
I write a simple web application for my compnay that can let user log in to arrange their work time. Besides, user can also view the report of he's or she's attandence that I use ajax to callback from java.jar. (We use java to analyze)I use Xampp to set up the server in virtual machine HyperV and it can run successfully at the begining but after twenty hours or more than one day it won't let anyone to log in.

I open the error.log shows that :

PHP Fatal error: Could not queue new timer in Unknown on line 0

. . . and than:

PHP Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Unknown Error

I don't understand what can cause that happend and how to solve it.

I alreday know is when I restarted the apache server, it can still be used till that error happened.

My System Enviroment :

win7 64 bit HyperV

xampp Apache/2.4.18, php/7.0.6, mysql/ 5.1

Here is my code:



$servername = "";

$username = "root";

$password = "cc1234";

$dbname = "cc_tw000427";

$conn = null;

try {

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

} catch (Exception $e) {

$error_message = "Connect Error (" .$conn->connect_errno ." )" . $conn->connect_error;

error_log($error_message, 3, "php_error_log");




$strDBColLoingAccount = "AccountID";




$yid = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "yid"));

$passd = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST,"passd"));

$strSql = "SELECT acc.*, b.String_10_1 FROM basicstoreinfomanageacc_sub acc,basicstoreinfo b

WHERE acc.$strDBColLoingAccount ='$yid' AND acc.String_50_1 = b.String_50_1";

$result = $conn->query($strSql);

$n = $result->num_rows;

if ($n == 0) {


echo "Error 1";



while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

$passd_right = $row["AccountPwd"];

$user_id = $row["AccountID"];

$user_name = $row["AccountName"];

$user_dep_id = $row["String_10_1"];

$user_dep = $row['String_50_1'];



if (($passd_right == "") || ($passd_right == NULL)){


$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;

$_SESSION['user_name'] = $user_name;




if ($passd == $passd_right) {

$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;

$_SESSION['user_name'] = $user_name;

$_SESSION['loginOK'] = 'yes';

$_SESSION['year_i'] = date('Y',time());

$_SESSION['year_f'] = date('Y',time());

$_SESSION['month_i'] = date('m',time());

$_SESSION['month_f'] = date('m',time());

$_SESSION['day_i'] = date('d',time());

$_SESSION['day_f'] = date('d',time());

$_SESSION['Hour'] = date('Y-m-d G:i:s',strtotime('+6 hour'));

$_SESSION['user_dep_id'] = $user_dep_id;

$_SESSION['user_dep'] = $user_dep;


} else {





Next two *.php files are used to receive the post from the web.

The select.php is used to select the data from mysql than output in html tag.

The save.php is used to save the data post from web.



include_once '../control/mysql_start.php';

$strYear = $_POST['year'];

$strMonth = $_POST['month'];

$strDay = $_POST['day'];


.//some codes


$strSql = "SELECT * FROM basicemploymentinfo bei WHERE bei.BelongStore = '". $_SESSION['user_dep']."'".

"AND ((bei.datetime_2 is null AND bei.datetime_3 is null) OR (bei.datetime_2 is null AND bei.datetime_3 >= STR_TO_DATE('" . $strDate . "', '%Y-%m-%d'))" .

" OR (bei.datetime_2 <= STR_TO_DATE('" . $strDate . "', '%Y-%m-%d') AND bei.datetime_3 is null)" .

" OR (bei.datetime_2 <= STR_TO_DATE('" . $strDate . "', '%Y-%m-%d') AND bei.datetime_3 >= STR_TO_DATE('" . $strDate . "', '%Y-%m-%d'))) "

."AND bei.Active ='Y'";

$EmpId = array();

$EmpName = array();

if ($result = $conn->query($strSql)) {

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

array_push($EmpId, $row['String_20_1']);

array_push($EmpName, $row['String_20_2']);


.//some codes




$Emp = array_combine($EmpId, $EmpName);

$strSql = " SELECT Distinct date_format(DateTime_1, '%e') as date, AutoCheck

FROM hrotcheck

WHERE date_format(DateTime_1, '%Y-%m-%d') = '$newformat'

AND AutoCheck = 'C'

AND String_20_1 IN ($array_emp_id)";

if ($result = $conn->query($strSql)) {

$n = $result->num_rows;

if ($n > 0) { $checkboxVerify = 'C';}



foreach ($Emp as $EId => $EName)



.//some codes


$strSql = "SELECT RegularM_1, RegularM_2, FORMAT(OT_3, 1) as OT_3, TOM, TOTM, Notes, AutoCheck FROM hrotcheck where string_20_1 = '" . $EId . "' AND"." date_format(DateTime_1,'%Y-%m-%d') = '$newformat'";

$result = $conn->query($strSql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

$RegularM_1 = $row['RegularM_1'];

$RegularM_2 = $row['RegularM_2'];

$OT3 = $row['OT_3'];

$tom = $row['TOM'];

$totm = $row['TOTM'];

$notes = $row['Notes'];





.//I did a lot of SQL select and use that to create htmltable


$output .= '










.//some codes


$strSql01 = "SELECT * FROM manufacturejobschedulingpersonal where string_20_1 = '".

$row['string_20_1']."' AND"." date_format(DateTime_1,'%Y-%m-%d') = '$newformat'";

$result01 = $conn->query($strSql01);

if ($result01->num_rows > 0) {

while ($row01 = $result01->fetch_assoc()) {


.//some codes






.//some codes




echo $optionUse.'?'.$checkboxVerify.'?'.$output.'?'.$hasCheckDate;




include_once '../control/mysql_start.php';

$arrayObjs = $_POST;


.//some codes


$msDanger = '';

foreach($arrayObjs as $array)


foreach($array as $row)


$UserId = $row['UserId'];

$UserName = $row['UserName'];


.//some codes


$strSql = "SELECT * FROM manufacturejobschedulingpersonal where string_20_1 = '".

$UserId."' AND"." date_format(DateTime_1,'%Y-%m-%d') = '$DateTime_1'";

$result = $conn->query($strSql);

if( $result->num_rows > 0) {

if ($table == 'main') {

$strSql = "Update manufacturejobschedulingpersonal SET String_10_1 ='$String_10_1', String_Assist01 ='$assist_1',String_Assist02='$assist_2' where string_20_1 = '".

$UserId."' AND"." date_format(DateTime_1,'%Y-%m-%d') = '$DateTime_1'";

} else {

$strSql = "Update manufacturejobschedulingpersonal SET String_10_1 ='$String_10_1' where string_20_1 = '".

$UserId."' AND"." date_format(DateTime_1,'%Y-%m-%d') = '$DateTime_1'";


$result = $conn->query($strSql);

} else {

$strSql = "INSERT INTO manufacturejobschedulingpersonal (string_20_1,string_20_2,YM,DateTime_1,String_10_1,String_Assist01,String_Assist02)".

"VALUES ( '$UserId', '$UserName', '$YM', '$DateTime_1', '$String_10_1','$assist_1','$assist_2')";

$result = $conn->query($strSql);



.//A lot of sql CRUD





$last_line = exec('java -jar C:/CCERP/ChainCodeERP/ExtraModule/HRMultiOTCheck/HRMultiOTCheck.jar -ssa '.$javaDate.' ' .$javaDepId, $return_var);

echo 'Updated';



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