1> 提交C++代码,能够完成像点、控制点的自动输入、以及相机检校结果输出。
2> 编写相机检校报告:包括流程分析、代码分析、精度分析。
3> 能够针对全画幅相机畸变模型进行不同畸变模型的分析(K3、K4、K5、K6不同次项径向畸变模型的拟合情况分析。
4> PT_含粗查.txt文件中包含了10个粗查点,因此在实现算法时,需要考虑如何进行粗查剔除(不做硬性规定)。


#pragma once#include<fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "ceres/problem.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "ceres/ceres.h"//定义ceres参数模型
struct res_cen_K2_BA
{double m_dx, m_dy;double m_dX, m_dY, m_dZ;res_cen_K2_BA(double x, double y, double X, double Y, double Z){m_dx = x;m_dy = y;m_dX = X;m_dY = Y;m_dZ = Z;}template <typename T>bool operator()(const T* const camera_K,const T* const image_Rt,const T* const camera_dp,T* out_residuals) const{T pos_proj[3], Xs, Ys, Zs, phi, omg, kap;T R[9], sOmg, cOmg, sPhi, cPhi, sKap, cKap;phi = image_Rt[0];omg = image_Rt[1];kap = image_Rt[2];Xs = image_Rt[3];Ys = image_Rt[4];Zs = image_Rt[5];sOmg = sin(omg);cOmg = cos(omg);sPhi = sin(phi);cPhi = cos(phi);sKap = sin(kap);cKap = cos(kap);//求R矩阵R[0] = cPhi * cKap - sPhi * sOmg * sKap;R[1] = -cPhi * sKap - sPhi * sOmg * cKap;R[2] = -sPhi * cOmg;R[3] = cOmg * sKap;R[4] = cOmg * cKap;R[5] = -sOmg;R[6] = sPhi * cKap + cPhi * sOmg * sKap;R[7] = -sPhi * sKap + cPhi * sOmg * cKap;R[8] = cPhi * cOmg;//求X_,Y_,Z_近似值pos_proj[0] = R[0] * (m_dX - Xs) + R[3] * (m_dY - Ys) + R[6] * (m_dZ - Zs);pos_proj[1] = R[1] * (m_dX - Xs) + R[4] * (m_dY - Ys) + R[7] * (m_dZ - Zs);pos_proj[2] = R[2] * (m_dX - Xs) + R[5] * (m_dY - Ys) + R[8] * (m_dZ - Zs);//求X_/Z_,Y_/Z_const T x_u = pos_proj[0] / pos_proj[2];const T y_u = pos_proj[1] / pos_proj[2];const T& focal = camera_K[0];const T& ppx = camera_K[1];const T& ppy = camera_K[2];const T& k1 = camera_dp[0];const T& k2 = camera_dp[1];const T& p1 = camera_dp[2];const T& p2 = camera_dp[3];const T& a = camera_dp[4];const T& b = camera_dp[5];const T r2 = (T(m_dx) - ppx) * (T(m_dx) - ppx) + (T(m_dy) - ppy) * (T(m_dy) - ppy);const T r4 = r2 * r2;const T dtx = (T(m_dx) - ppx) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r4) + p1 * (r2 + 2.0 * (T(m_dx) - ppx) * (T(m_dx) - ppx)) + p2 * 2.0 * (T(m_dx) - ppx) * (T(m_dy) - ppy) + a * (T(m_dx) - ppx) + b * (T(m_dy) - ppy);const T dty = (T(m_dy) - ppy) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r4) + p2 * (r2 + 2.0 * (T(m_dx) - ppx) * (T(m_dx) - ppx)) + p1 * 2.0 * (T(m_dx) - ppx) * (T(m_dy) - ppy);out_residuals[0] = ppx - dtx - focal * x_u-T(m_dx);out_residuals[1] = ppy - dty - focal * y_u-T(m_dy);return true;}
};//void ceres_BA();class PT //图像坐标
{public:int number;double X;double Y;
public:PT() { number = 0; X = 0.0; Y = 0.0; };~PT() {};friend bool operator<(PT a, PT b)//重载PT, 使得可以用sort进行排序{return a.number < b.number;}
};class GCP//控制点坐标
{public:int number;double X;double Y;double Z;
public:GCP() { number = 0; X = 0.0; Y = 0.0; Z = 0.0; };~GCP() {};
};class PT_GCP//像点坐标和控制点坐标对应
{public:PT_GCP() { id = 0; use = 1; number = 0; PT_X = 0.0; PT_Y = 0.0; Vx = Vy = 0.0; GCP_X = 0.0; GCP_Y = 0.0; GCP_Z = 0.0; };~PT_GCP() {};
public:int id;bool use;int number;double PT_X;double PT_Y;double Vx;double Vy;double GCP_X;double GCP_Y;double GCP_Z;
};class Manger
{public:Manger() ;~Manger() {};
public:std::vector<PT>PT_XY;std::vector<GCP>GCP_XYZ;std::vector<PT_GCP>PT_GCP_XYZ;public:double Lp[11] = { 0.0 };double R[3][3] = { 0.0 };double A[3][3] = { 0.0 };double Vxy[2 * 285] = { 0.0 };double mer;//中误差double fx2;//计算参数double fy2;double Xs, Ys, Zs;//15个元素和相关计算参数double Phi, Omg, Kap;double f, x0, y0;double a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3;double L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10, L11;double k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, p1, p2, da, db;public:void OpenFile_PT(std::string filename_);//读取像点void OpenFile_GCP(std::string filename_);//读取控制点//void OpenImage(std::string filename_);//读取图像void Matching();//像点坐标和控制点坐标匹配bool BLT(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_, double* L);//BLTvoid InnitValue(double* L);bool BA(std::vector<PT_GCP>&img_);bool BA_K3(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_);//K3次项径向畸变模型bool BA_K4(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_);//K4次项径向畸变模型bool BA_K5(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_);//K5次项径向畸变模型bool BA_K6(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_);//K5次项径向畸变模型void calculate();//不含粗差,计算流程void  calculate_c();//含粗差,计算流程void calculate_K3();//K3次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差,计算流程void calculate_K4();//K4次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差,计算流程void calculate_K5();//K5次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差,计算流程void calculate_K6();//K6次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差,计算流程bool ceres_BA();//用ceres解求BAvoid OutputFile();//输出文件K2次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差void OutputFile_ceres();//输出文件ceres求解K2次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差void OutputFile_app();//输出文件K2次项径向畸变模型,含粗差void OutputFile_app_K3();//输出文件K3次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差void OutputFile_app_K4();//输出文件K4次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差void OutputFile_app_K5();//输出文件K5次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差void OutputFile_app_K6();//输出文件K6次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差
};void test(Manger&p);


{fx2 = fy2 = 0.0;Xs = Ys = Zs = 0.0;Phi = Omg = Kap = 0.0;f = x0 = y0 = 0.0;a1 = a2 = a3 = b1 = b2 = b3 = c1 = c2 = c3=0.0;L1 = L2 = L3 = L4 = L5 = L6 = L7 = L8 = L9 = L10 = L11 = 0.0;k1 = k2 = k3 = k4 = k5 = k6 = p1 = p2 = da = db = 0.0;
}void Manger::OpenFile_PT(std::string filename_)
{PT_XY.clear();int nu;double x, y;std::ifstream fin(filename_, std::ios::in);if (fin.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}std::string sin;while (!fin.eof()){fin >> nu >> x >> y;PT store;store.number = nu;store.X = x;store.Y = y;if (fin.fail())break;PT_XY.push_back(store);}std::sort(PT_XY.begin(), PT_XY.end());//排好序,为与控制点匹配做准备fin.close();
}void Manger::OpenFile_GCP(std::string filename_)
{GCP_XYZ.clear();int nu;double x, y, z;std::ifstream fin(filename_, std::ios::in);if (fin.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}std::string sin;while (!fin.eof()){fin >> nu >> x >> y >> z;GCP store;store.number = nu;store.X = x;store.Y = y;store.Z = z;if (fin.fail())break;GCP_XYZ.push_back(store);}fin.close();
}void Manger::Matching()
