

JPEG( Joint Photographic Experts Group)是最常用的图像文件格式,其主要是采用预测编码(DPCM)、离散余弦变换(DCT)以及熵编码的联合编码方式,以去除冗余的图像和彩色数据,属于有损压缩格式,它能够将图像压缩在很小的储存空间,一定程度上会造成图像数据的损伤。




2.1 JPEG文件格式介绍

符号 含义
SOI Start of Image,图像开始
EOI End of Image,图像结束 2字节
APP0 Application,应用程序保留标记0
DQT Define Quantization Table,定义量化表
SOF Start of Frame,帧图像开始
DHT Define Huffman Table,定义哈夫曼表
SOS Start of Scan,扫描开始 12字节

2.1.1 SOI & EOI

SOI ,Start of Image, 图像开始
标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFD8
EOI,End of Image, 图像结束 2字节
标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFD9

2.1.2 APP0 应用程序保留标记0

标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFE0
① 数据长度 2字节 ①~⑨9个字段的总长度
② 标识符 5字节 固定值0x4A46494600,即字符串“JFIF0”
③ 版本号 2字节 一般是0x0102,表示JFIF的版本号1.2
④ X和Y的密度单位 1字节 只有三个值可选 0:无单位;1:点数/英寸;2:点数/厘米
⑤ X方向像素密度 2字节 取值范围未知
⑥ Y方向像素密度 2字节 取值范围未知
⑦ 缩略图水平像素数目 1字节 取值范围未知
⑧ 缩略图垂直像素数目 1字节 取值范围未知
⑨ 缩略图RGB位图 长度可能是3的倍数 缩略图RGB位图数据

2.1.3 DQT 定义量化表

标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFDB
包含9个具体字段: ① 数据长度 2字节 字段①和多个字段②的总长度 ② 量化表 数据长度-2字节

a) 精度及量化表ID   1字节    高4位:精度,只有两个可选值    0:8位;1:16位     低4位:量化表ID,取值范围为0~3
b) 表项           (64×(精度+1))字节例如8位精度的量化表,其表项长度为64×(0+1)=64字节


2.1.4 SOF0 帧图像开始

标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFC0
① 数据长度 2字节 ①~⑥六个字段的总长度
② 精度 1字节 每个数据样本的位数 通常是8位,一般软件都不支持 12位和16位
③ 图像高度 2字节 图像高度(单位:像素)
④ 图像宽度 2字节 图像宽度(单位:像素)
⑤ 颜色分量数 1字节 只有3个数值可选 1:灰度图;3:YCrCb或YIQ;4:CMYK 而JFIF中使用YCrCb,故这里颜色分量数恒为3
⑥颜色分量信息 颜色分量数×3字节(通常为9字节) a)颜色分量ID 1字节 b)水平/垂直采样因子 1字节 高4位:水平采样因子 低4位:垂直采样因子 c) 量化表 1字节 当前分量使用的量化表的ID

2.1.5 DHT 定义哈夫曼表

标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFC4
① 数据长度 2字节
② huffman表 数据长度-2字节

表ID和表类型 1字节
0:DC直流;1:AC交流 低4位:哈夫曼表ID,
不同位数的码字数量 16字节
编码内容 16个不同位数的码字数量之和(字节)本标记段中,字段②可以重复出现(一般4次),也可以只出现1次

2.1.6 SOS 扫描开始

标记代码 2字节 固定值0xFFDA
①数据长度 2字节 ①~④两个字段的总长度
②颜色分量数 1字节 应该和SOF中的字段⑤的值相同,即: 1:灰度图是;3: YCrCb或YIQ;4:CMYK。
③ 颜色分量信息
a) 颜色分量ID 1字节
b) 直流/交流系数表号 1字节
④ 压缩图像数据
a)谱选择开始 1字节 固定值0x00
b)谱选择结束 1字节 固定值0x3F
c)谱选择 1字节 在基本JPEG中总为00

2.2 JPEG编码步骤

  1. 零偏置(Level Offset)
  2. DCT变换
  3. 量化
  4. DC系数差分编码
  5. AC系数之字形扫描
    由于经DCT变换后,系数大多数集中在左上角,即低频分量区,因此采用Z字形按频率的高低顺序读出,可以出现很多连零的机会。可以使用游程编码。尤其在最后,如果都是零,给出 EOB (End of Block)即可。
    6. AC系数的游程编码

