

--sc(sNo,cNo,score,recordDate)CREATE TABLE department(dNo           CHAR(2)        NOT NULL UNIQUE,dName         VARCHAR(20),officeRoom    VARCHAR(40),homePage      VARCHAR(80),PRIMARY KEY(dNo)
);CREATE TABLE student(sNo      CHAR(6)        NOT NULL UNIQUE,sName        VARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL,sex     CHAR(2)        CHECK (sex IN('男','女')),      age        INT,dNo     CHAR(2),PRIMARY KEY(sNo),FOREIGN KEY (dNo) REFERENCES  department(dNo)
);CREATE TABLE course(cNo       CHAR(6)        NOT NULL UNIQUE,cName        VARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL,cPNo        CHAR(6),credit  INT,dNo           CHAR(2),PRIMARY KEY(cNo),FOREIGN KEY (cPNo) REFERENCES  course(cNo),FOREIGN KEY (dNo)  REFERENCES  department(dNo)
);CREATE TABLE sc(sNo       CHAR(6)        NOT NULL,cNo     CHAR(6)        NOT NULL,score       INT,recordDate    date           DEFAULT current_date,PRIMARY KEY(sNo,cNo),FOREIGN KEY (sNo) REFERENCES  student(sNo),FOREIGN KEY (cNo) REFERENCES  course(cNo)


