rmmod: ERROR: Module xxxx is in use by:yyyyy

  • rmmod: ERROR: Module A is in use by:B
    • 参考
    • 方法

rmmod: ERROR: Module A is in use by:B




First, find out, which other modules use the module A:

lsmod | grep A
You will get a list like this:

module size used_by(B)
Try unloading these modules (used_by) before or together with the module you want to unload:

sudo modprobe -r <module found from lsmod(B)> <module you want to remove(A)>
If you want to prevent the module from loading on the next boot, add it to the blacklist:

echo -e "sdhci\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

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