

Telophase is a twin-stick dungeon crawler, set in Ancient Egypt. You must project and recall your character's soul in order to damage enemies, in the hopes of overthrowing Anubis, Lord of the Underworld.

免费 动作 独立 休闲 +

Wonky Ship

You're a daring intergalactic pilot, desperately trying to outmaneuver the ravenous pull of a plasma-fueled black hole. You'll weave, dodge, cuss, flip out, and roll around like you've never done in a video game before. And then you'll die. Often.

免费 动作 休闲 +

Meteor 60 Seconds!

地球灭亡前60秒!(Meteor 60 seconds!),一个刺激,漫画式的动作游戏,让你亲身体会陨石撞地球后只有60秒可活的情景。

免费 欢乐 独立 模拟 休闲 动作 多结局 +

Unsung Warriors - Prologue

Unsung Warriors is a 2D action-adventure game set in Iron Age inspired Europe. Fight your way past enemies and traps, while exploring the secrets of an ancient crypt.

免费 动作 多人 冒险 独立 平台游戏 +

Professional Fishing

Are you falling asleep with a rod? Never again! Professional Fishing will never let you fall asleep! Play an amazing fishing simulator and feel like a real angler! Create your own fishing club and compete with others!

免费 钓鱼 模拟 大型多人在线 体育 动作 +

神位纷争HD ~ Ragnania HD

《神位纷争》是由北京微笑科技有限公司研发,一款采用「团队动作对战」模式的在线游戏。 玩家能够在开阔的3D立体的封闭场地中,通过冲刺、跳跃、飞行的操作组合自由行动,并躲避子弹、接近敌人,使用硬派的格斗近战连段或是丰富的远程术式击倒对手,在180秒的超短时限内凭借比分赢下对局。

抢先体验 动作 抢先体验 角色扮演 唯美格斗 +

Versus World

Welcome to Versus World! Shoot, stab, snipe, and 'splode your opponents to victory in this fast-paced multiplayer FPS. Here, the afterlife of a respawning immortal is seasoned by an up-down crouch.

抢先体验 独立 动作 血腥 暴力 抢先体验 +

Late City Riders

The streets of Late City never stop, and neither do you. Cruise, leap, and fly from car to car through impossible cityscapes to make it to work on time and show your boss that you mean business.

免费 独立 竞速 第三人称视角 动作 驾驶 +

Blocky Snake


免费 休闲 动作 +


KILLSTREAK.tv is a quick fire 3rd-person multiplayer shooter! Jump in arenas, kill opponents, earn rewards to level up gear, unlock new items and customize your character and weapons.

免费 动作 多人 第三人称射击 快节奏 竞技 +

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is a cinematic adventure filled with action-packed platforming and creative puzzle-solving. Armed with only a Magic Marker, Max must confront evil at every turn in a hostile and fantastical world in order to save his kid brother, Felix. Join Max on his great adventure!

冒险 平台游戏 解谜 动作 单人 二维 控制器 +

The Expendabros

The Expendabros have assembled and set their sights on the forces of ruthless arms dealer Conrad Stonebanks in the forests of Eastern Europe. Battle in a flurry of bullets and non-stop action through ten full-throttle missions set amongst the picturesque tree tops and the absurdly dangerous lumber mills teeming with enemy soldiers,...

免费 动作 像素图形 二维 多人 射击 +


With lightning-fast gameplay fully exploiting all three dimensions of motion, CAGE is a shooter unlike any other. The 'tether' allows for unprecedented freedom and agility of movement, creating explosive action.

免费 休闲 独立 动作 多人 第一人称射击 +


战斗仪式 是一款充满动作色彩的竞技场大乱斗游戏。体验俯视视觉射击游戏与快节奏格斗游戏的独特组合,在这场考验反应的战斗中挑战朋友和敌人。

玩家对战 多人 竞技 多人在线战术竞技 动作 +


GUNS UP! 是一款免费的横向卷轴类策略游戏,它让玩家在战斗中短兵相接,竭尽所能地摧毁敌方基地,以增强我方军队的实力。除了入侵敌方基地外,GUNS UP!