如:0,2,0,0,3,0,-4,0,0,0,-6,0,0 ,5,7
表示为(1, 2), (2, 3)

2.3 JPEG文件解码流程

5.反量化 & 反Zig-zag编码

3 JPEG文件解析

3.1 理解三个结构体的设计目的

  1. struct huffman_table:存储Huffman码表
/* tinyjpeg-internal.h */struct huffman_table
{/* Fast look up table, using HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS bits we can have directly the symbol,* if the symbol is <0, then we need to look into the tree table */short int lookup[HUFFMAN_HASH_SIZE];/* code size: give the number of bits of a symbol is encoded */unsigned char code_size[HUFFMAN_HASH_SIZE];/* some place to store value that is not encoded in the lookup table * FIXME: Calculate if 256 value is enough to store all values*/uint16_t slowtable[16-HUFFMAN_HASH_NBITS][256];
  1. struct component:储存当前8×8像块中有关解码的信息
/* tinyjpeg-internal.h */struct component
{unsigned int Hfactor; // 水平采样因子unsigned int Vfactor; // 垂直采样因子float* Q_table;   // 指向该8×8块使用的量化表struct huffman_table *AC_table;   // 指向该块使用的AC Huffman表struct huffman_table *DC_table;   // 指向该块使用的DC Huffman表short int previous_DC;    // 前一个块的直流DCT系数short int DCT[64];    // DCT系数数组#if SANITY_CHECKunsigned int cid;
  1. struct jdec_private:JPEG数据流结构体,用于存储JPEG图像宽高、数据流指针、Huffman码表等内容,并包含struct huffman_table和struct component
/* tinyjpeg-internal.h */struct jdec_private
{/* Public variables */uint8_t *components[COMPONENTS];  /* 分别指向YUV三个分量的三个指针 */unsigned int width, height;  /* 图像宽高 */unsigned int flags;/* Private variables */const unsigned char *stream_begin, *stream_end;unsigned int stream_length;const unsigned char *stream;  /* 指向当前数据流的指针 */unsigned int reservoir, nbits_in_reservoir;struct component component_infos[COMPONENTS];float Q_tables[COMPONENTS][64];     /* quantization tables */struct huffman_table HTDC[HUFFMAN_TABLES]; /* DC huffman tables */struct huffman_table HTAC[HUFFMAN_TABLES];   /* AC huffman tables */int default_huffman_table_initialized;int restart_interval;int restarts_to_go;               /* MCUs left in this restart interval */int last_rst_marker_seen;           /* Rst marker is incremented each time *//* Temp space used after the IDCT to store each components */uint8_t Y[64*4], Cr[64], Cb[64];jmp_buf jump_state;/* Internal Pointer use for colorspace conversion, do not modify it !!! */uint8_t *plane[COMPONENTS];

3.2 理解整体框架


int convert_one_image(const char *infilename, const char *outfilename, int output_format)
{//输入文件名称、输出文件名称、输出文件格式FILE *fp;unsigned int length_of_file;  // 文件大小unsigned int width, height;   // 图像宽、高unsigned char *buf;   struct jdec_private *jdec; //JPEG数据数据流unsigned char *components[3];fp = fopen(infilename, "rb");//读取JPEG图像if (fp == NULL)exitmessage("Cannot open filename\n");length_of_file = filesize(fp);//输入文件的字节大小buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(length_of_file + 4);if (buf == NULL)exitmessage("Not enough memory for loading file\n");fread(buf, length_of_file, 1, fp);fclose(fp);/* Decompress it */jdec = tinyjpeg_init();   // 初始化if (jdec == NULL)exitmessage("Not enough memory to alloc the structure need for decompressing\n");if (tinyjpeg_parse_header(jdec, buf, length_of_file)<0)//读取头文件,检查图像格式exitmessage(tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec));tinyjpeg_get_size(jdec, &width, &height);// 计算图像宽高snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Decoding JPEG image...\n");if (tinyjpeg_decode(jdec, output_format) < 0) // 解码实际数据exitmessage(tinyjpeg_get_errorstring(jdec));/* * Get address for each plane (not only max 3 planes is supported), and* depending of the output mode, only some components will be filled * RGB: 1 plane, YUV420P: 3 planes, GREY: 1 plane*/tinyjpeg_get_components(jdec, components);//将compoents结构体的数据传入jdecswitch (output_format)//选择输出图像格式 保存{case TINYJPEG_FMT_RGB24:case TINYJPEG_FMT_BGR24:write_tga(outfilename, output_format, width, height, components);break;case TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P:write_yuv(outfilename, width, height, components);break;case TINYJPEG_FMT_GREY:write_pgm(outfilename, width, height, components);break;}/* Only called this if the buffers were allocated by tinyjpeg_decode() */ctinyjpeg_free(jdec);/* else called just free(jdec); */free(buf);return 0;


