
  • 一、符号型数据的Naive Bayes算法
    • 1.例子数据集
    • 2. 基础理论
      • 2.1 条件概率
      • 2.2 独立性假设
      • 2.3 Laplacian 平滑
  • 二、数值型数据的Naive Bayes算法
    • 1.例子数据集
    • 2. 算法理论
  • 三、实现代码

学习来源: NB 算法 (包括符号型与数值型, 结合 Java 程序分析)
日撸 Java 三百行(51-60天,kNN 与 NB)

前言:Naive Bayes 是一个经典的、有代表性的分类算法. Naive 的 i 上面应该是两个点, 它读作 “哪义乌”, 表示很傻瓜很天真.

一、符号型数据的Naive Bayes算法


可在 https://gitee.com/fansmale/javasampledata 下载.

@relation weather.symbolic@attribute outlook {sunny, overcast, rainy}
@attribute temperature {hot, mild, cool}
@attribute humidity {high, normal}
@attribute windy {TRUE, FALSE}
@attribute play {yes, no}@data
  • 这里的前四列分别对应四种天气属性{outlook, temperature, humidity, windy}的不同情况,最后一列则是根据前四列的描述来决定是否出去玩,表示为{yes, no}。

2. 基础理论

2.1 条件概率

P(AB)=P(A)P(B∣A)(1)P(AB)=P(A)P(B∣A) \tag{1} P(AB)=P(A)P(B∣A)(1)

  • P(A)表示事件 A发生的概率;
  • P(AB)表示事件 A 和 B 同时发生的概率;
  • P(B∣A)表示在事件 A 发生的情况下, 事件 B 也发生的概率.

例: A 表示天气是晴天, 即 outlook = sunny; B 表示湿度高, 即 humidity = high.
14 天中, 有 5 天 sunny, 则P(A) = P(outlook = sunny) = 415\frac{4}{15}154​
这 5 个晴天中, 有 3 天温度高, 则 P(B∣A) = P(humidity = high | outlook = sunny)= 35\frac{3}{5}53​
那么, 即是晴天又温度高的概率是P(AB) = P(outlook = sunny ∧\wedge∧ humidity= high) = 314\frac{3}{14}143​ = P(A)P(B∣A)

2.2 独立性假设

令 x\mathbf{x}x = x1 ∧\wedge∧ x2 ∧\wedge∧ ⋯ ∧\wedge∧ xm 表示一个条件的组合, 如: outlook = sunny ∧\wedge∧ temperature = hot ∧\wedge∧ humidity = high ∧\wedge∧ windy = FALSE,它对应于我们数据集的第一行.
令 Di 表示一个事件, 如: play = no. 根据 (1) 式可知:

P(Di∣x)=P(xDi)P(x)=P(Di)P(x∣Di)P(x)(2)P(D_i| \mathbf{x} ) = \frac{P(\mathbf{x} D_i)}{P(\mathbf{x})} = \frac{P(D_i)P(\mathbf{x} | D_i)}{P(\mathbf{x})} \tag{2} P(Di​∣x)=P(x)P(xDi​)​=P(x)P(Di​)P(x∣Di​)​(2)


现在我们做一个大胆的假设, 认为各个条件之间是独立的:
P(x∣Di)=P(x1∣Di)P(x2∣Di)....P(xm∣Di)=∏j=1mP(xj∣Di)(3)P(\mathbf{x}|D_i) = P(x_1 | D_i)P(x_2|D_i)....P(x_m|D_i) = \prod_{j=1}^{m}P(x_j|D_i) \tag{3}P(x∣Di​)=P(x1​∣Di​)P(x2​∣Di​)....P(xm​∣Di​)=j=1∏m​P(xj​∣Di​)(3)
这个大胆的假设, 就是 Naive 的来源. 在现实数据中, 它是不成立的!
综合 (2)(3) 式可得:
P(Di∣x)=P(xDi)P(x)=P(Di)∏j=1mP(xj∣Di)P(x)(4)P(D_i|\mathbf{x}) = \frac{P(\mathbf{x} D_i)}{P(\mathbf{x})} = \frac{P(D_i) \prod_{j = 1}^{m} P(x_j|D_i)}{P(\mathbf{x})}\tag{4}P(Di​∣x)=P(x)P(xDi​)​=P(x)P(Di​)∏j=1m​P(xj​∣Di​)​(4)

