photoshop 插件

The Linear Light blending mode is a combination of Linear Burn and Linear Dodge — but similar to Vivid Light, the combination gives slightly different results.


Let’s first look at the Photoshop definition:


Linear Light: Burns or dodges the colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness, depending on the blend color. If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened by increasing the brightness. If the blend color is darker than 50% gray, the image is darkened by decreasing the brightness.

线性光:根据混合颜色,通过降低或增加亮度来燃烧或淡化颜色。 如果混合色(光源)比50%的灰度浅,则通过增加亮度来使图像变亮。 如果混合色比50%灰色暗,则通过降低亮度使图像变暗。

I created an example similar to the one in the last blog. The bottom image has two layers, one set to Linear Dodge and the other set to Linear Burn. In the top image, the same rectangles were combined on one layer and set to Linear Light. The lighter color does brighten the base layer considerably – but not as much as Linear Dodge does; the dark color doesn’t darken the base layer as much as Linear Burn does.

我创建了一个与上一个博客类似的示例。 底部图像有两层,一层设置为“线性减淡”,另一层设置为“线性加深”。 在顶部图像中,将相同的矩形合并在一层上并设置为“线性光”。 较浅的颜色确实使基础层增亮了-但不如Linear Dodge那样。 深色不会像线性刻录一样使基础层变暗。

I like using Linear Light to overlay text (or line art) on top of an image for a neat watermark effect. I first add text in a medium grey color (#939393):

我喜欢使用线性光在图像上方叠加文本(或艺术线条)以获得整洁的水印效果。 我首先添加中等灰色的文本(#939393):

I set this top layer to Linear Light and get this result:

我将此顶层设置为Linear Light并得到以下结果:

(Download sample. psd file)

( 下载示例.psd文件 )

In a similar example, I’ll take a picture of a duck from a neighborhood park and create an ad layout idea for a fictitious duck club. Again, I start with grey text:

在类似的示例中,我将为附近公园里的鸭子拍照,并为一个虚拟的鸭子俱乐部创建广告布局创意。 同样,我从灰色文本开始:

Setting the text layer to Linear Light over my duck photo and adding some ad copy results in this:

在我的鸭子照片上将文字层设置为Linear Light并添加一些广告文案,结果如下:

There is a subtle difference between the picture above (set to Linear Light) and this picture below. In the picture below, I used a white text layer and then set the opacity at 24%.

上面的图片(设置为线性光)与下面的图片之间有细微的差别。 在下面的图片中,我使用了白色文本图层,然后将不透明度设置为24%。

While there isn’t a huge difference, the Linear Light version helps the big “duck” text to be a little bit subtler; because it’s actually lightening the base layer colors and not simply overlaying them, it acts more as a background element. I would use the white-text-lower-opacity method for text that I want to stand out a little bit more (text that is actually part of the company name, for example), but use Linear Light for text or objects that I want to act more as a background.

尽管并没有太大的区别,但是线性光版本帮助大的“鸭子”文本变得更加微妙。 因为它实际上是在减轻基础层的颜色,而不仅仅是覆盖它们,所以它更多地用作背景元素。 我将对想要进一步突出显示的文本使用white-text-lower-opacity方法(例如,文本实际上是公司名称的一部分),但是对我想要的文本或对象使用Linear Light充当更多背景。

(Download sample. psd file)

( 下载示例.psd文件 )


photoshop 插件

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