{PT_GCP_XYZ.clear();int ID = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < PT_XY.size(); i++){for (size_t j = 0; j < GCP_XYZ.size(); j++){if (PT_XY[i].number == GCP_XYZ[j].number){ID++;PT_GCP store;store.number = PT_XY[i].number;store.PT_X = PT_XY[i].X;store.PT_Y = PT_XY[i].Y;store.GCP_X = GCP_XYZ[j].X;store.GCP_Y = GCP_XYZ[j].Y;store.GCP_Z = GCP_XYZ[j].Z;store.id=ID;PT_GCP_XYZ.push_back(store);}}}
}bool Manger::BLT(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_, double *pL)
{//系数矩阵double A[2 * 11];double AT[11 * 2];double ATL[11 * 1];double ATL_t[11 * 1];double ATA[11 * 11];double ATA_t[11 * 11];double L[2 * 1];double X[11 * 1];//清空矩阵memset(A, 0, 2 * 11 * sizeof(double));memset(AT, 0, 11 * 2 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL, 0, 11 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL_t, 0, 11 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA, 0, 11 * 11 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA_t, 0, 11 * 11 * sizeof(double));memset(L, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));//迭代器std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();for (; it != img_.end(); it++){//逐点化法A[0 * 11 + 0] = it->GCP_X;A[0 * 11 + 1] = it->GCP_Y;A[0 * 11 + 2] = it->GCP_Z;A[0 * 11 + 3] = 1.0;A[0 * 11 + 4] = 0.0;A[0 * 11 + 5] = 0.0;A[0 * 11 + 6] = 0.0;A[0 * 11 + 7] = 0.0;A[0 * 11 + 8] = it->PT_X * it->GCP_X;A[0 * 11 + 9] = it->PT_X * it->GCP_Y;A[0 * 11 + 10]= it->PT_X * it->GCP_Z;A[1 * 11 + 0] = 0.0;A[1 * 11 + 1] = 0.0;A[1 * 11 + 2] = 0.0;A[1 * 11 + 3] = 0.0;A[1 * 11 + 4] = it->GCP_X;A[1 * 11 + 5] = it->GCP_Y;A[1 * 11 + 6] = it->GCP_Z;A[1 * 11 + 7] = 1.0;A[1 * 11 + 8] = it->PT_Y * it->GCP_X;A[1 * 11 + 9] = it->PT_Y * it->GCP_Y;A[1 * 11 + 10]= it->PT_Y * it->GCP_Z;L[0] = -it->PT_X;L[1] = -it->PT_Y;//ATMatrixTra(2, 11, A, AT);//ATA+=ATAMatrixMul(AT, A, 11, 2 , 11,ATA_t);MatrixSum(11, 11, 11, 11, ATA, ATA_t, ATA);//ATL+=ATLMatrixMul(AT, L, 11, 2, 1, ATL_t);MatrixSum(11, 1, 11, 1, ATL, ATL_t, ATL);}//求解法方程MatrixInv(11, ATA);if (ATA == 0)return false;//矩阵求逆失败,方程已经无法收敛MatrixMul(ATA, ATL, 11, 11, 1, X);//为结果赋值for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)pL[i] = X[i];return true;
}void Manger::InnitValue(double* L)
{L1 = L[0], L2 = L[1], L3 = L[2], L4 = L[3], L5 = L[4], L6 = L[5], L7 = L[6], L8 = L[7], L9 = L[8], L10 = L[9], L11 = L[10];double  y3, fx, fy, L_[3] = { 0.0 }, R_A_[3][3] = { 0.0 }, Xs_Ys_Zs[3] = { 0.0 };x0 = -(L1 * L9 + L2 * L10 + L3 * L11) / (pow(L9, 2.0) + pow(L10, 2.0) + pow(L11, 2.0));y0 = -(L5 * L9 + L6 * L10 + L7 * L11) / (pow(L9, 2.0) + pow(L10, 2.0) + pow(L11, 2.0));fx2 = -pow(x0, 2.0) + (pow(L1, 2.0) + pow(L2, 2.0) + pow(L3, 2.0)) / (pow(L9, 2.0) + pow(L10, 2.0) + pow(L11, 2.0));fy2 = -pow(y0, 2.0) + (pow(L5, 2.0) + pow(L6, 2.0) + pow(L7, 2.0)) / (pow(L9, 2.0) + pow(L10, 2.0) + pow(L11, 2.0));fx = sqrt(fx2);fy = sqrt(fy2);y3 = 1 / (sqrt(pow(L9, 2.0) + pow(L10, 2.0) + pow(L11, 2.0)));f = (fx + fy) / 2.0;a3 = y3 * L9;b3 = y3 * L10;c3 = y3 * L11;a1 = 1 / fx * (y3 * L1 + x0 * a3);b1 = 1 / fx * (y3 * L2 + x0 * b3);c1 = 1 / fx * (y3 * L3 + x0 * c3);a2 = 1 / fy * (y3 * L5 + y0 * a3);b2 = 1 / fy * (y3 * L6 + y0 * b3);c2 = 1 / fy * (y3 * L7 + y0 * c3);Phi = atan(-a3/c3) - 3.141592653589793; //角元素Omg = asin(b3);Kap = atan(b1/ b2);R[0][0] = a1; R[0][1] = b1; R[0][2] = c1;R[1][0] = a2;R[1][1] = b2; R[1][2] = c2;R[2][0] = a3;R[2][1] = b3; R[2][2] = c3;A[0][0] = fx / y3;   A[0][2] = -x0 / y3;    A[1][1] = fx / y3;A[1][2] = -y0 / y3;       A[2][2] = 1 / y3;L_[0] = -L4;L_[1] = -L8;L_[2] = -1;MatrixInv(3, *R);MatrixInv(3, *A);MatrixMul(*R, *A, 3, 3, 3, *R_A_);MatrixMul(*R_A_, L_, 3, 3, 1, Xs_Ys_Zs);/*Phi = atan2(-c1, c3);Omg = asin(-c2);Kap = atan2(a2, b2);*/Xs = Xs_Ys_Zs[0];Ys = Xs_Ys_Zs[1];Zs = Xs_Ys_Zs[2];//外方位元素
}bool Manger::BA(std::vector<PT_GCP>&img_)
{//系数矩阵double A[2 * 15];double AT[15 * 2];double ATL[15 * 1];double ATL_t[15 * 1];double ATA[15 * 15];double ATA_t[15 * 15];double L[2 * 1];double Xv[15 * 1];double AXv[2 * 1];double Vxy[2 * 1];int iRepeat = 0;//迭代次数do{iRepeat++;if (iRepeat > 1000){break;return false;}//清空矩阵memset(A, 0, 2 * 15 * sizeof(double));memset(AT, 0, 15 * 2 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL, 0, 15 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL_t, 0, 15 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA, 0, 15 * 15 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA_t, 0, 15 * 15 * sizeof(double));memset(L, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Xv, 0, 15 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(AXv, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Vxy, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));//迭代器std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();for (; it != img_.end(); it++){double x = it->PT_X;double y = it->PT_Y;double X = it->GCP_X;double Y = it->GCP_Y;double Z = it->GCP_Z;double r2 = pow(x - x0, 2.0) + pow(y - y0, 2.0);double dltx = (x - x0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2) + p1 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p2 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0) + da * (x - x0) + db * (y - y0);double dlty = (y - y0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2) + p2 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p1 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);double X_ = a1 * (X - Xs) + b1 * (Y - Ys) + c1 * (Z - Zs);double Y_ = a2 * (X - Xs) + b2 * (Y - Ys) + c2 * (Z - Zs);double Z_ = a3 * (X - Xs) + b3 * (Y - Ys) + c3 * (Z - Zs);double xj = x0 + dltx - f * X_ / Z_;//x的近似值double yj = y0 + dlty - f * Y_ / Z_;//y的近似值A[0 * 15 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a1 * f + a3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 15 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b1 * f + b3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 15 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c1 * f + c3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 15 + 3] = (y - y0) * sin(Omg) - ((x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) + f * cos(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[0 * 15 + 4] = -f * sin(Kap) - (x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[0 * 15 + 5] = y - y0;A[0 * 15 + 6] = (x - x0) / f;A[0 * 15 + 7] = 1;A[0 * 15 + 8] = 0;A[0 * 15 + 9] = (x - x0) * r2;A[0 * 15 + 10] = (x - x0) * r2*r2;A[0 * 15 + 11] = r2 + 2 * pow(x - x0, 2.0);A[0 * 15 + 12] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[0 * 15 + 13] = x - x0;A[0 * 15 + 14] = y - y0;A[1 * 15 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a2 * f + a3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 15 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b2 * f + b3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 15 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c2 * f + c3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 15 + 3] = -(x - x0) * sin(Omg) - ((y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) - f * sin(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[1 * 15 + 4] = -f * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[1 * 15 + 5] = -(x - x0);A[1 * 15 + 6] = (y - y0) / f;A[1 * 15 + 7] = 0;A[1 * 15 + 8] = 1;A[1 * 15 + 9] = (y - y0) * r2;A[1 * 15 + 10] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2;A[1 * 15 + 11] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[1 * 15 + 12] = r2 + 2 * pow(y - y0, 2.0);A[1 * 15 + 13] = 0.0;A[1 * 15 + 14] = 0.0;L[0] = x - xj;L[1] = y - yj;//ATMatrixTra(2, 15, A, AT);//ATA+=ATAMatrixMul(AT, A, 15, 2, 15, ATA_t);MatrixSum(15, 15, 15, 15, ATA, ATA_t, ATA);//ATL+=ATLMatrixMul(AT, L, 15, 2, 1, ATL_t);MatrixSum(15, 1, 15, 1, ATL, ATL_t, ATL);//求中误差MatrixMul(A, Xv, 2, 15, 1, AXv);MatrixDiff(2, 1, 2, 1, AXv, L, Vxy);it->Vx = Vxy[0];it->Vy = Vxy[1];}//求解法方程MatrixInv(15, ATA);if (ATA == 0){mer = 10;break; return false;//矩阵求逆失败,方程已经无法收敛}MatrixMul(ATA, ATL, 15, 15, 1, Xv);Xs  += Xv[0];//更新数据Ys  += Xv[1];Zs  += Xv[2];Phi += Xv[3];Omg += Xv[4];Kap += Xv[5];f   += Xv[6];x0  += Xv[7];y0  += Xv[8];k1  += Xv[9];k2  += Xv[10];p1  += Xv[11];p1  += Xv[12];da  += Xv[13];db  += Xv[14];a1 = cos(Phi) * cos(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);a2 = -cos(Phi) * sin(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);a3 = -sin(Phi) * cos(Omg);b1 = cos(Omg) * sin(Kap);b2 = cos(Omg) * cos(Kap);b3 = -sin(Omg);c1 = sin(Phi) * cos(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);c2 = -sin(Phi) * sin(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);c3 = cos(Phi) * cos(Omg);} while (Xv[3] < 0.00001 || Xv[4] < 0.00001 || Xv[5] < 0.00001);std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();double toutle=0;for (; it != img_.end(); it++)toutle = it->Vx * it->Vx + it->Vy * it->Vy;mer = sqrt(toutle /( img_.size()));   if (iRepeat > 1000)mer = 10;return  true;
}void Manger::OutputFile()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::app);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "K2次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差:\n";fp << "Xs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs << "\nPhi:" << Phi << "\nOmg:" <<Omg << "\nKap" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" <<x0 << "\ny0:" <<y0<< "\nk1:" <<k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2 << "\np1:" <<p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" <<db << "\n";fp << "中误差:" <<mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::OutputFile_ceres()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::out);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "ceres求解K2次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差:\n";fp << "Xs:" <<Xs << "\nYs:" <<Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs << "\nPhi:" << Phi << "\nOmg:" <<Omg << "\nKap" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" <<x0 << "\ny0:" <<y0<< "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" << k2 << "\np1:" <<p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nα:" <<da << "\nβ:" <<db << "\n";fp << "中误差:\n" << mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::OutputFile_app()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::app);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "\n\nK2次项径向畸变模型,含粗差:\n";fp <<"Xs:"<< Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" <<Zs << "\nPhi:" << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0:" << y0<< "\nk1:" <<k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2 << "\np1:" <<p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nα:" <<da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";fp << "中误差:" << mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::OutputFile_app_K3()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::app);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "\n\nK3次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差:\n";fp << "Xs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs << "\nPhi:" << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0:" <<y0<< "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" << k2 <<"\nK3:"<<k3<< "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";fp << "中误差:" <<mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::OutputFile_app_K4()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::app);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "\n\nK4次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差:\n";fp << "Xs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" <<Zs << "\nPhi:" << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap" <<Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" <<x0 << "\ny0:" << y0<< "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2 << "\nK3:" << k3 << "\nK4:" << k4 << "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" <<p2 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" <<db << "\n";fp << "中误差:" <<mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::OutputFile_app_K5()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::app);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "\n\nK5次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差:\n";fp << "Xs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs << "\nPhi:" <<Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" <<x0 << "\ny0:" <<y0<< "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" << k2 << "\nK3:" << k3 << "\nK4:" << k4 << "\nK5:" <<k5 << "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" <<db << "\n";fp << "中误差:" <<mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::OutputFile_app_K6()