如果用例子替换成 P(play = no | outlook = sunny ∧\wedge∧ temperature = hot ∧\wedge∧ humidity = high ∧\wedge∧ windy = FALSE),就读作: “在出太阳而且气温高而且湿度高而且没风的天气, 不打球的概率”.
这个概率是算不出来的, 因为我们计算不了分母P(x\mathbf{x}x). 不过我们的目标是进行分类, 也就是说, 哪个类别的概率高, 我们就选谁. 而对不同的类别, 这个式子的分母是完全相同的!

  • d(x\mathbf{x}x)表示的是当前最佳决策属性的下标,比如在weather数据集中最佳决策属性是一个长度为2的数组,Judge[0]表示不去玩,Judge[1]表示去玩,当返回的d(x\mathbf{x}x)=1时就是去玩。
  • argmax 表示哪个类别的相对概率高, 我们就预测为该类别.


2.3 Laplacian 平滑


(5) 式在预测时会出现问题. 例如:

  • P(outlook = overcast | play = no) = 0, 即不打球的时候, 天气不可能是多云. 如果新的一天为阴天, 则不打球的概率为 0.
  • P(temperature = hot | play = yes) = 0, 即打球的时候, 温度不可能是高. 如果新的一天温度高, 则打球的概率为 0.
    那么, 如果有一天 outlook = overcast ∧\wedge∧ temperature = hot, 岂不是打球和不打球的概率都为 0 了?
    这里的根源在于 “一票否决权”, 即 (5) 式的连乘因子中, 只要有一个为 0, 则乘积一定为 0. 为了解决该问题, 我们要想办法让这个因子不要取 0 值.

    其中, n 是对象的数量,vj是第 j 个属性的可能取值数, outlook 有 3 种取值. 这样可以保证
  • PL(xj∣Di)>0P^L(x_j | D_i) > 0PL(xj​∣Di​)>0;
  • outlook 三种取值导致的条件概率之和恒为 1. 即
    PL(outlook=sunny∣play=yes)+PL(outlook=overcast∣play=yes)+PL(rain=sunny∣play=yes)=1.P^L(outlook = sunny | play = yes) + P^L(outlook = overcast | play = yes) + P^L(rain = sunny | play = yes) = 1.PL(outlook=sunny∣play=yes)+PL(outlook=overcast∣play=yes)+PL(rain=sunny∣play=yes)=1.
    PL(Di)=nP(Di)+1n+c(8)P^L(D_i) = \frac{nP(D_i) + 1}{n + c} \tag{8}PL(Di​)=n+cnP(Di​)+1​(8)

考虑 Laplacian 平滑的优化目标为:

二、数值型数据的Naive Bayes算法


@RELATION iris@ATTRIBUTE sepallength   REAL
@ATTRIBUTE sepalwidth  REAL
@ATTRIBUTE petallength     REAL
@ATTRIBUTE petalwidth  REAL
@ATTRIBUTE class   {Iris-setosa,Iris-versicolor}@DATA

