经过一段对的使用,发现它确实是一门比较优秀的语言,语法简练,类库丰富且调用简单,在数据库,文本处理,网络编程方面都很棒。所以就一直想在实际工作中,确切地来说是现在正在进行的自动化测试使用Python,但是由于测试工具不支持python语言,所以没法直接在工具中使用。就考虑怎么在C#或者VBS中引用Python,一直没有太好的思路。偶然间阅读了《Python programming on win32》,里面提到了把Python的类注册成为Com组件供VB,Delphi实用的例子,顿时豁然开朗。51Testing软件测试网7a



下面就该书中Implementing COM Objects with Python章节进行分析,首先给出原文:51Testing软件测试网p+Qa}P"m0X

Implementing COM Objects with Python@?0LDw5f5X:Ow


In this section, we discuss how to implement COM objects using Python and a small sample of such an object. We also present some Visual Basic code that uses our Python implemented object.51Testing软件测试网J,@(r_iS4pu"D

For this demonstration, you'll write a simple COM object that supports a number of string operations. As Visual Basic is somewhat lacking in the string-processing department where Python excels, it's a good candidate. The sample provides a COM object with a single method, SplitString(). This method has semantics identical to the standard Python function string.split(); the first argument is a string to split, and the second optional argument is a string holding the character to use to make the split. As you have no doubt guessed, the method won't do much more than call the Python string.split() function.jd@h?1xO&qG)uF0

There are two steps to implement COM objects in Python:51Testing软件测试网+elH6Vw$UEc8]Define a Python class with the methods and properties you wish to expose.

Annotate the Python class with special attributes required by the PythonCOM framework to expose the Python class as a COM object. These annotations include information such as the objects ProgID, CLSID, and so forth.





The following code shows a smallCOM server written in Python:WR*S3j8x"}$x0

# SimpleCOMServer.py - A sample COM server - almost as small as they come!51Testing软件测试网|3l-pn;\



# We expose a single method in a Python COM object.51Testing软件测试网&@5e^{ Y-N ^

class PythonUtilities:51Testing软件测试网8oB@vg'u*_dN

_public_methods_ = [ 'SplitString' ]51Testing软件测试网D"V@k&m9O.E"s{

_reg_progid_ = "PythonDemos.Utilities"51Testing软件测试网


# NEVER copy the following ID51Testing软件测试网`Ek4Fq){q}

# Use "print pythoncom.CreateGuid()" to make a new one.kn!]em0

_reg_clsid_ = "{41E24E95-D45A-11D2-852C-204C4F4F5020}"h&s3M$vY.g(]A&L3Q0



def SplitString(self, val, item=None):51Testing软件测试网!D'ceU;Y:y s

import string51Testing软件测试网 ^8_4GQ$o-Aj.^#D\

if item != None: item = str(item)51Testing软件测试网.M)RCJU;{(o)^

return string.split(str(val), item)51Testing软件测试网m P5}D~Dtg^


# Add code so that when this script. is run by51Testing软件测试网:Nv C*e \;@

# Python.exe, it self-registers.T?RZ:c9[w+sU0

if __name__=='__main__':51Testing软件测试网"zyN||FLEp:\O

print "Registering COM server..."E}#q0aYMvG0

import win32com.server.registerbj/XJ7@yF0


The bulk of the class definition is taken up by the specialattributes:51Testing软件测试网$Jh#[,\Q&q2AyP&Z


A list of all methods in the object that are to be exposed via COM; the sample exposes only one method, SplitString.;w!?-sgW3in




TheProgID for the new object, that is, the name that the users of this object must use to create the object.x;\P4ypW



_reg_clsid_51Testing软件测试网5kIv m:kRt.c

The uniqueCLSID for the object. As noted in the source code, you must never copy these IDs, but create new ones using pythoncom.CreateGuid()./zz'}1CRdw0


Full details of these and other possible attributes can be found inChapter 12.51Testing软件测试网*E`q+Rb9|K+r#P\

The SplitString() method is quite simple: it mirrors the behavior. of the Python string.split() function. A complication is that COM passes all strings asUnicode characters, so you must convert them to Python strings using the str() function. Note that in Python 1.6, it's expected that the string and Unicode types will be unified allowing the explicit conversions to be removed.51Testing软件测试网z$tAe


The only thing remaining is to register theobject with COM. As the comments in the code imply, you can do this by executing the code as a normal Python script. The easiest way to do this is to open the source file in PythonWin and use the Run command from the File menu. After running the script, the PythonWin interactive window should display:51Testing软件测试网:F%E*o0t-TK,YV

Registering COM server...51Testing软件测试网~Nt:H_!mz

Registered: PythonDemos.Utilitiesr1p {:Z#Q1so+ND:z0

Finally, let's test theCOM object. UseVisual Basic for Applications, which ships with both Microsoft Office and Microsoft Excel, and perform. the following steps:51Testing软件测试网7rE{D^dOvUv^P$mStart Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

Press ALT-F8 to display the macros dialog.

Enter a name for the macro (e.g., TestPython) and select Create.

The Visual Basic editor is displayed. In the editor, enter the following code:

5.Set PythonUtils = CreateObject("PythonDemos.Utilities")51Testing软件测试网o/L+N;PSP8{

6.response = PythonUtils.SplitString("Hello from VB")51Testing软件测试网 }+fv4Hm1^3ZW`

7.for each Item in response3\tX(dgl nR,x IK)X$z0

8.MsgBox Item51Testing软件测试网;e6p-J cn1U)B"n:v


Now run this code by pressing the F5 key. If all goes well, you should see three message boxes. The first one is shown inFigure 5.2.;Z.PFYgl0

Just to be complete and help keep your registry clean, unregister your sample COM server. You do this by following the same process that registered the server, except specify --unregister as an argument to your script. A message is printed saying the object is unregistered.51Testing软件测试网3^o&\!NK,ES


import win32com.server.register;I~ B7lx


import pythoncomg)w R%i{0

class MyFirstCom(object):PJ"]+S0e3ciA0


_public_methods_ = ['Instring']51Testing软件测试网5GNgig:oU"b


_reg_progid_ ="Pythoncom.FirstCom"51Testing软件测试网?;Xw#LFWdged9DN


_reg_clsid_ = pythoncom.CreateGuid()51Testing软件测试网!yzT7Obb;~

51Testing软件测试网v$]'lX[1o a0m

def Instring(self,val,vals):51Testing软件测试网6m ^ R$Cz\3hp

if val in vals:51Testing软件测试网A+z[K#mm0P

return True51Testing软件测试网F/^1Ma$rQc

else:51Testing软件测试网Z htA3Xu-\

return False*UGXTmu-[m'`0


if __name__ == "__main__":51Testing软件测试网P\JH:@$?:Uwin32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(MyFirstCom)


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