struct jdec_private *tinyjpeg_init(void)
{struct jdec_private *priv;//声明JPEG数据结构体priv = (struct jdec_private *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct jdec_private));//在内存的动态存储区中分配1个struct jdec_private大小的连续空间if (priv == NULL)return NULL;return priv;


int tinyjpeg_parse_header(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size)
{int ret;/* Identify the file */if ((buf[0] != 0xFF) || (buf[1] != SOI))//判断输入的图像是否为JPEG图像snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string),"Not a JPG file ?\n");priv->stream_begin = buf+2;priv->stream_length = size-2;priv->stream_end = priv->stream_begin + priv->stream_length;ret = parse_JFIF(priv, priv->stream_begin);//进入JFIF解析,查看各类标签return ret;


static int parse_JFIF(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)
{int chuck_len;int marker;int sos_marker_found = 0;int dht_marker_found = 0;const unsigned char *next_chunck;/* Parse marker */利用循环判断数据格式类型while (!sos_marker_found){if (*stream++ != 0xff)goto bogus_jpeg_format;/* Skip any padding ff byte (this is normal) */while (*stream == 0xff)stream++;marker = *stream++;chuck_len = be16_to_cpu(stream);next_chunck = stream + chuck_len;switch (marker){case SOF:if (parse_SOF(priv, stream) < 0)return -1;break;case DQT:if (parse_DQT(priv, stream) < 0)return -1;break;case SOS:if (parse_SOS(priv, stream) < 0)return -1;sos_marker_found = 1;break;case DHT:if (parse_DHT(priv, stream) < 0)return -1;dht_marker_found = 1;break;case DRI:if (parse_DRI(priv, stream) < 0)return -1;break;default:}stream = next_chunck;}


static int parse_DQT(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)
{int qi;float *table;const unsigned char *dqt_block_end;
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"> DQT marker\n");在文件中写出正在解析DQTfflush(p_trace);
#endifdqt_block_end = stream + be16_to_cpu(stream);stream += 2; /* Skip length */while (stream < dqt_block_end){qi = *stream++;table = priv->Q_tables[qi];build_quantization_table(table, stream);///建立量化表stream += 64;}
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"< DQT marker\n");表示DQT解析结束fflush(p_trace);
#endifreturn 0;


static void build_quantization_table(float *qtable, const unsigned char *ref_table)
{int i, j;static const double aanscalefactor[8] = {1.0, 1.387039845, 1.306562965, 1.175875602,1.0, 0.785694958, 0.541196100, 0.275899379};const unsigned char *zz = zigzag;for (i=0; i<8; i++) {for (j=0; j<8; j++) {*qtable++ = ref_table[*zz++] * aanscalefactor[i] * aanscalefactor[j];}}}


static int parse_DHT(struct jdec_private *priv, const unsigned char *stream)
{unsigned int count, i;unsigned char huff_bits[17];int length, index;length = be16_to_cpu(stream) - 2;stream += 2;   /* Skip length */
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"> DHT marker (length=%d)\n", length);fflush(p_trace);
#endifwhile (length>0) {index = *stream++;huff_bits[0] = 0;count = 0;for (i=1; i<17; i++) {huff_bits[i] = *stream++;count += huff_bits[i];}
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count);fflush(p_trace);
#endifif (index & 0xf0 )build_huffman_table(huff_bits, stream, &priv->HTAC[index&0xf]);elsebuild_huffman_table(huff_bits, stream, &priv->HTDC[index&0xf]);length -= 1;length -= 16;length -= count;stream += count;}
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"< DHT marker\n");fflush(p_trace);
#endifreturn 0;