2. 算法理论

  • 脱离了离散概率的特性,我们的概率表示应当是随机变量的区间,即假设对于第一列,sepallength为5.0的概率我可以使用P4.9≤sepallength<5.1P{4.9 ≤ sepallength<5.1}P4.9≤sepallength<5.1.但是针对离散的点集使用这种连续处理太过于麻烦了,于是我们进一步简化这个过程。
  • 因为最终我们都是比对这些概率条件下的大小问题,因此我们可以让所有的数据列都适用一种概率评价指标。假设对于某个属性列X\ChiX(随机变量),存在一个离散值x。这时我们设法将概率计算的区间缩小到足够小的范围σσσ(σσσ>0)
  • 因为σσσ足够小,以至于曲线近似于直线,这样的话,概率密度函数的每个小的曲边梯形面积可以近似表示为σp(x)σp(x)σp(x)。由于对于所有的概率比对来说,都有σ这个固定系数,因此可以同时忽略。这样的话,对于某个数值型的离散概率比较,近似地可以用概率密度函数p(x)p(x)p(x)来度量。


字符型数据的Naive Bayes公式在未经过Laplacian平滑的环境下的公式:



这里的 σij\sigma_{ij}σij​ 和μij\mu_{ij}μij​表示方差与均值,都与类别和属性相关.

这个式子就是数值型Naive Bayes的推导式了,因为一般都采用正态分布带描述一般的数值数据,而正态分布又叫做高斯分布,所以一般的数值型Naive Bayes又称之为Gaussian Naive Bayes算法。


