
Death ends a life – it does not end a relationship


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Scarlet &Saki
Death ends a life – it does not end a relationship(原文)
I discovered Scarlet, our Alaskan husky puppy, had inherited epilepsy when she was just six months old. I failed to find her a cure and consequently her epilepsy worsened, becoming drug-resistant and causing her seizures to worsen and increase. It was devasting to watch her wake up from seizure after seizure, and in the summer of 2011, I made the difficult decision to put Scarlet down and spare her from further pain and suffering. She may have lived much longer if there had been vets in Shanghai that knew how to handle and treat dogs living with epilepsy at the time, but that unfortunately was not the case.
Schmidt & et al (2020) says that a child’s attachment to their pet changes throughout their different life stages, which greatly impacts how they experience the grief of losing a pet (p.282-283). My son, Pascal, demonstrated greater cognitive maturity when dealing with Scarlet’s death when compared to his grief over our Chihuahua. Gigi’s death. Pascal was four when Gigi died and he cried day and night, demanding to scatter Gigi’s toys, dog food, and treats around so she could sniff and find her way home. My mom said that all young children, ages 3 to 5, have natural senses and connections with these good spirits, so I allowed my four-year-old’s imagination to run wild so we could bring their good spirits inside the house.
Everyone copes with grief differently after losing a loved one or a pet (DeSpelder& Strickland, 2020, p. 55). To this day, I still regret not spoiling Scarlet enough when she was alive and if I could go back, I would not have yelled and spanked her for chewing my shoes, leather couch, and purses.Shortly after Scarlet’s death, we had to rush my mother to the emergency room due to her broken heart and our Japanese Spitz, Saki who was Scarlet’s best friend, went into a depression and went days without drinking and eating. My eight-year-old son at that time, upsettably lectured us that Scarlet’s death could have been avoided if there had been good epilepsy treatment available or if we had known a canine brain surgeon in Shanghai.
About two weeks after Scarlet’s death, we came to the realization that Scarlet’s death was an irreversible and unavoidable biological process but what made the grief personal and unique for us though, was the lasting emotional bond we each had with her. Coping with the loss of Scarlet profoundly impacted my mother’s view of death and dying and triggered her memory of her own mother’s death, prompting her to start openly talking about her own funeral plans. To remember and stay emotionally connected to Scarlet, my mother will burn incense, reminisce, and send whispers of blessings to Scarlet, while I prefer to look at photos and remember all the funny moments we had together (Packman & et al, 2012, pp.337-343)。
How people express their grief and remember their bonds with their deceased loved ones or pets varies and changes depending on which stage of life they are in. Since death shapes the social order and how people live, we must be aware of heterogeneity in our society and respect how others differently view, define, and observe the concept of death, within the confines of the law (DeSpelder& Strickland,2020, p.167). I believe all dogs are angels from God and are sent with the mission to shield us from sadness, danger, and pain. They have positively influenced the emotional development of my son and fulfilled the role of a companion for my mother when I am busy running around (Packman & et al, 2012; Schmidt & et al, 2020).
DeSpelder, L. A., & Strickland, A. L. (2020). The last dance: Encountering death and dying. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Packman, W., Carmack, B.J., & Ronen, R. (2012). Therapeutic implications of continuing bonds expressions following the death of a pet. OMEGA, 64(4),335-356. doi:10.2190/OM.64.4.d
Schmidt, M., Naylor, P.E., Cohen, D., Gomex, R., Moses, J.A., Rappoport, M., & Packman, P. (2020). Pet loss and continuing bonds in children and adolescents. Death Studies, 44(5), 278-284. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1541942

Beatrice,香港出生。年少只身去美国学习,美国东伊利诺大学(Eastern Illinois Univeristy)老龄化研究文学硕士。在上海经营过自己设计的服装品牌20年。如今转行从事有关养老培训行业(目标是开办自己品牌的老年日托中心,解决老父母不高兴进养老院,儿女白天上班没有时间照顾的难题)。把国外有关照顾老人痴呆的知识和技术引进国内。非常敬业和有爱心,有持续学习力和创新进取精神。



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