{std::fstream fp("D:\\6_1.txt", std::ios::app);if (fp.fail()){std::cerr << "open file error!!!";exit(1);}fp << "\n\nK6次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差:\n";fp << "Xs:" <<Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" <<Zs << "\nPhi:" <<Phi << "\nOmg:" <<Omg << "\nKap" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0:" <<y0<< "\nk1:" <<k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2 << "\nK3:" <<k3 << "\nK4:" << k4 << "\nK5:" << k5 << "\nK6:" << k6 << "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" <<p2 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";fp << "中误差:" <<mer;fp.close();
}void Manger::calculate()
{OpenFile_PT("PT_不含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");//Matching();BLT(PT_GCP_XYZ, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);BA(PT_GCP_XYZ);std::cout << "K2次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算\nXs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs <<"\nPhi: " << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap:" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0" << y0<< "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:"  <<k2<<"\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";OutputFile();
}void Manger::calculate_c()
{OpenFile_PT("PT_含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");//Matching();std::vector<PT_GCP>img_info;//剔除误差的匹配点for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++){std::vector<PT_GCP> img_t;//随机取10个匹配点int Num[10] = { 0 };for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){int n = rand() % PT_GCP_XYZ.size();img_t.push_back(PT_GCP_XYZ[n]);Num[i] = n;}BLT(img_t, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);k1 = k2 = p1 = p2 = da = db = 0;BA(img_t);if (mer > 1)//若中误差大于0.3,就不使用{for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)PT_GCP_XYZ[Num[i]].use = 0;}else if (mer <= 1)//若中误差小于0.3,就使用{for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)PT_GCP_XYZ[Num[i]].use = 1;}}for (size_t i = 0; i < PT_GCP_XYZ.size(); i++){if (PT_GCP_XYZ[i].use == 1)img_info.push_back(PT_GCP_XYZ[i]);}BLT(img_info, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);k1 = k2 = p1 = p2 = da = db = 0;BA(img_info);OutputFile_app();}void Manger::calculate_K3()
{OpenFile_PT("PT_不含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");//Matching();BLT(PT_GCP_XYZ, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);BA_K3(PT_GCP_XYZ);std::cout << "K3次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算\nXs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs <<"\nPhi: " << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap:" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0" << y0<< "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2<< "\nk3:"<<k3 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db<<"\n";OutputFile_app_K3();
}void Manger::calculate_K4()
{OpenFile_PT("PT_不含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");//Matching();BLT(PT_GCP_XYZ, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);BA_K4(PT_GCP_XYZ);std::cout << "K4次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算\nXs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs <<"\nPhi: " << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap:" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0" << y0<< "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2<< "\nk3:" <<k3<<"\nk4:"<<k4<< "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";OutputFile_app_K4();
}void Manger::calculate_K5()
{OpenFile_PT("PT_不含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");//Matching();BLT(PT_GCP_XYZ, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);BA_K5(PT_GCP_XYZ);std::cout << "K5次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算\nXs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs <<"\nPhi: " << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap:" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0" << y0<< "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:"<<k2 << "\nk3:" <<k3<< "\nk4:" << k4 << "\nk5:" << k5 << "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";OutputFile_app_K5();
}void Manger::calculate_K6()
{OpenFile_PT("PT_不含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");//Matching();BLT(PT_GCP_XYZ, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);BA_K6(PT_GCP_XYZ);std::cout << "K6次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算\nXs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs <<"\nPhi: " << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap:" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0" << y0<< "\np1:" << p1 << "\np2:" << p2 << "\nk1:" << k1 << "\nk2:" <<k2<< "\nk3:"<<k3 << "\nk4:" << k4 << "\nk5:" << k5<< "\nα:" << da << "\nβ:" << db << "\n";OutputFile_app_K6();
}bool Manger::BA_K3(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_)
{//系数矩阵double A[2 * 16];double AT[16 * 2];double ATL[16 * 1];double ATL_t[16 * 1];double ATA[16 * 16];double ATA_t[16 * 16];double L[2 * 1];double Xv[16 * 1];double AXv[2 * 1];double Vxy[2 * 1];int iRepeat = 0;//迭代次数do{iRepeat++;if (iRepeat > 1000){break;return false;}//清空矩阵memset(A, 0, 2 * 16 * sizeof(double));memset(AT, 0, 16 * 2 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL, 0, 16 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL_t, 0, 16 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA, 0, 16 * 16 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA_t, 0, 16 * 16 * sizeof(double));memset(L, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Xv, 0, 16 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(AXv, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Vxy, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));//迭代器std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();for (; it != img_.end(); it++){double x = it->PT_X;double y = it->PT_Y;double X = it->GCP_X;double Y = it->GCP_Y;double Z = it->GCP_Z;double r2 = pow(x - x0, 2.0) + pow(y - y0, 2.0);double dltx = (x - x0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2) + p1 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p2 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0) + da * (x - x0) + db * (y - y0);double dlty = (y - y0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2) + p2 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p1 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);double X_ = a1 * (X - Xs) + b1 * (Y - Ys) + c1 * (Z - Zs);double Y_ = a2 * (X - Xs) + b2 * (Y - Ys) + c2 * (Z - Zs);double Z_ = a3 * (X - Xs) + b3 * (Y - Ys) + c3 * (Z - Zs);double xj = x0 + dltx - f * X_ / Z_;//x的近似值double yj = y0 + dlty - f * Y_ / Z_;//y的近似值A[0 * 16 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a1 * f + a3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 16 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b1 * f + b3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 16 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c1 * f + c3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 16 + 3] = (y - y0) * sin(Omg) - ((x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) + f * cos(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[0 * 16 + 4] = -f * sin(Kap) - (x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[0 * 16 + 5] = y - y0;A[0 * 16 + 6] = (x - x0) / f;A[0 * 16 + 7] = 1;A[0 * 16 + 8] = 0;A[0 * 16 + 9] = (x - x0) * r2;A[0 * 16 + 10] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2;A[0 * 16 + 11] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[0 * 16 + 12] = r2 + 2 * pow(x - x0, 2.0);A[0 * 16 + 13] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[0 * 16 + 14] = x - x0;A[0 * 16 + 15] = y - y0;A[1 * 16 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a2 * f + a3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 16 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b2 * f + b3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 16 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c2 * f + c3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 16 + 3] = -(x - x0) * sin(Omg) - ((y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) - f * sin(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[1 * 16 + 4] = -f * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[1 * 16 + 5] = -(x - x0);A[1 * 16 + 6] = (y - y0) / f;A[1 * 16 + 7] = 0;A[1 * 16 + 8] = 1;A[1 * 16 + 9] = (y - y0) * r2;A[1 * 16 + 10] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2;A[1 * 16 + 11] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[1 * 16 + 12] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[1 * 16 + 13] = r2 + 2 * pow(y - y0, 2.0);A[1 * 16 + 14] = 0.0;A[1 * 16 + 15] = 0.0;L[0] = x - xj;L[1] = y - yj;//ATMatrixTra(2, 16, A, AT);//ATA+=ATAMatrixMul(AT, A, 16, 2, 16, ATA_t);MatrixSum(16, 16, 16, 16, ATA, ATA_t, ATA);//ATL+=ATLMatrixMul(AT, L, 16, 2, 1, ATL_t);MatrixSum(16, 1, 16, 1, ATL, ATL_t, ATL);//求中误差MatrixMul(A, Xv, 2, 16, 1, AXv);MatrixDiff(2, 1, 2, 1, AXv, L, Vxy);it->Vx = Vxy[0];it->Vy = Vxy[1];}//求解法方程MatrixInv(16, ATA);if (ATA == 0)return false;//矩阵求逆失败,方程已经无法收敛MatrixMul(ATA, ATL, 16, 16, 1, Xv);Xs  += Xv[0];//更新数据Ys  += Xv[1];Zs  += Xv[2];Phi += Xv[3];Omg += Xv[4];Kap += Xv[5];f   += Xv[6];x0  += Xv[7];y0  += Xv[8];k1  += Xv[9];k2  += Xv[10];k3  += Xv[11];p1  += Xv[12];p1  += Xv[13];da  += Xv[14];db  += Xv[15];a1 = cos(Phi) * cos(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);a2 = -cos(Phi) * sin(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);a3 = -sin(Phi) * cos(Omg);b1 = cos(Omg) * sin(Kap);b2 = cos(Omg) * cos(Kap);b3 = -sin(Omg);c1 = sin(Phi) * cos(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);c2 = -sin(Phi) * sin(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);c3 = cos(Phi) * cos(Omg);} while (Xv[3] < 0.00001 || Xv[4] < 0.00001 || Xv[5] < 0.00001);std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();double toutle = 0;for (; it != img_.end(); it++)toutle = it->Vx * it->Vx + it->Vy * it->Vy;mer = sqrt(toutle / ( img_.size()));if (iRepeat > 1000)mer = 10;return  true;
}bool Manger::BA_K4(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_)
{//系数矩阵double A[2 * 17];double AT[17 * 2];double ATL[17 * 1];double ATL_t[17 * 1];double ATA[17 * 17];double ATA_t[17 * 17];double L[2 * 1];double Xv[17 * 1];double AXv[2 * 1];double Vxy[2 * 1];int iRepeat = 0;//迭代次数do{iRepeat++;if (iRepeat > 1000){break;return false;}//清空矩阵memset(A, 0, 2 * 17 * sizeof(double));memset(AT, 0, 17 * 2 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL, 0, 17 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL_t, 0, 17 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA, 0, 17 * 17 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA_t, 0, 17 * 17 * sizeof(double));memset(L, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Xv, 0, 17 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(AXv, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Vxy, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));//迭代器std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();for (; it != img_.end(); it++){double x = it->PT_X;double y = it->PT_Y;double X = it->GCP_X;double Y = it->GCP_Y;double Z = it->GCP_Z;double r2 = pow(x - x0, 2.0) + pow(y - y0, 2.0);double r4 = r2 * r2;double dltx = (x - x0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2 + k4 * r4 * r4) + p1 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p2 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0) + da * (x - x0) + db * (y - y0);double dlty = (y - y0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2 + k4 * r4 * r4) + p2 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p1 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);double X_ = a1 * (X - Xs) + b1 * (Y - Ys) + c1 * (Z - Zs);double Y_ = a2 * (X - Xs) + b2 * (Y - Ys) + c2 * (Z - Zs);double Z_ = a3 * (X - Xs) + b3 * (Y - Ys) + c3 * (Z - Zs);double xj = x0 + dltx - f * X_ / Z_;//x的近似值double yj = y0 + dlty - f * Y_ / Z_;//y的近似值A[0 * 17 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a1 * f + a3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 17 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b1 * f + b3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 17 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c1 * f + c3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 17 + 3] = (y - y0) * sin(Omg) - ((x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) + f * cos(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[0 * 17 + 4] = -f * sin(Kap) - (x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[0 * 17 + 5] = y - y0;A[0 * 17 + 6] = (x - x0) / f;A[0 * 17 + 7] = 1;A[0 * 17 + 8] = 0;A[0 * 17 + 9] = (x - x0) * r2;A[0 * 17 + 10] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2;A[0 * 17 + 11] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[0 * 17 + 12] = (x - x0) * r4 * r4;A[0 * 17 + 13] = r2 + 2 * pow(x - x0, 2.0);A[0 * 17 + 14] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[0 * 17 + 15] = x - x0;A[0 * 17 + 16] = y - y0;A[1 * 17 