There are times when you want to take your music with you, but you may not want to bring along your phone—like when going for a jog. The good news is that you can transfer music to an Android Wear watch and leave the phone at home.

有时候您想随身携带音乐,但是您可能不想随身携带手机,例如慢跑时。 好消息是您可以将音乐传输到Android Wear手表,然后将手机留在家中。

Before we get into how to do this, however, it’s worth noting that this only works with Google Play Music—if you use something else (especially another streaming service) for your tunes, then you’re probably out of luck.


It’s also worth pointing out that this feature is only available for music you’ve purchased or music you’ve uploaded to your Google Play Library. Otherwise, you’ll need a subscription to Google Play Music All Access, which will allow you to download playlists and albums for offline playback.

还需要指出的是,此功能仅适用于您购买的音乐或上传到Google Play图书馆的音乐。 否则,您将需要订阅Google Play音乐无限听,这将允许您下载播放列表和专辑以供离线播放。

If you’ve met all that criteria, you’re ready to go.


第一步:告诉Play音乐向您的手表发送音调 (Step One: Tell Play Music to Send Tunes to Your Watch)

This journey starts with in Google Play Music, so travel there with me, if you will.

此旅程始于Google Play音乐,请与我一起旅行。

Once in the app, slide up the left-hand menu, then scroll down to Settings.


From there, scroll down a good ways, till you see the “Android Wear” section. Tap the first toggle—Download to Android Wear—to allow music to be transferred to your watch.

从那里向下滚动一个好方法,直到看到“ Android Wear”部分。 点击第一个切换按钮-下载到Android Wear,以将音乐传输到手表。

If the music you’re trying to get on your watch is already stored on your phone (for local playback), you can tap the Manage Wear Downloads option to start transferring music immediately.

如果您想在手表上听的音乐已经存储在手机上(用于本地播放),则可以点击Manage Wear Downloads(管理穿戴下载)选项以立即开始传输音乐。

Locally-stored content will show up under the “Device Storage” section, and you need only tap the gray watch icon on the right side to start the transfer. Easy peasy.

本地存储的内容将显示在“设备存储”部分下,您只需点击右侧的灰色手表图标即可开始传输。 十分简单。

第二步:准备播放列表或专辑以进行传输 (Step Two: Prep Your Playlists or Albums for Transfer)

If your music isn’t already stored locally, you’ll want to get your playlists (or full albums) ready for transfer. Remember: this option requires a paid subscription to Google Play Music All Access.

如果您的音乐尚未存储在本地,则需要准备好播放列表(或完整专辑)以进行传输。 请记住:此选项需要付费订阅Google Play音乐无限听。

First, navigate to the playlist or album you’d like to save—for playlists, head to Music Library (in the slide-out menu on the left), then Playlists. For albums, well, just find the album you’d like to save. Easy enough.

首先,导航到您要保存的播放列表或专辑-对于播放列表,请转到“音乐库”(在左侧的滑出菜单中),然后转到“播放列表”。 对于相册,好吧,只需找到您想要保存的相册即可。 很简单。

Once you’ve found the playlist or album you’d like to save, tap the grayed-out down arrow to the right of playlist or album name. It’ll start to fill in orange, and will be completely full once the download is complete.

找到要保存的播放列表或专辑后,请点击播放列表或专辑名称右侧的灰色向下箭头。 它将开始填充橙色,一旦下载完成,它将完全充满。

From there, you don’t have to do anything else—since you told Music to transfer your offline files to Android Wear, it will automatically send the newly-download playlist or album to your watch.

从那里开始,您无需执行其他任何操作-因为您告诉音乐将离线文件传输到Android Wear,它会自动将新下载的播放列表或专辑发送到您的手表。

To check that progress, you can jump back into Settings > Manage Wear Downloads. Again, the gray watch icon will slowly turn orange as the files transfer over. Once it’s done, the watch icon will be completely orange.

要检查进度,您可以跳回到“设置”>“管理服装下载”。 同样,随着文件传输,灰色的监视图标将慢慢变为橙色。 完成后,手表图标将完全变为橙色。

If you’d like to remove the download from the watch, just tap the orange icon and tap “Remove”in the dialog box.


第三步:在手表上播放音乐 (Step Three: Playing Music on Your Watch)

Okay, now that all the music on on your watch and ready to you, you’ll want to give it a listen, right? That part is easy.

好的,既然手表上的所有音乐都准备好了,您可以开始聆听了,对吧? 这部分很容易。

Now, if your watch has a speaker, you can play the music directly through that…though I’m not sure why you’d want to (seriously, those speakers are tiny). Instead, you’ll want to pair a Bluetooth headset to your watch.

现在,如果您的手表带有扬声器,您可以直接通过它播放音乐…尽管我不确定您为什么要这么做(严重的是,那些扬声器很小)。 相反,您需要将蓝牙耳机与手表配对 。

With your headset paired and connected, slide in from the right side of your watch’s face to open the app tray. Then scroll down until you see the Play Music app. Tap it.

配对并连接好耳机后,从手表脸部右侧滑入以打开应用程序托盘。 然后向下滚动,直到看到“播放音乐”应用。 点一下

When you first open the app, it’ll ask if you want to play music on your phone or on Wear. Choose the latter.

首次打开该应用程序时,它将询问您是否要在手机或Wear上播放音乐。 选择后者。

At this point, it’s all pretty straightforward: you can choose a playlist or album, shuffle all content on the watch, or select individual songs. It’s all up to you. That’s the power of choice, baby: any way you want it…well, as long as it’s through Google Play Music.

此时,一切都非常简单:您可以选择一个播放列表或专辑,随机播放手表上的所有内容或选择单个歌曲。 这一切都取决于你。 宝贝,这就是选择的力量:只要您要通过Google Play音乐,只要您想要的方式...好吧。

It’s worth mentioning that the majority of Android Wear watches only have 4GB of storage, and a bit of that is take up by the OS and installed apps. So, at any point, you may only have a couple of gigabytes to store your music on. It’s like we’ve come full circle here, back to the days of 2GB iPods. Pick and choose your music carefully, guys.

值得一提的是,大多数Android Wear手表仅具有4GB的存储空间 ,其中一部分由操作系统和已安装的应用程序占用。 因此,在任何时候,您可能只有几GB的空间来存储音乐。 就像我们在这里转了一圈,回到2GB iPod的时代。 伙计们,请仔细挑选音乐。


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