int tinyjpeg_decode(struct jdec_private *priv, int pixfmt)
{unsigned int x, y, xstride_by_mcu, ystride_by_mcu;unsigned int bytes_per_blocklines[3], bytes_per_mcu[3];decode_MCU_fct decode_MCU;const decode_MCU_fct *decode_mcu_table;const convert_colorspace_fct *colorspace_array_conv;convert_colorspace_fct convert_to_pixfmt;if (setjmp(priv->jump_state))return -1;bytes_per_mcu[1] = 0;bytes_per_mcu[2] = 0;bytes_per_blocklines[1] = 0;bytes_per_blocklines[2] = 0;decode_mcu_table = decode_mcu_3comp_table;switch (pixfmt) {   //根据不同的存储格式进行不同的操作case TINYJPEG_FMT_YUV420P:   //这种格式使用的decode_mcu_table是decode_mcu_3comp_tablecolorspace_array_conv = convert_colorspace_yuv420p;if (priv->components[0] == NULL)priv->components[0] = (uint8_t *)malloc(priv->width * priv->height);if (priv->components[1] == NULL)priv->components[1] = (uint8_t *)malloc(priv->width * priv->height/4);if (priv->components[2] == NULL)priv->components[2] = (uint8_t *)malloc(priv->width * priv->height/4);bytes_per_blocklines[0] = priv->width;bytes_per_blocklines[1] = priv->width/4;bytes_per_blocklines[2] = priv->width/4;bytes_per_mcu[0] = 8;bytes_per_mcu[1] = 4;bytes_per_mcu[2] = 4;break;}//mcu的组织,对每个 MCU 解码xstride_by_mcu = ystride_by_mcu = 8;if ((priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor | priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor) == 1) {decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[0];   //使用的函数为decode_MCU_1x1_3planesconvert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[0];} else if (priv->component_infos[cY].Hfactor == 1) {decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[1];convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[1];ystride_by_mcu = 16;
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 1x2 sampling (not supported)\n");fflush(p_trace);
#endif} else if (priv->component_infos[cY].Vfactor == 2) {decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[3];convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[3];xstride_by_mcu = 16;ystride_by_mcu = 16;
#if TRACE fprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 2x2 sampling\n");fflush(p_trace);
#endif} else {decode_MCU = decode_mcu_table[2];convert_to_pixfmt = colorspace_array_conv[2];xstride_by_mcu = 16;
#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"Use decode 2x1 sampling\n");fflush(p_trace);
#endif}resync(priv);/* Don't forget to that block can be either 8 or 16 lines */bytes_per_blocklines[0] *= ystride_by_mcu;bytes_per_blocklines[1] *= ystride_by_mcu;bytes_per_blocklines[2] *= ystride_by_mcu;bytes_per_mcu[0] *= xstride_by_mcu/8;bytes_per_mcu[1] *= xstride_by_mcu/8;bytes_per_mcu[2] *= xstride_by_mcu/8;//对每个宏块进行 Huffman 解码得到DCT系数for (y=0; y < priv->height/ystride_by_mcu; y++){//trace("Decoding row %d\n", y);priv->plane[0] = priv->components[0] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[0]);priv->plane[1] = priv->components[1] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[1]);priv->plane[2] = priv->components[2] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[2]);for (x=0; x < priv->width; x+=xstride_by_mcu){decode_MCU(priv);    //解码~convert_to_pixfmt(priv);priv->plane[0] += bytes_per_mcu[0];priv->plane[1] += bytes_per_mcu[1];priv->plane[2] += bytes_per_mcu[2];if (priv->restarts_to_go>0){priv->restarts_to_go--;if (priv->restarts_to_go == 0){priv->stream -= (priv->nbits_in_reservoir/8);resync(priv);if (find_next_rst_marker(priv) < 0)return -1;}}}}return 0;


static void write_yuv(const char *filename, int width, int height, unsigned char **components)
{FILE *F;char temp[1024];snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.Y", filename);F = fopen(temp, "wb");fwrite(components[0], width, height, F);fclose(F);snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.U", filename);F = fopen(temp, "wb");fwrite(components[1], width*height/4, 1, F);fclose(F);snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.V", filename);F = fopen(temp, "wb");fwrite(components[2], width*height/4, 1, F);fclose(F);snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s.yuv", filename);F = fopen(temp, "wb");fwrite(components[0], width, height, F);fwrite(components[1], width * height / 4, 1, F);fwrite(components[2], width * height / 4, 1, F);fclose(F);