免费 策略 多人 动作 塔防 基地建设 +

In Your Face TD

In Your Face TD is a Tower Defense, which utilises room scale VR to give a new dimension to a classic genre. Fight the invading monsters face-to-face using a laser minigun, or even an exploding sawblade frisbee and build towers to stand your ground.

策略 动作 塔防 虚拟现实 +

Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment

Exploring the themes in THE BELKO EXPERIMENT, the Belko VR – Escape Room Experiment provokes the question: “What does it take to survive at work?” Players are prompted to solve a series of challenging puzzles in order to escape from their office before a microchip in their head explodes.

免费 策略 休闲 虚拟现实 独立 动作 +

Nevrosa: Prelude

You wake up in a strange, but yet familiar place. You feel like you are supposed to be here for something.VR roomscale puzzle-horror game with redirect walking locomotion.

冒险 休闲 独立 恐怖 动作 模拟 解谜 +

The Ranger: Lost Tribe

游戏的背景设在罗兰斯特大陆上,作为一个游侠你目睹了最近发生的异常:血月、生物暴动等。 此时年迈的那巴尔长者找到了你,期望你能去惩戒攻击了他们的暴徒。 你接受了到兹卡部落进行大清洗的任务,或许你也可能在这个暴徒聚集的部落中发现一些真相。

免费 虚拟现实 冒险 模拟 多人 动作 +

Red Crucible®: Reloaded

Destroy, smash and blast your way to victory. Use advanced weapons and vehicles to dominate the battlefield.

免费 射击 动作 第一人称射击 多人 独立 +

Mercury Blue: Mini Episode

Join Captain Jake Hunter and his loyal sidekick FU-2 as they storm across the galaxy in search of adventure (and revenge) in a side-splitting classic comedy adventure!

冒险 动作 免费 独立 指向 & 点击 剧情丰富 +

Tanki X

Tanki X is a multiplayer tank-action game that’s out to prove that when it comes to tanks, there’s more than just thick shells and firepower… Get ready to strap on your seatbelt because you’re in for some serious adrenaline!

免费 坦克 动作 大型多人在线 多人 射击 +

Of Guards And Thieves

Of Guards and Thieves is a multiplayer stealth game in which high-powered guards face off against fast and elusive thieves in a contest of wits. Outsmarting the enemy and shooting your way through to the goal are equally valid strategies.

抢先体验 多人 免费 动作 潜行 独立 +


  1. Unity动作游戏集合

    Unity动作游戏集合 Telophase Telophase is a twin-stick dungeon crawler, set in Ancient Egypt. You must proj ...

  2. unity java游戏大全_3D unity   滚球小游戏

    3D unity 滚球小游戏 1.打开unity,创建一个新的项目(或在已创建的项目里创建一个新的场景). 2.制作平台 创建一个Plane和四个cube模型,附上相应的材质,调整大小和位置,形成一个 ...

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  5. Unity 2D 游戏开发解决方案大全

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  6. 【Unity】动作游戏开发实战详细分析-06-技能系统设计

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  8. 【Unity】动作游戏开发实战详细分析-15-可扩展的战斗系统

    [Unity]动作游戏开发实战详细分析-15-可扩展的战斗系统 系统设计 攻击信息传递 通常情况下,伤害.属性.判定都会被封装到类中,在触发动画事件后将战斗信息发送给受击者. 我们可以结合Unity碰 ...

  9. 【Unity】动作游戏开发实战详细分析-24-流血喷溅程序

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  10. 用Unity的视频广告创建2D动作游戏 Create Action 2D Game With Video Ads In Unity

    MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2 Ch 语言:英语+中英文字幕(根据原英文字幕机译更准确) |时长:27场讲座(4h 19m) |大小解压后:2.35 ...


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