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a2 * f + a3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 17 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b2 * f + b3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 17 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c2 * f + c3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 17 + 3] = -(x - x0) * sin(Omg) - ((y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) - f * sin(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[1 * 17 + 4] = -f * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[1 * 17 + 5] = -(x - x0);A[1 * 17 + 6] = (y - y0) / f;A[1 * 17 + 7] = 0;A[1 * 17 + 8] = 1;A[1 * 17 + 9] = (y - y0) * r2;A[1 * 17 + 10] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2;A[1 * 17 + 11] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[1 * 17 + 12] = (y - y0) * r4 * r4;A[1 * 17 + 13] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[1 * 17 + 14] = r2 + 2 * pow(y - y0, 2.0);A[1 * 17 + 15] = 0.0;A[1 * 17 + 16] = 0.0;L[0] = x - xj;L[1] = y - yj;//ATMatrixTra(2, 17, A, AT);//ATA+=ATAMatrixMul(AT, A, 17, 2, 17, ATA_t);MatrixSum(17, 17, 17, 17, ATA, ATA_t, ATA);//ATL+=ATLMatrixMul(AT, L, 17, 2, 1, ATL_t);MatrixSum(17, 1, 17, 1, ATL, ATL_t, ATL);//求中误差MatrixMul(A, Xv, 2, 17, 1, AXv);MatrixDiff(2, 1, 2, 1, AXv, L, Vxy);it->Vx = Vxy[0];it->Vy = Vxy[1];}//求解法方程MatrixInv(17, ATA);if (ATA == 0)return false;//矩阵求逆失败,方程已经无法收敛MatrixMul(ATA, ATL, 17, 17, 1, Xv);Xs += Xv[0];//更新数据Ys += Xv[1];Zs += Xv[2];Phi += Xv[3];Omg += Xv[4];Kap += Xv[5];f += Xv[6];x0 += Xv[7];y0 += Xv[8];k1 += Xv[9];k2 += Xv[10];k3 += Xv[11];k4 += Xv[12];p1 += Xv[13];p1 += Xv[14];da += Xv[15];db += Xv[16];a1 = cos(Phi) * cos(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);a2 = -cos(Phi) * sin(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);a3 = -sin(Phi) * cos(Omg);b1 = cos(Omg) * sin(Kap);b2 = cos(Omg) * cos(Kap);b3 = -sin(Omg);c1 = sin(Phi) * cos(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);c2 = -sin(Phi) * sin(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);c3 = cos(Phi) * cos(Omg);} while (Xv[3] < 0.00001 || Xv[4] < 0.00001 || Xv[5] < 0.00001);std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();double toutle = 0;for (; it != img_.end(); it++)toutle = it->Vx * it->Vx + it->Vy * it->Vy;mer = sqrt(toutle / (img_.size()));return  true;
}bool Manger::BA_K5(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_)
{//系数矩阵double A[2 * 18];double AT[18 * 2];double ATL[18 * 1];double ATL_t[18 * 1];double ATA[18 * 18];double ATA_t[18 * 18];double L[2 * 1];double Xv[18 * 1];double AXv[2 * 1];double Vxy[2 * 1];int iRepeat = 0;//迭代次数do{iRepeat++;if (iRepeat > 1000){break;return false;}//清空矩阵memset(A, 0, 2 * 18 * sizeof(double));memset(AT, 0, 18 * 2 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL, 0, 18 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL_t, 0, 18 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA, 0, 18 * 18 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA_t, 0, 18 * 18 * sizeof(double));memset(L, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Xv, 0, 18 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(AXv, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Vxy, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));//迭代器std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();for (; it != img_.end(); it++){double x = it->PT_X;double y = it->PT_Y;double X = it->GCP_X;double Y = it->GCP_Y;double Z = it->GCP_Z;double r2 = pow(x - x0, 2.0) + pow(y - y0, 2.0);double r4 = r2 * r2;double r8 = r4 * r4;double dltx = (x - x0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2 + k4 * r4 * r4 + k5 * r8 * r2) + p1 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p2 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0) + da * (x - x0) + db * (y - y0);double dlty = (y - y0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2 + k4 * r4 * r4 + k5 * r8 * r2) + p2 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p1 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);double X_ = a1 * (X - Xs) + b1 * (Y - Ys) + c1 * (Z - Zs);double Y_ = a2 * (X - Xs) + b2 * (Y - Ys) + c2 * (Z - Zs);double Z_ = a3 * (X - Xs) + b3 * (Y - Ys) + c3 * (Z - Zs);double xj = x0 + dltx - f * X_ / Z_;//x的近似值double yj = y0 + dlty - f * Y_ / Z_;//y的近似值A[0 * 18 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a1 * f + a3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 18 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b1 * f + b3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 18 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c1 * f + c3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 18 + 3] = (y - y0) * sin(Omg) - ((x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) + f * cos(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[0 * 18 + 4] = -f * sin(Kap) - (x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[0 * 18 + 5] = y - y0;A[0 * 18 + 6] = (x - x0) / f;A[0 * 18 + 7] = 1;A[0 * 18 + 8] = 0;A[0 * 18 + 9] = (x - x0) * r2;A[0 * 18 + 10] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2;A[0 * 18 + 11] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[0 * 18 + 12] = (x - x0) * r4 * r4;A[0 * 18 + 13] = (x - x0) * r8 * r2;A[0 * 18 + 14] = r2 + 2 * pow(x - x0, 2.0);A[0 * 18 + 15] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[0 * 18 + 16] = x - x0;A[0 * 18 + 17] = y - y0;A[1 * 18 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a2 * f + a3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 18 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b2 * f + b3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 18 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c2 * f + c3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 18 + 3] = -(x - x0) * sin(Omg) - ((y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) - f * sin(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[1 * 18 + 4] = -f * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[1 * 18 + 5] = -(x - x0);A[1 * 18 + 6] = (y - y0) / f;A[1 * 18 + 7] = 0;A[1 * 18 + 8] = 1;A[1 * 18 + 9] = (y - y0) * r2;A[1 * 18 + 10] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2;A[1 * 18 + 11] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[1 * 18 + 12] = (y - y0) * r4 * r4;A[1 * 18 + 13] = (y - y0) * r8 * r2;A[1 * 18 + 14] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[1 * 18 + 15] = r2 + 2 * pow(y - y0, 2.0);A[1 * 18 + 16] = 0.0;A[1 * 18 + 17] = 0.0;L[0] = x - xj;L[1] = y - yj;//ATMatrixTra(2, 18, A, AT);//ATA+=ATAMatrixMul(AT, A, 18, 2, 18, ATA_t);MatrixSum(18, 18, 18, 18, ATA, ATA_t, ATA);//ATL+=ATLMatrixMul(AT, L, 18, 2, 1, ATL_t);MatrixSum(18, 1, 18, 1, ATL, ATL_t, ATL);//求中误差MatrixMul(A, Xv, 2, 18, 1, AXv);MatrixDiff(2, 1, 2, 1, AXv, L, Vxy);it->Vx = Vxy[0];it->Vy = Vxy[1];}//求解法方程MatrixInv(18, ATA);if (ATA == 0)return false;//矩阵求逆失败,方程已经无法收敛MatrixMul(ATA, ATL, 18, 18, 1, Xv);Xs += Xv[0];//更新数据Ys += Xv[1];Zs += Xv[2];Phi += Xv[3];Omg += Xv[4];Kap += Xv[5];f += Xv[6];x0 += Xv[7];y0 += Xv[8];k1 += Xv[9];k2 += Xv[10];k3 += Xv[11];k4 += Xv[12];k5 += Xv[13];p1 += Xv[14];p1 += Xv[15];da += Xv[16];db += Xv[17];a1 = cos(Phi) * cos(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);a2 = -cos(Phi) * sin(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);a3 = -sin(Phi) * cos(Omg);b1 = cos(Omg) * sin(Kap);b2 = cos(Omg) * cos(Kap);b3 = -sin(Omg);c1 = sin(Phi) * cos(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);c2 = -sin(Phi) * sin(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);c3 = cos(Phi) * cos(Omg);} while (Xv[3] < 0.00001 || Xv[4] < 0.00001 || Xv[5] < 0.00001);std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();double toutle = 0;for (; it != img_.end(); it++)toutle = it->Vx * it->Vx + it->Vy * it->Vy;mer = sqrt(toutle / ( img_.size()));return  true;
}bool Manger::BA_K6(std::vector<PT_GCP>& img_)
{//系数矩阵double A[2 * 19];double AT[19 * 2];double ATL[19 * 1];double ATL_t[19 * 1];double ATA[19* 19];double ATA_t[19 * 19];double L[2 * 1];double Xv[19 * 1];double AXv[2 * 1];double Vxy[2 * 1];int iRepeat = 0;//迭代次数do{iRepeat++;if (iRepeat > 1000){break;return false;}//清空矩阵memset(A, 0, 2 * 19 * sizeof(double));memset(AT, 0, 19 * 2 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL, 0, 19 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATL_t, 0, 19 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA, 0, 19 * 19 * sizeof(double));memset(ATA_t, 0, 19 * 19 * sizeof(double));memset(L, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Xv, 0, 19 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(AXv, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));memset(Vxy, 0, 2 * 1 * sizeof(double));//迭代器std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();for (; it != img_.end(); it++){double x = it->PT_X;double y = it->PT_Y;double X = it->GCP_X;double Y = it->GCP_Y;double Z = it->GCP_Z;double r2 = pow(x - x0, 2.0) + pow(y - y0, 2.0);double r4 = r2 * r2;double r8 = r4 * r4;double dltx = (x - x0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2 + k4 * r4 * r4 + k5 * r8 * r2 + k6 * r8 * r4) + p1 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p2 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0) + da * (x - x0) + db * (y - y0);double dlty = (y - y0) * (k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 * r2 + k3 * r2 * r2 * r2 + k4 * r4 * r4 + k5 * r8 * r2 + k6 * r8 * r4) + p2 * (r2 + 2 * (x - x0) * (x - x0)) + p1 * 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);double X_ = a1 * (X - Xs) + b1 * (Y - Ys) + c1 * (Z - Zs);double Y_ = a2 * (X - Xs) + b2 * (Y - Ys) + c2 * (Z - Zs);double Z_ = a3 * (X - Xs) + b3 * (Y - Ys) + c3 * (Z - Zs);double xj = x0 + dltx - f * X_ / Z_;//x的近似值double yj = y0 + dlty - f * Y_ / Z_;//y的近似值A[0 * 19 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a1 * f + a3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 19 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b1 * f + b3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 19 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c1 * f + c3 * (x - x0));A[0 * 19 + 3] = (y - y0) * sin(Omg) - ((x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) + f * cos(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[0 * 19 + 4] = -f * sin(Kap) - (x - x0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[0 * 19 + 5] = y - y0;A[0 * 19 + 6] = (x - x0) / f;A[0 * 19 + 7] = 1;A[0 * 19 + 8] = 0;A[0 * 19 + 9] = (x - x0) * r2;A[0 * 19 + 10] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2;A[0 * 19 + 11] = (x - x0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[0 * 19 + 12] = (x - x0) * r4 * r4;A[0 * 19 + 13] = (x - x0) * r8 * r2;A[0 * 19 + 14] = (x - x0) * r8 * r4;A[0 * 19 + 15] = r2 + 2 * pow(x - x0, 2.0);A[0 * 19 + 16] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[0 * 19 + 17] = x - x0;A[0 * 19 + 18] = y - y0;A[1 * 19 + 0] = 1 / Z_ * (a2 * f + a3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 19 + 1] = 1 / Z_ * (b2 * f + b3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 19 + 2] = 1 / Z_ * (c2 * f + c3 * (y - y0));A[1 * 19 + 3] = -(x - x0) * sin(Omg) - ((y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) * sin(Kap)) - f * sin(Kap)) * cos(Omg);A[1 * 19 + 4] = -f * cos(Kap) - (y - y0) / f * ((x - x0) * sin(Kap) + (y - y0) * cos(Kap));A[1 * 19 + 5] = -(x - x0);A[1 * 19 + 6] = (y - y0) / f;A[1 * 19 + 7] = 0;A[1 * 19 + 8] = 1;A[1 * 19 + 9] = (y - y0) * r2;A[1 * 19 + 10] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2;A[1 * 19 + 11] = (y - y0) * r2 * r2 * r2;A[1 * 19 + 12] = (y - y0) * r4 * r4;A[1 * 19 + 13] = (y - y0) * r8 * r2;A[1 * 19 + 14] = (y - y0) * r8 * r4;A[1 * 19 + 15] = 2 * (x - x0) * (y - y0);A[1 * 19 + 16] = r2 + 2 * pow(y - y0, 2.0);A[1 * 19 + 17] = 0.0;A[1 * 19 + 18] = 0.0;L[0] = x - xj;L[1] = y - yj;//ATMatrixTra(2, 19, A, AT);//ATA+=ATAMatrixMul(AT, A, 19, 2, 19, ATA_t);MatrixSum(19, 19, 19, 19, ATA, ATA_t, ATA);//ATL+=ATLMatrixMul(AT, L, 19, 2, 1, ATL_t);MatrixSum(19, 1, 19, 1, ATL, ATL_t, ATL);//求中误差MatrixMul(A, Xv, 2, 19, 1, AXv);MatrixDiff(2, 1, 2, 1, AXv, L, Vxy);it->Vx = Vxy[0];it->Vy = Vxy[1];}//求解法方程MatrixInv(19, ATA);if (ATA == 0)return false;//矩阵求逆失败,方程已经无法收敛MatrixMul(ATA, ATL, 19, 19, 1, Xv);Xs += Xv[0];//更新数据Ys += Xv[1];Zs += Xv[2];Phi += Xv[3];Omg += Xv[4];Kap += Xv[5];f += Xv[6];x0 += Xv[7];y0 += Xv[8];k1 += Xv[9];k2 += Xv[10];k3 += Xv[11];k4 += Xv[12];k5 += Xv[13];k6 += Xv[14];p1 += Xv[15];p1 += Xv[16];da += Xv[17];db += Xv[18];a1 = cos(Phi) * cos(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);a2 = -cos(Phi) * sin(Kap) - sin(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);a3 = -sin(Phi) * cos(Omg);b1 = cos(Omg) * sin(Kap);b2 = cos(Omg) * cos(Kap);b3 = -sin(Omg);c1 = sin(Phi) * cos(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * sin(Kap);c2 = -sin(Phi) * sin(Kap) + cos(Phi) * sin(Omg) * cos(Kap);c3 = cos(Phi) * cos(Omg);} while (Xv[3] < 0.00001 || Xv[4] < 0.00001 || Xv[5] < 0.00001);std::vector<PT_GCP>::iterator it = img_.begin();double toutle = 0;for (; it != img_.end(); it++)toutle = it->Vx * it->Vx + it->Vy * it->Vy;mer = sqrt(toutle / ( img_.size()));return true;