package machinelearning.bayes;import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.Arrays;import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;/*** * @author Ling Lin E-mail:linling0.0@foxmail.com* * @version 创建时间:2022年5月8日 下午9:43:08* */
public class NaiveBayes {/*** An inner class to store parameters.*/private class GaussianParamters {double mu;double sigma;public GaussianParamters(double paraMu, double paraSigma) {mu = paraMu;sigma = paraSigma;}// Of the constructor@Overridepublic String toString() {return "(" + mu + ", " + sigma + ")";}// Of toString}// Of GaussianParamters/*** The data.*/Instances dataset;/*** The number of classes. For binary classification it is 2.* 表示我们决策列具有的类别数目,就是我们公式中的k。本数据集中决策数据列只有yes与no两种情况*/int numClasses;/*** The number of instances. 表示表的数据行个数,即公式中的n*/int numInstances;/*** The number of conditional attributes. 条件数目,即m,是除开最后的决策列之后的常规训练的属性列。*/int numConditions;/*** The prediction, including queried and predicted labels.* 是一个长度为n预测数组,用于存放对于每一行数据进行leave-one-out测试时存放的预测结果。*/int[] predicts;/*** Class distribution. 是公式中的P(Di),因为我们数据集中k=2,故这个数组长度也为2*/double[] classDistribution;/*** Class distribution with Laplacian smooth. 是公式中的* P^L^(Di),因为我们数据集中k=2,故这个数组长度也为2*/double[] classDistributionLaplacian;/*** To calculate the conditional probabilities for all classes over all* attributes on all values.* * conditionalCounts[i][j][k]表示采用第i个决策(这里代表yes or no), 并且当天的天气的第j种特征为第k种的数目。*/double[][][] conditionalCounts;// The conditional probabilities with Laplacian smooth.// 表示P^L^(xjDi)double[][][] conditionalProbabilitiesLaplacian;// The Guassian parameters.GaussianParamters[][] gaussianParameters;// 设置适用于什么类型的NB算法,0表示字符型,1表示的数值型int dataType;// Nominal.public static final int NOMINAL = 0;// Numerical.public static final int NUMERICAL = 1;/*** The constructor.* * @param paraFilename*            The given file. 构造函数主要完成数据的输入,确定决策类,然后逐次给类中对应公式的n、m、k初始化。*/public NaiveBayes(String paraFilename) {dataset = null;try {FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(paraFilename);dataset = new Instances(fileReader);fileReader.close();} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println("Cannot read the file: " + paraFilename + "\r\n" + ee);System.exit(0);} // Of trydataset.setClassIndex(dataset.numAttributes() - 1);numConditions = dataset.numAttributes() - 1;// mnumInstances = dataset.numInstances();// nnumClasses = dataset.attribute(numConditions).numValues();// k}// Of the constructor/*** Set the data type.*/public void setDataType(int paraDataType) {dataType = paraDataType;}// Of setDataType/*** Calculate the class distribution with Laplacian smooth. 计算P^L^(Di)*/public void calculateClassDistribution() {classDistribution = new double[numClasses];classDistributionLaplacian = new double[numClasses];// 统计对应的决策列属性出现的次数,也就是频度double[] tempCounts = new double[numClasses];for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {int tempClassValue = (int) dataset.instance(i).classValue();tempCounts[tempClassValue]++;} // Of for ifor (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {// 计算P(Di)classDistribution[i] = tempCounts[i] / numInstances;// 计算P^L^(Di)的化简公式classDistributionLaplacian[i] = (tempCounts[i] + 1) / (numInstances + numClasses);} // Of for iSystem.out.println("Class distribution: " + Arrays.toString(classDistribution));System.out.println("Class distribution Laplacian: " + Arrays.toString(classDistributionLaplacian));}// Of calculateClassDistribution/*** Calculate the conditional probabilities with Laplacian smooth. ONLY scan* the dataset once. There was a simpler one, I have removed it because the* time complexity is higher.* * 计算P^L^(xjDi)*/public void calculateConditionalProbabilities() {// 没有给出第三个维的初始化,这是因为第三维度是对应非决策列能表示的不同类别个数,// 这个是随不同列而不同的,因此无法确定conditionalCounts = new double[numClasses][numConditions][];conditionalProbabilitiesLaplacian = new double[numClasses][numConditions][];// Allocate spacefor (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < numConditions; j++) {int tempNumValues = dataset.attribute(j).numValues();conditionalCounts[i][j] = new double[tempNumValues];conditionalProbabilitiesLaplacian[i][j] = new double[tempNumValues];} // Of for j} // Of for i// Count the numbersint[] tempClassCounts = new int[numClasses];for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {int tempClass = (int) dataset.instance(i).classValue();// 统计不同决策的频度tempClassCounts[tempClass]++;for (int j = 0; j < numConditions; j++) {int tempValue = (int) dataset.instance(i).value(j);conditionalCounts[tempClass][j][tempValue]++;} // Of for j} // Of for i// Now for the real probability with Laplacian// P^L^(xjDi)for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < numConditions; j++) {int tempNumValues = dataset.attribute(j).numValues();for (int k = 0; k < tempNumValues; k++) {conditionalProbabilitiesLaplacian[i][j][k] = (conditionalCounts[i][j][k] + 1)/ (tempClassCounts[i] + tempNumValues);} // Of for k} // Of for j} // Of for iSystem.out.println("Conditional probabilities: " + Arrays.deepToString(conditionalCounts));}// Of calculateConditionalProbabilities/*** Calculate the conditional probabilities with Laplacian smooth.