一、ResourceBundle 简介:

        资源束(ResourceBundle)是一个本地化对象。它封装了适用于本地环境的资源; 这个类主要用来解决国际化和本地化问题。国际化和本地化可不是两个概念,两者都是一起出现的。可以说,国际化的目的就是为了实现本地化。

比如对于“取消”,中文中我们使用“取消”来表示,而英文中我们使用“cancel”。若我们的程序是面向国际的(这也是软件发展的一个趋势),那么使用的人群必然是多语言环境的,实现国际化就非常有必要。而ResourceBundle可以帮助我们轻松完成这个任务:当程序需要一个特定于语言环境的资源时(如 String),程序可以从适合当前用户语言环境的资源包(大多数情况下也就是.properties文件)中加载它。这样可以编写很大程度上独立于用户语言环境的程序代码,它将资源包中大部分(即便不是全部)特定于语言环境的信息隔离开来。


  • 轻松地本地化或翻译成不同的语言
  • 一次处理多个语言环境
  • 以后可以轻松进行修改,以便支持更多的语言环境

说的简单点,这个类的作用就是读取资源属性文件(properties),然后根据.properties文件的名称信息(本地化信息),匹配当前系统的国别语言信息(也可以程序指定),然后获取相应的properties文件的内容。使用这个类,properties需要遵循一定的命名规范,一般的命名规范是: 自定义名_语言代码_国别代码.properties(LocalStrings_zh_CN.properties),如果是默认的,直接写为:自定义名.properties(LocalStrings.properties)


资源文件都必须是ISO-8859-1编码,因此,对于所有非西方语系的处理,都必须先将之转换为Java Unicode Escape格式。转换方法是通过JDK自带的工具native2ascii; 所以在中文资源文件中最好把中文转换为unicode, 否则可能会因为编译软件编码格式不一致而出现乱码问题




PropertyResourceBundle将本地化的文本存储于Java property文件中。


  • 获取ResourceBundle实例后可以通过下面的方法获得本地化值。
  • getObject(String key);
  • getString(String key);
  • getStringArray(String key);
  • 还可以通过keySet()方法获取所有的key。Set keys = bundle.keySet();
  • 其它ResourceBundle 方法可以通过查看文档获得。


(1) 新建4个属性文件


(2) 获取bundle

ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("res", new Locale("zh", "CN"));

注意: 其中new Locale(“zh”, “CN”)提供本地化信息,上面这行代码,程序会首先在classpath下寻找my_zh_CN.properties文件,若my_zh_CN.properties文件不存在,则取找my_zh.properties,如还是不存在,继续寻找my.properties,若都找不到就抛出异常。

(3) Test示例

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;/*** @author OovEver* 2018/1/14 22:12*/
public class Main {public static void main(String args[]) {ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("my", new Locale("zh", "CN"));String cancel = bundle.getString("cancelKey");System.out.println(cancel);bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("my", Locale.US);cancel = bundle.getString("cancelKey");System.out.println(cancel);bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("my", Locale.getDefault());cancel = bundle.getString("cancelKey");System.out.println(cancel);bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("my", Locale.GERMAN);cancel = bundle.getString("cancelKey");System.out.println(cancel);bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("my");for (String key : bundle.keySet()) {System.out.println(bundle.getString(key));}}

(4) 输出结果


(5) 分析



Tomcat 的国际化管理是根据java文件包分类的; (比如操作系统为中文,那么通ResourceBundle.getBundle(org.apache.XXXX)所得到的本地资源束所指向的文件既是org.apaceh包下的XXXX_CN.properties)

Tomcat 维护了一个StringManager的集合。Tomcat将国际化资源信息存储在相应的包中。

(1) StringManager类中维护了一个StringManager集合

private static Hashtable managers = new Hashtable();

(2) StringManager类实现了对ResourceBundle资源束的管理,是ResourceBundle的封装

private final ResourceBundle bundle;

(3) 构造方法中实现了通过包名来取得本地环境指定包下的bundle

private StringManager(String packageName, Locale locale) {
        String bundleName = packageName + ".LocalStrings";
        ResourceBundle bnd = null;
        try {
            if (locale.getLanguage().equals(Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage())) {
                locale = Locale.ROOT;
            bnd = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale);
        } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { 
            . . .
        bundle = bnd;
        if (bundle != null) {
            Locale bundleLocale = bundle.getLocale();
            if (bundleLocale.equals(Locale.ROOT)) {
                this.locale = Locale.ENGLISH;
            } else {
                this.locale = bundleLocale;
        } else {
            this.locale = null;

(4) 最后通过bundle.getString(key);方法,即可得到本地资源信息

public String getString(final String key, final Object... args) {
        String value = getString(key);
        if (value == null) {
            value = key;

MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(value);
        return mf.format(args, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();


package org.apache.tomcat.util.res;import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;public class StringManager {private static int LOCALE_CACHE_SIZE = 10;//此StringManager的ResourceBundleprivate final ResourceBundle bundle;private final Locale locale;/*** Creates a new StringManager for a given package. This is a* private method and all access to it is arbitrated by the* static getManager method call so that only one StringManager* per package will be created.** @param packageName Name of package to create StringManager for.*/private StringManager(String packageName, Locale locale) {String bundleName = packageName + ".LocalStrings";ResourceBundle bnd = null;try {// The ROOT Locale uses English. If English is requested, force the// use of the ROOT Locale else incorrect results may be obtained if// the system default locale is not English and translations are// available for the system default locale.if (locale.getLanguage().equals(Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage())) {locale = Locale.ROOT;}  bnd = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale);} catch (MissingResourceException ex) {// Try from the current loader (that's the case for trusted apps)// Should only be required if using a TC5 style classloader structure// where common != shared != serverClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();if (cl != null) {try {bnd = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale, cl);} catch (MissingResourceException ex2) {// Ignore}}}bundle = bnd;// Get the actual locale, which may be different from the requested oneif (bundle != null) {Locale bundleLocale = bundle.getLocale();if (bundleLocale.equals(Locale.ROOT)) {this.locale = Locale.ENGLISH;} else {this.locale = bundleLocale;}} else {this.locale = null;}}/*** Get a string from the underlying resource bundle or return null if the* String is not found.** @param key to desired resource String** @return resource String matching <i>key</i> from underlying bundle or*         null if not found.** @throws IllegalArgumentException if <i>key</i> is null*/public String getString(String key) {if (key == null){String msg = "key may not have a null value";throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);}String str = null;try {// Avoid NPE if bundle is null and treat it like an MREif (bundle != null) {str = bundle.getString(key);}} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {//bad: shouldn't mask an exception the following way://   str = "[cannot find message associated with key '" + key +//         "' due to " + mre + "]";//     because it hides the fact that the String was missing//     from the calling code.//good: could just throw the exception (or wrap it in another)//      but that would probably cause much havoc on existing//      code.//better: consistent with container pattern to//      simply return null.  Calling code can then do//      a null check.str = null;}return str;}/*** Get a string from the underlying resource bundle and format* it with the given set of arguments.** @param key  The key for the required message* @param args The values to insert into the message** @return The request string formatted with the provided arguments or the*         key if the key was not found.*/public String getString(final String key, final Object... args) {String value = getString(key);if (value == null) {value = key;}MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(value);mf.setLocale(locale);return mf.format(args, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();}/*** Identify the Locale this StringManager is associated with.** @return The Locale associated with the StringManager*/public Locale getLocale() {return locale;}// --------------------------------------------------------------// STATIC SUPPORT METHODS// --------------------------------------------------------------private static final Map<String, Map<Locale,StringManager>> managers =new Hashtable<>();/*** Get the StringManager for a given class. The StringManager will be* returned for the package in which the class is located. If a manager for* that package already exists, it will be reused, else a new* StringManager will be created and returned.** @param clazz The class for which to retrieve the StringManager** @return The instance associated with the package of the provide class*/public static final StringManager getManager(Class<?> clazz) {return getManager(clazz.getPackage().getName());}/*** Get the StringManager for a particular package. If a manager for* a package already exists, it will be reused, else a new* StringManager will be created and returned.** @param packageName The package name** @return The instance associated with the given package and the default*         Locale*/public static final StringManager getManager(String packageName) {return getManager(packageName, Locale.getDefault());}/*** Get the StringManager for a particular package and Locale. If a manager* for a package/Locale combination already exists, it will be reused, else* a new StringManager will be created and returned.** @param packageName The package name* @param locale      The Locale** @return The instance associated with the given package and Locale*/public static final synchronized StringManager getManager(String packageName, Locale locale) {Map<Locale,StringManager> map = managers.get(packageName);if (map == null) {/** Don't want the HashMap to be expanded beyond LOCALE_CACHE_SIZE.* Expansion occurs when size() exceeds capacity. Therefore keep* size at or below capacity.* removeEldestEntry() executes after insertion therefore the test* for removal needs to use one less than the maximum desired size**/map = new LinkedHashMap<Locale,StringManager>(LOCALE_CACHE_SIZE, 1, true) {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;@Overrideprotected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Locale,StringManager> eldest) {if (size() > (LOCALE_CACHE_SIZE - 1)) {return true;}return false;}};managers.put(packageName, map);}StringManager mgr = map.get(locale);if (mgr == null) {mgr = new StringManager(packageName, locale);map.put(locale, mgr);}return mgr;}/*** Retrieve the StringManager for a list of Locales. The first StringManager* found will be returned.** @param packageName      The package for which the StringManager was*                         requested* @param requestedLocales The list of Locales** @return the found StringManager or the default StringManager*/public static StringManager getManager(String packageName,Enumeration<Locale> requestedLocales) {while (requestedLocales.hasMoreElements()) {Locale locale = requestedLocales.nextElement();StringManager result = getManager(packageName, locale);if (result.getLocale().equals(locale)) {return result;}}// Return the defaultreturn getManager(packageName);}


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