FILE *DQT_trace;//量化表
FILE *DHT_trace;//huffman表#define DQT_file "DQT.txt"
#define DHT_file "DHT.txt"

和trace的写法类似: 在主函数中找到trace打开的位置,类似的加入打开文件

#if TRACEp_trace=fopen(TRACEFILE,"w");if (p_trace==NULL){printf("trace file open error!");}DQT_trace = fopen(DQT_file, "w");if (DQT_trace == NULL){printf("Q_trace file open error!");}DHT_trace = fopen(DQT_file, "w");if (DHT_trace == NULL){printf("Q_trace file open error!");}


#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index&0xf0)?"AC":"DC", index&0xf, count);fflush(p_trace);fprintf(DHT_trace, "Huffman table %s[%d] length=%d\n", (index & 0xf0) ? "AC" : "DC", index & 0xf, count);fflush(DHT_trace);


#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"val=%2.2x code=%8.8x codesize=%2.2d\n", val, code, code_size);fflush(p_trace);fprintf(DHT_trace, "val=%2.2x code=%8.8x codesize=%2.2d\n", val, code, code_size); fflush(DHT_trace);#endif


#if TRACEfprintf(p_trace,"< DQT marker\n");fflush(p_trace);fprintf(DQT_trace, "DQT marker:%d\n", qi);fflush(DQT_trace);

build_huffman_table函数中加入如下:打印出 量化表的具体内容

#if TRACEfor (i=0; i<8; i++) {for (j=0; j<8; j++) {fprintf(DQT_trace, "%d\t", ref_table[*zz]);*qtable++ = ref_table[*zz++] * aanscalefactor[i] * aanscalefactor[j];}}



Huffman table DC[0] length=10
val=04 code=00000000 codesize=02
val=05 code=00000001 codesize=02
val=06 code=00000002 codesize=02
val=03 code=00000006 codesize=03
val=02 code=0000000e codesize=04
val=01 code=0000001e codesize=05
val=00 code=0000003e codesize=06
val=09 code=0000007e codesize=07
val=07 code=000000fe codesize=08
val=08 code=000001fe codesize=09


Huffman table AC[0] length=43
val=00 code=00000000 codesize=02
val=01 code=00000002 codesize=03
val=03 code=00000003 codesize=03
val=02 code=00000008 codesize=04
val=04 code=00000009 codesize=04
val=05 code=0000000a codesize=04
val=11 code=0000000b codesize=04
val=21 code=0000000c codesize=04
val=22 code=0000001a codesize=05
val=31 code=0000001b codesize=05
val=61 code=0000001c codesize=05
val=06 code=0000003a codesize=06
val=12 code=0000003b codesize=06
val=a1 code=0000003c codesize=06
val=32 code=0000007a codesize=07
val=41 code=0000007b codesize=07
val=62 code=0000007c codesize=07
val=13 code=000000fa codesize=08
val=51 code=000000fb codesize=08
val=23 code=000001f8 codesize=09
val=42 code=000001f9 codesize=09
val=71 code=000001fa codesize=09
val=81 code=000001fb codesize=09
val=91 code=000001fc codesize=09
val=15 code=000003fa codesize=10
val=52 code=000003fb codesize=10
val=63 code=000003fc codesize=10
val=07 code=000007fa codesize=11
val=14 code=000007fb codesize=11
val=33 code=000007fc codesize=11
val=53 code=000007fd codesize=11
val=16 code=00000ffc codesize=12
val=43 code=00000ffd codesize=12
val=08 code=00001ffc codesize=13
val=b1 code=00001ffd codesize=13
val=34 code=00003ffc codesize=14
val=c1 code=00003ffd codesize=14
val=24 code=00007ffc codesize=15
val=d1 code=0000fffa codesize=16
val=09 code=0000fffb codesize=16
val=72 code=0000fffc codesize=16
val=f0 code=0000fffd codesize=16
val=a2 code=0000fffe codesize=16


Huffman table DC[1] length=11
val=04 code=00000000 codesize=02
val=05 code=00000001 codesize=02
val=06 code=00000002 codesize=02
val=03 code=00000006 codesize=03
val=02 code=0000000e codesize=04
val=01 code=0000001e codesize=05
val=00 code=0000003e codesize=06
val=07 code=0000007e codesize=07
val=0a code=000000fe codesize=08
val=09 code=000001fe codesize=09
val=08 code=000003fe codesize=10