INSERT INTO department VALUES('01','信息学院','行政楼409','');
INSERT INTO department VALUES('02','软件学院',null,null);
INSERT INTO department VALUES('03','理学院',null,null);
INSERT INTO department VALUES('04','文学院',null,null);
INSERT INTO department VALUES('05','外国语学院',null,null);INSERT INTO student VALUES('170101','宁灿',  '女',19,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170102','尹江月','女',19,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170103','杨佳伟','男',null,null);
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170104','杨何宇','男',19,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170105','胡耀斌','男',19,null);
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170106','李杨阳','女',20,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170107','杜利俊','女',18,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170108','钱多多','女',17,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170109','李佳伟','女',null,'01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170110','吴莫愁','女',21,'01');INSERT INTO student VALUES('170201','安相成','男',19,'02');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170202','曹师好','男',null,'02');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170203','雷霆',  '男',18,'02');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170204','刘书敏','男',20,'02');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170205','王兵',  '男',21,'02');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170206','李佳成','男',19,null);
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170207','唐玉迎','女',17,'02');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170208','杨曼婷','女',19,'02');INSERT INTO student VALUES('170301','张望',  '男',21,'03');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170302','王芳',  '女',18,'03');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170303','赵四海','男',19,'03');INSERT INTO student VALUES('170401','孙敏',  '女',null,null);
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170402','李忠国','男',null,'04');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170403','钱紧',  '男',17,'04');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170404','钱多多','女',20,'04');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170405','管八方','男',21,'04');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170406','王兵',  '男',19,'04');
INSERT INTO student VALUES('170407','张三丰','男',100,null);INSERT INTO course VALUES('030101','高等数学',null,2,'03');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('030102','线性代数',null,2,'03');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('030201','矩阵论','030102',3,'03');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('030202','概率论','030101',2,'03');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('030301','数理统计','030202',3,'03');INSERT INTO course VALUES('010101','信号与系统',null,2,'01');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('010102','数字电路','010101',2,'01');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('010103','数字信号处理','030301',3,'01');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('010201','模式识别','010103',3,'01');INSERT INTO course VALUES('020101','离散数学',null,2,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020102','程序设计基础',null,2,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020201','计算机组成原理','020101',3,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020202','面向对象程序设计','020102',2,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020203','编译原理','020101',2,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020301','数据结构','020202',3,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020302','操作系统','020201',3,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020401','数据库系统','020301',3,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020402','算法设计与分析','020301',3,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020403','形式语言与自动机','020203',3,'02');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('020501','移动计算','020102',2,'02');INSERT INTO course VALUES('040101','中国传统文化',null,1,'04');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('040102','近代世界史',null,1,'04');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('040103','现代文学',null,1,'04');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('040201','古典文学欣赏','040101',2,'04');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('040202','世界文学','040103',2,'04');
INSERT INTO course VALUES('040301','中国诗词欣赏','040201',2,'04');INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','030101',91,to_date('2016-01-08','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','030102',83,to_date('2016-07-10','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020101',88,to_date('2016-07-02','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020102',92,to_date('2017-01-10','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020201',70,to_date('2017-01-10','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020202',80,to_date('2017-01-10','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020203',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020301',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020302',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020401',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170101','020402',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','030101',88,to_date('2016-01-08','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','030102',86,to_date('2016-07-10','yyyy-mm-dd'));
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','030201',58,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','030202',90,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','030301',70,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','010101',85,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','010102',68,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','010103',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170102','010201',78,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','030101',88,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','030102',80,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','030202',76,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','010101',90,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','010102',83,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','010103',55,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170103','010201',77,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170104','030101',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170105','030101',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','030101',90,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','030102',87,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','030202',78,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','010101',57,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','010102',56,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','010103',54,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170108','010201',50,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170110','030101',90,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170110','030102',90,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170110','010101',88,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170110','010102',88,default);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170110','010103',77,default);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','030101',88,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','030102',83,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020101',79,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020102',84,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020201',75,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020202',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020301',82,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020302',53,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020401',78,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170201','020402',58,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','030101',86,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','030102',82,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020101',90,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020102',85,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020201',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020202',78,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020203',75,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020301',70,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020302',68,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020401',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170202','020402',56,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170203','030101',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170203','030102',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','030101',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','030102',55,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020101',50,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020102',96,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020201',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020202',85,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020203',60,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020301',88,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020302',92,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020401',65,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020402',70,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170205','020501',80,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170207','030101',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170207','030102',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','030101',60,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','030102',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020101',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020102',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020201',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020202',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020301',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020302',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020401',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020402',null,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170208','020501',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170303','030101',90,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170303','030102',88,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170303','030201',92,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170303','030202',93,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170303','030301',94,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170401','040101',82,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170401','040102',80,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170401','040103',83,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170401','040201',89,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170401','040202',70,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170401','040301',null,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170403','040201',95,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170403','040202',88,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170403','040301',80,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170404','040101',95,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170404','040102',91,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170404','040103',89,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170404','040201',93,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170404','040202',92,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170404','040301',88,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170405','040102',70,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170405','040201',58,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170405','040202',66,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170405','040301',77,null);INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170406','040101',55,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170406','040102',65,null);
INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('170406','040301',75,null);

练习1 单表查询

  1. 查询所有年龄大于等于20岁的学生学号、姓名;
select sno,sname
from student
where age >= 20;
  1. 查询所有姓钱的男生学号、姓名、出生年份;
select sno,sname,2020-age
from student
where sname like '钱%' and sex = '男';


  1. 查询所有学分大于3的课程名称;
select cname
from course
where credit > 3;
  1. 查询所有没有被分配到任何学院的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where dno is null;
  1. 查询所有尚未设置主页的学院名称;
select dname
from department
where homepage is null;

练习2 聚集函数

  1. 查询各个学院的平均年龄;
select avg(age)
from student
group by dno;
  1. 查询每个学生选修课程的平均分;
select sno,avg(score)
from sc
group by sno
having avg(score) is not null
order by avg(score) desc;

order by 列名 序;

  1. 查询各课程的平均分;
select cno,avg(score)
from sc
group by cno
having avg(score) is not null
order by avg(score) desc;
  1. 查询各学院开设的课程门数;
select dno,count(cno)
from course
where cno is not null
group by dno
order by count(cno) desc;
  1. 查询各门课程选修人数;
select cno,count(sno)
from sc
where cno is not null and sno is not null
group by cno
order by count(sno) desc;

