习历史推荐合适的内容,根据角色的作用预测需求,甚至可以使用各种内容创建算法自动生成内容。

AI integrated learning tools/ apps also ask questions about what learner wants to learn and also identifies the gap. Based on the information generated a personalized learning path will be suggested. This makes the content very much personalized.

AI集成学习工具/应用程序还会询问有关学习者想要学习的内容的问题,并确定差距。 根据生成的信息,将建议个性化的学习路径。 这使得内容非常个性化。

Example: PluralSight lets you select what you want to learn and asks you to measure your IQ in that area. Based on the result, whether you are a novice, proficient or expert, it discovers and provides tailored course content. This helps you to avoid learning what you know already and start from where you should learn. This results in saving on time, resources and shortens the learning process dramatically.

示例: PluralSight使您可以选择想要学习的内容,并要求您测量该区域的智商。 根据结果​​,无论您是新手,专家还是专家,它都会发现并提供定制的课程内容。 这可以帮助您避免学习已有知识,而从应该学习的地方开始。 这样可以节省时间,资源并大大缩短学习过程。

Organizations can implement AI in the space of L&D by processing already available huge amount of data collected from various sources with respect to employees to get the insights. These insights can help L&D department to create training programs which are adaptive, suitable and time saving.

组织可以在L&D领域中实施AI,方法是处理从各种来源收集来的与员工有关的大量可用数据,以获得洞察力。 这些见解可以帮助L&D部门创建适应性强,适合并节省时间的培训计划。

Natural language process or NLP and Conversational response:


NLP is helping to enhancing employee experience in employee training. AI can help employees to improve their learning experience by providing real time feedback on certain area to improve.

NLP正在帮助 增强员工在员工培训中的经验。 人工智能可以通过提供某些方面的实时反馈来帮助员工改善学习体验。

Example: Using tools which convert speech to text and vice versa which are highly dependent on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), can provide realtime feedback on the demo provided or presentation made on some topic. It can tell you what keywords are used, how many times fillers are used or what choice of words is used. We can also get the feedback on voice modulation, tone used and how can the session be made engaging or interactive.

示例:使用高度依赖于机器学习(ML)和人工智能(AI)的将语音转换为文本,反之亦然的工具,可以提供有关所提供的演示或某个主题的演示的实时反馈。 它可以告诉您使用了哪些关键字,使用了填充符多少次或使用了哪些单词选择。 我们还可以获得有关语音调制,所用音调以及如何使会话具有吸引力或互动性的反馈。

Artificial Intelligence or AI in corporate learning has gone one step further where on the job training are being provided using VR (Virtual Reality). With VR, employee gets the realistic experience.

公司学习中的人工智能或AI向前迈进了一步,使用VR(虚拟现实)提供在职培训。 借助VR,员工可以获得逼真的体验。

VR also provides realistic, instant and detailed information on improvement area with respect to soft skills. Such training help in identifying the gaps and improve the week area.

VR还提供有关软技能方面改进方面的现实,即时和详细的信息。 此类培训有助于发现差距并改善工作周面积。

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI experts are exploring the options of involving AR (Augmented reality) in L&D space. AR has already been used in education. AI in education has transformed the teaching methods and made it easy for students to grasp the content very easily. Artificial Intelligence in Education has changed the methodology of teaching and made it easy for students to achieve more with less. Reading the entire text book and imagining what is happening has been replaced by AI powered educational videos.

人工智能在教育中的作用:人工智能专家正在探索将L(增强现实)纳入L&D空间的选择。 AR已经在教育中使用。 教育中的AI改变了教学方法,使学生很容易掌握内容。 教育中的人工智能改变了教学方法,使学生轻松实现事半功倍。 阅读整本教科书并想象正在发生的事情已被AI驱动的教育视频所取代。

Example: Many learning apps in the space of education provide personalized learning path. In case if the child does not understand some concept and trying to see the same clip again and again, the app would suggest another video which will provide more information in detail about the subject.

示例:教育领域中的许多学习应用程序提供了个性化的学习路径。 如果孩子不了解某些概念并试图一次又一次地看到相同的剪辑,则该应用会建议另一个视频,该视频将提供有关该主题的更多详细信息。



  1. Many organizations may have all the data but may not be in structured format. In such scenario it is difficult to gather the data for analytics. It is an expensive affair as it requires its own infrastructure. Hence AI powered learning system is always not affordable.许多组织可能拥有所有数据,但可能没有结构化格式。 在这种情况下,很难收集数据进行分析。 这是一件昂贵的事情,因为它需要自己的基础架构。 因此,人工智能驱动的学习系统始终无法负担。
  2. In recommendation system, it is always not necessary that all the recommended training are relevant. If the Irrelevant or faulty data has been used for building AI powered learning system then the learning system may be biased.在推荐系统中,始终不需要所有推荐的培训都相关。 如果无关或错误的数据已用于构建AI供电的学习系统,则该学习系统可能存在偏差。



  1. AI Identifies the learning patterns or the history and suggests intelligent learning path with content.AI识别学习模式或历史,并建议具有内容的智能学习路径。
  2. Also helps to understand the gap between current knowledge level and the expected knowledge level with respect to a particular subject matter. There by AI helps in reducing the learning time dramatically by bringing the learner to the point where s/he should start and saves lot of time to invest in necessary area.还可以帮助您了解特定主题的当前知识水平和预期知识水平之间的差距。 通过将学习者带到应该开始学习的地方,人工智能可以帮助大大减少学习时间,并节省大量时间投资于必要的领域。
  3. AI in L&D provides personalized learning experience. Also helps in assigning the personalized assignment.L&D中的AI提供个性化的学习体验。 还有助于分配个性化分配。
  4. AI can help in monitoring the progress or pattern or behavior of learners.人工智能可以帮助监控学习者的进度,模式或行为。
  5. AI reduces the necessity of “classroom training” as it is not required for all to go though the same learning program.AI减少了“课堂培训”的必要性,因为不需要所有人都通过相同的学习程序。
  6. Future of AI in learning and development will change the way the training used to happen traditionally. AI powered training help in the enhancing the knowledge of the employees which can be measured and the knowledge of the employees is coupled with the growth of the organization.人工智能在学习和发展中的未来将改变传统上进行培训的方式。 AI驱动的培训有助于增强可衡量的员工知识,而员工的知识则与组织的成长相结合。

Food for thought: How can BOTS help in L&D?

值得深思: BOTS如何在L&D中提供帮助?

In the next blog we will understand the role of AI in performance management.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@manjunath.dharmatti/role-of-ai-in-learning-and-development-4a69ed8ef97




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