}void test(Manger&p)
{std::vector<PT_GCP>test;std::fstream fp("D:\\6_3.txt", std::ios::out);if (!fp)std::cerr << "error!!!";fp << "控制点:X\t\t\t\tY\t\t\t\tZ\t\t像点:x\t\t\t\ty\t\t反求的:x\t\t\ty\n";for (size_t i = 0; i < p.PT_GCP_XYZ.size(); i++){double x, y;double X, Y, Z;X = p.PT_GCP_XYZ[i].GCP_X;Y = p.PT_GCP_XYZ[i].GCP_Y;Z = p.PT_GCP_XYZ[i].GCP_Z;x = -(p.L1 * X + p.L2 * Y + p.L3 * Z + p.L4) / (p.L9 * X + p.L10 * Y + p.L11 * Z + 1);y = -(p.L5 * X + p.L6 * Y + p.L7 * Z + p.L8) / (p.L9 * X + p.L10 * Y + p.L11 * Z + 1);fp << std::setw(10) << X << "\t" << Y << "\t" << Z << "\t\t" << p.PT_GCP_XYZ[i].PT_X << "\t" << p.PT_GCP_XYZ[i].PT_Y << "\t\t" << x << "\t" << y << "\n";}fp.close();
}bool Manger::ceres_BA()//用ceres解求BA
{OpenFile_PT("PT_不含粗差.txt");//OpenFile_PT("PT_含粗差.txt");OpenFile_GCP("GCP_XH.txt");Matching();BLT(PT_GCP_XYZ, Lp);InnitValue(Lp);std::cout << "初值\nXs:" << Xs << "\nYs:" << Ys << "\nZs:" << Zs << "\nPhi: " << Phi << "\nOmg:" << Omg << "\nKap:" << Kap << "\nf:" << f << "\nx0:" << x0 << "\ny0:" << y0<<"\n";double camera_K[3], image_Rt[6], camera_dp[6], out_residuals[2] = {};camera_K[0] = f;camera_K[1] = x0;camera_K[2] = y0;image_Rt[0] = Phi;image_Rt[1] = Omg;image_Rt[2] = Kap;image_Rt[3] = Xs;image_Rt[4] = Ys;image_Rt[5] = Zs;camera_dp[0] = k1;camera_dp[1] = k2;camera_dp[2] = p1;camera_dp[3] = p2;camera_dp[4] = da;camera_dp[5] = db;ceres::Problem problem;for (int i = 0; i < PT_GCP_XYZ.size(); ++i) {ceres::CostFunction* cost_function =new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<res_cen_K2_BA, 2, 3, 6, 6>(new res_cen_K2_BA(PT_GCP_XYZ[i].PT_X, PT_GCP_XYZ[i].PT_Y, PT_GCP_XYZ[i].GCP_X, PT_GCP_XYZ[i].GCP_Y, PT_GCP_XYZ[i].GCP_Z));problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, nullptr, camera_K, image_Rt,camera_dp);/*problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, new ceres::CauchyLoss(0.5), camera_K, image_Rt, camera_dp);*/}ceres::Solver::Options options;options.max_num_iterations = 100;options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_QR;options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;ceres::Solver::Summary summary;ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);f = camera_K[0];x0 = camera_K[1];y0 = camera_K[2];Phi = image_Rt[0];Omg = image_Rt[1];Kap = image_Rt[2];Xs = image_Rt[3];Ys = image_Rt[4];Zs = image_Rt[5];k1 = camera_dp[0];k2 = camera_dp[1];p1 = camera_dp[2];p2 = camera_dp[3];da = camera_dp[4];db = camera_dp[5];if (summary.termination_type == ceres::TerminationType::CONVERGENCE){return  true;}return false;


#pragma oncevoid MatrixTra(int m, int n, double* A, double* AT);    //矩阵转置
void MatrixMul(double* a, double* b, int m, int n, int k, double* c);  //a(mXn) * b(nXk) = c(mXk)
int  MatrixInv(int n, double* a);    //求 nXn 的矩阵 a  的逆矩阵
void MatrixSum(int Am, int An, int Bm, int Bn, double* A, double* B, double* R); //R = A + B
void MatrixDiff(int Am, int An, int Bm, int Bn, double* A, double* B, double* R);//R = A - B


#include "Matrix.h"
#include <math.h>
int MatrixInv(int n, double* a)
{int* is, * js, i, j, k, l, u, v;double d, p;is = (int*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));js = (int*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));for (k = 0; k <= n - 1; k++){d = 0.0;for (i = k; i <= n - 1; i++)for (j = k; j <= n - 1; j++){l = i * n + j; p = fabs(a[l]);if (p > d) { d = p; is[k] = i; js[k] = j; }}if (d + 1.0 == 1.0){free(is); free(js); printf("err**not inv\n");return(0);}if (is[k] != k)for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++){u = k * n + j; v = is[k] * n + j;p = a[u]; a[u] = a[v]; a[v] = p;}if (js[k] != k)for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++){u = i * n + k; v = i * n + js[k];p = a[u]; a[u] = a[v]; a[v] = p;}l = k * n + k;a[l] = 1.0 / a[l];for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++)if (j != k){u = k * n + j; a[u] = a[u] * a[l];}for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)if (i != k)for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++)if (j != k){u = i * n + j;a[u] = a[u] - a[i * n + k] * a[k * n + j];}for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)if (i != k){u = i * n + k; a[u] = -a[u] * a[l];}}for (k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--){if (js[k] != k)for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++){u = k * n + j; v = js[k] * n + j;p = a[u]; a[u] = a[v]; a[v] = p;}if (is[k] != k)for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++){u = i * n + k; v = i * n + is[k];p = a[u]; a[u] = a[v]; a[v] = p;}}free(is); free(js);return(1);
void MatrixMul(double* a, double* b, int m, int n, int k, double* c)
{int i, j, l, u;for (i = 0; i <= m - 1; i++)for (j = 0; j <= k - 1; j++){u = i * k + j; c[u] = 0.0;for (l = 0; l <= n - 1; l++)c[u] = c[u] + a[i * n + l] * b[l * k + j];}return;
void MatrixTra(int m, int n, double* A, double* AT)
{int i, j;for (i = 0; i < m; i++)for (j = 0; j < n; j++)AT[j * m + i] = A[i * n + j];
void MatrixSum(int Am, int An, int Bm, int Bn, double* A, double* B, double* R)
{int r = Am;int c = An;int n = r * c, i;if (Am != Bm || An != Bn) {printf("[matrix_sum] Error: mismatched dimensions\n");return;}for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {R[i] = A[i] + B[i];}
}//矩阵求差 R = A - B
void MatrixDiff(int Am, int An, int Bm, int Bn, double* A, double* B, double* R)
{int r = Am;int c = An;int n = r * c, i;if (Am != Bm || An != Bn) {printf("[matrix_sum] Error: mismatched dimensions\n");return;}for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {R[i] = A[i] - B[i];}


#include"Manger.h"int main()
{Manger p;p.ceres_BA();p.calculate();//不含粗差计算p.calculate_K3();//K3次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算p.calculate_K4();//K4次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算p.calculate_K5();//K5次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算p.calculate_K6();//K6次项径向畸变模型,不含粗差计算p.calculate_c();//含粗差计算test(p);//测试,反向验证精度return  0;


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