计算μij 与σij*/public void calculateGausssianParameters() {gaussianParameters = new GaussianParamters[numClasses][numConditions];double[] tempValuesArray = new double[numInstances];int tempNumValues = 0;double tempSum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < numConditions; j++) {tempSum = 0;// Obtain values for this class.tempNumValues = 0;for (int k = 0; k < numInstances; k++) {if ((int) dataset.instance(k).classValue() != i) {continue;} // Of iftempValuesArray[tempNumValues] = dataset.instance(k).value(j);tempSum += tempValuesArray[tempNumValues];tempNumValues++;} // Of for k// Obtain parameters.double tempMu = tempSum / tempNumValues;double tempSigma = 0;for (int k = 0; k < tempNumValues; k++) {tempSigma += (tempValuesArray[k] - tempMu) * (tempValuesArray[k] - tempMu);} // Of for ktempSigma /= tempNumValues;tempSigma = Math.sqrt(tempSigma);gaussianParameters[i][j] = new GaussianParamters(tempMu, tempSigma);} // Of for j} // Of for iSystem.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(gaussianParameters));}// Of calculateGausssianParameters/*********************** Classify all instances, the results are stored in predicts[].*********************/public void classify() {predicts = new int[numInstances];for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {predicts[i] = classify(dataset.instance(i));} // Of for i}// Of classify/*********************** Classify an instances.*********************/public int classify(Instance paraInstance) {if (dataType == NOMINAL) {return classifyNominal(paraInstance);} else if (dataType == NUMERICAL) {return classifyNumerical(paraInstance);} // Of ifreturn -1;}// Of classify/*** Classify an instances with nominal data.*/public int classifyNominal(Instance paraInstance) {// Find the biggest onedouble tempBiggest = -10000;int resultBestIndex = 0;for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {double tempClassProbabilityLaplacian = Math.log(classDistributionLaplacian[i]);double tempPseudoProbability = tempClassProbabilityLaplacian;for (int j = 0; j < numConditions; j++) {int tempAttributeValue = (int) paraInstance.value(j);// Laplacian smooth.tempPseudoProbability += Math.log(conditionalCounts[i][j][tempAttributeValue])- tempClassProbabilityLaplacian;} // Of for jif (tempBiggest < tempPseudoProbability) {tempBiggest = tempPseudoProbability;resultBestIndex = i;} // Of if} // Of for ireturn resultBestIndex;}// Of classifyNominal/*********************** Classify an instances with numerical data.*********************/public int classifyNumerical(Instance paraInstance) {// Find the biggest onedouble tempBiggest = -10000;int resultBestIndex = 0;for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {double tempClassProbabilityLaplacian = Math.log(classDistributionLaplacian[i]);double tempPseudoProbability = tempClassProbabilityLaplacian;for (int j = 0; j < numConditions; j++) {double tempAttributeValue = paraInstance.value(j);double tempSigma = gaussianParameters[i][j].sigma;double tempMu = gaussianParameters[i][j].mu;tempPseudoProbability += -Math.log(tempSigma)- (tempAttributeValue - tempMu) * (tempAttributeValue - tempMu) / (2 * tempSigma * tempSigma);} // Of for jif (tempBiggest < tempPseudoProbability) {tempBiggest = tempPseudoProbability;resultBestIndex = i;} // Of if} // Of for ireturn resultBestIndex;}// Of classifyNumerical/*********************** Compute accuracy.*********************/public double computeAccuracy() {double tempCorrect = 0;for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {if (predicts[i] == (int) dataset.instance(i).classValue()) {tempCorrect++;} // Of if} // Of for idouble resultAccuracy = tempCorrect / numInstances;return resultAccuracy;}// Of computeAccuracy/*************************** * Test nominal data.************************* */public static void testNominal() {System.out.println("Hello, Naive Bayes. I only want to test the nominal data.");String tempFilename = "D:/00/data/mushroom.arff";NaiveBayes tempLearner = new NaiveBayes(tempFilename);tempLearner.setDataType(NOMINAL);tempLearner.calculateClassDistribution();tempLearner.calculateConditionalProbabilities();tempLearner.classify();System.out.println("The accuracy is: " + tempLearner.computeAccuracy());}// Of testNominal/*************************** * Test numerical data.************************* */public static void testNumerical() {System.out.println("Hello, Naive Bayes. I only want to test the numerical data with Gaussian assumption.");// String tempFilename = "D:/data/iris.arff";String tempFilename = "D:/00/data/iris-imbalance.arff";NaiveBayes tempLearner = new NaiveBayes(tempFilename);tempLearner.setDataType(NUMERICAL);tempLearner.calculateClassDistribution();tempLearner.calculateGausssianParameters();tempLearner.classify();System.out.println("The accuracy is: " + tempLearner.computeAccuracy());}// Of testNominal/*************************** * Test this class.* * @param args*            Not used now.************************* */public static void main(String[] args) {testNominal();System.out.println();testNumerical();}// Of main
}// Of class NaiveBayes

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