1 ACM的期刊列表

1.1. Communication of the ACM http://cacm.acm.org/
1.2. NetWorker http://networker.acm.org/
1.3. Queue http://queue.acm.org/
1.4. ACM Computing Reviews http://www.reviews.com/
1.5. Computing Surveys http://surveys.acm.org/
1.6. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) http://taas.acm.org/
1.7. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems(JETC)http://www.cse.psu.edu/~mdl/jetc
1.8. Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) (2009年才刊登了第一期)
1.9. Transactions on Information Systems http://tois.acm.org/
1.10. Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) http://toit.acm.org/
1.11. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)http://www.linklings.net/tomacs/
1.12. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks http://tosn.acm.org/
1.13. Transactions on Storage http://tos.acm.org/
1.14. ACM Transactions on the Web http://tweb.acm.org/
1.15. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking http://www.ton.seas.upenn.edu/

2 IEEE的期刊列表

2.1. Applied Physics Letters
2.2. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
2.3. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I
2.4. IEEE Communications Letters
2.5. IEEE Communications Magazine
2.6. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials
2.7. IEEE Transactions on Communications
2.8. IET Communications
2.9. IET Computers & Digital Techniques
2.10. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
2.11. IEEE Distributed Systems Online
2.12. IEEE Transactions on Computers
2.13. Electronics Letters
2.14. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2.15. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
2.16. IET Information Security
2.17. IET Intelligent Transport Systems
2.18. IEEE Internet Computing Magazine
2.19. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
2.20. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
2.21. IEEE Network Magazine
2.22. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
2.23. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
2.24. IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2.25. IEEE Pervasive Computing 2.26. IEEE Transactions on Reliability
2.27. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
2.28. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
2.29. IEEE Technology & Society Magazine
2.30. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


3.1. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection
3.2. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
3.3. Information Systems
3.4. Computer Communications
3.5. Computer Networks
3.6. Computer Standards & Interfaces
3.7. Computers & Fluids
3.8. Future Generation Computer Systems
3.9. Information Sciences
3.10. Journal of Network and Computer Applications
3.11. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
3.12. Journal of Systems Architecture
3.13. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
3.14. Network Security
3.15. Neural Networks
3.16. Parallel Computing
3.17. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
3.18. Performance Evaluation
3.19. Pervasive and Mobile Computing
3.20. Pattern Recognition
3.21. Pattern Recognition Letters
3.22. Statistical Methodology
3.23. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
3.24. Theoretical Computer Science


4.1. Acta Informatica
4.2. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
4.3. Computer Science - Research and Development
4.4. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
4.5. Computing
4.6. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
4.7. Distributed Computing
4.8. Evolutionary Intelligence
4.9. GeoInformatica
4.10. Graphs and Combinatorics
4.11. Frontiers of Computer Science in China
4.12. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
4.13. Identity in the Information Society
4.14. Information Systems Frontiers
4.15. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences
4.16. Journal of Computer Science and Technology
4.17. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
4.18. Journal of Internet Services and Applications
4.19. Journal of Scheduling
4.20. New Generation Computing
4.21. Journal of Network and Systems Management
4.22. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
4.23. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
4.24. Problems of Information Transmission
4.25. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences
4.26. Scientometrics
4.27. Service Oriented Computing and Applications
4.28. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
4.29. Theory of Computing Systems
4.30. World Wide Web
4.31. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences


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    1 ACM的期刊列表1.1. Communication of the ACM http://cacm.acm.org/ 1.2. NetWorker http://networker.acm.org ...

  2. ACM、IEEE、Elsevier和Springer旗下期刊

    1 ACM的期刊列表 1.1. Communication of the ACM  http://cacm.acm.org/ 1.2. NetWorker http://networker.acm.o ...

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