Huffman table AC[1] length=28
val=00 code=00000000 codesize=02
val=04 code=00000001 codesize=02
val=01 code=00000004 codesize=03
val=02 code=00000005 codesize=03
val=03 code=00000006 codesize=03
val=31 code=0000001c codesize=05
val=61 code=0000001d codesize=05
val=11 code=0000003c codesize=06
val=12 code=0000003d codesize=06
val=05 code=0000007c codesize=07
val=21 code=0000007d codesize=07
val=13 code=000000fc codesize=08
val=14 code=000000fd codesize=08
val=41 code=000000fe codesize=08
val=51 code=000001fe codesize=09
val=06 code=000007fc codesize=11
val=22 code=000007fd codesize=11
val=32 code=000007fe codesize=11
val=07 code=00001ffc codesize=13
val=15 code=00001ffd codesize=13
val=42 code=00001ffe codesize=13
val=08 code=0000fff8 codesize=16
val=71 code=0000fff9 codesize=16
val=23 code=0000fffa codesize=16
val=24 code=0000fffb codesize=16
val=33 code=0000fffc codesize=16
val=81 code=0000fffd codesize=16
val=a1 code=0000fffe codesize=16

3.3 输出DC图像和AC图像并统计其概率分布

  1. 输出DC和AC图像
    在tinyjpeg_decode函数中修改~这里注意,DC和AC系数都是指的是DCT变换后,存储DCT变量的数据,DCT[0]即DC图像,DCT[1] ~ DCT[63]为AC系数,修改好的代码如下:
int tinyjpeg_decode(struct jdec_private *priv, int pixfmt)
{FILE* DCFile;///DC系数的存储指针FILE* ACFile_1, * ACFile_10, * ACFile_20;AC系数的存储指针DCFile = fopen("DC.yuv", "w");ACFile_1 = fopen("AC1.yuv", "w");ACFile_10 = fopen("AC10.yuv", "w");ACFile_20 = fopen("AC10.yuv", "w");unsigned char* uvbuf = 128;     //将DC系数和AC系数认为是Y分量,uv分量统一设置为128unsigned char* DCbuf, * ACbuf_1, * ACbuf_10, * ACbuf_20;int count = 0;    //统计Y分量的数量.......for (y=0; y < priv->height/ystride_by_mcu; y++){//trace("Decoding row %d\n", y);priv->plane[0] = priv->components[0] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[0]);priv->plane[1] = priv->components[1] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[1]);priv->plane[2] = priv->components[2] + (y * bytes_per_blocklines[2]);for (x=0; x < priv->width; x+=xstride_by_mcu){decode_MCU(priv);//加入DC,AC的数据接入文件//DC系数的范围是-512~512,为了使图像能显示,手动+512/4DCbuf = (unsigned char)((priv->component_infos->DCT[0] + 512) / 4.0);fwrite(&DCbuf, 1, 1, DCFile);//AC系数,手动+128,调成正值ACbuf_1 = (unsigned char)((priv->component_infos->DCT[1] + 128));fwrite(&ACbuf_1, 1, 1, ACFile_1);ACbuf_10 = (unsigned char)((priv->component_infos->DCT[10] + 128));fwrite(&ACbuf_10, 1, 1, ACFile_10);ACbuf_20 = (unsigned char)((priv->component_infos->DCT[20] + 128));fwrite(&ACbuf_20, 1, 1, ACFile_20);convert_to_pixfmt(priv);priv->plane[0] += bytes_per_mcu[0];priv->plane[1] += bytes_per_mcu[1];priv->plane[2] += bytes_per_mcu[2];if (priv->restarts_to_go>0){priv->restarts_to_go--;if (priv->restarts_to_go == 0){priv->stream -= (priv->nbits_in_reservoir/8);resync(priv);if (find_next_rst_marker(priv) < 0)return -1;}}}}.......//uv分量写进文件for (int j = 0; j < count * 0.25 * 2; j++){fwrite(&uvbuf, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, DCFile);fwrite(&uvbuf, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, ACFile_1);fwrite(&uvbuf, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, ACbuf_10);fwrite(&uvbuf, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, ACbuf_20);}fclose(DCFile);fclose(ACFile_1);fclose(ACbuf_10);fclose(ACbuf_20);return 0;


  1. 统计概率分布


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