练习3 多表查询

  1. 查询“信息学院”所有学生学号与姓名;
select sno,sname
from student
where dno in (select distinct dnofrom departmentwhere dname = '信息学院');
  1. 查询“软件学院”开设的所有课程号与课程名称;
select cno,cname
from course
where dno in (select dnofrom departmentwhere dname = '软件学院');
  1. 查询与“陈丽”在同一个系的所有学生学号与姓名;
select sno,sname
from student
where dno in (select dnofrom studentwhere sname = '陈丽');
  1. 查询与“张三”同岁的所有学生学号与姓名;
select sno,sname
from student
where age in (select agefrom studentwhere sname = '张三');
  1. 查询与“张三”同岁且不与“张三”在同一个系的学生学号与姓名;
select sno,sname
from student
where age in (select agefrom studentwhere sname = '张三')and dno not in (select dnofrom studentwhere sname = '张三');
  1. 查询学分大于“离散数学”的所有课程名称;
select cname
from course
where credit > (select creditfrom coursewhere cname = '离散数学');
  1. 查询选修了课程名为“组合数学”的学生人数;
select count(sno)
from sc
where cno = (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '组合数学');
  1. 查询没有选修“离散数学”的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where sno not in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '离散数学'));
  1. 查询与“算法设计与分析”、“移动计算”学分不同的所有课程名称;
select cname
from course
where credit not in (select creditfrom coursewhere cname = '算法设计与分析' or cname = '移动计算');
  1. 查询平均分大于等于90分的所有课程名称;
select cname
from course
where cno in (select cnofrom scgroup by cnohaving avg(score) >= 90);
  1. 查询选修了“离散数学”课程的所有学生姓名与成绩;


​ 语句:select 表1/2.某,表1/2.某 … from (查询结果1) 表1 join (查询结果2) 表2 on (连接条件)

​ 需要注意的是,自然连接是特殊的等值连接,等值连接只需指定两个属性相等,而自然连接是必须同名属性。本题中本来应该采取自然连接,但是postgreSQL不支持自然连接,所以这里其实是等值连接完成后在select里不选重复列。

select nametable.sno,sname,score
from (select sno,sname from student where sno in (select sno from sc where cno in (select cno from course where cname = '离散数学'))) nametable
join (select sno,score from sc where cno in (select cno from course where cname = '离散数学')) scoretable
on(nametable.sno = scoretable.sno);


select student.sno,student.sname,sc.score
from student,sc
where student.sno = sc.snoandsc.cno in (select course.cnofrom coursewhere course.cname = '离散数学');
  1. 查询“王兵”所选修的所有课程名称及成绩;
select course.cname,sc.score
from course,sc
where course.cno = sc.cnoandsc.sno in (select student.snofrom studentwhere student.sname = '王兵');
  1. 查询所有具有不及格课程的学生姓名、课程名与成绩;
select student.sname,course.cname,sc.score
from student,course,sc
where student.sno = sc.snoandsc.score < 60andcourse.cno = sc.cno;
  1. 查询选修了“文学院”开设课程的所有学生姓名;
select student.sname
from student
where student.sno in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere dno in (select dnofrom departmentwhere dname = '文学院')));
  1. 查询“信息学院”所有学生姓名及其所选的“信息学院”开设的课程名称;
select student.sname,course.cname
from student,course,sc
where student.dno in (select dno from department where dname = '信息学院')andsc.sno = student.snoand course.cno = sc.cnoandcourse.dno in (select dno from department where dname = '信息学院');

练习4 综合查询

  1. 查询所有学生及其选课信息(包括没有选课的学生);
select t1.sno,t2.cno
from (select student.snofrom student) t1left join(select sc.sno,sc.cnofrom sc) t2on(t1.sno = t2.sno);
  1. 查询“形式语言与自动机”先修课的课程名称;
select t2.cname
from course t1,course t2
where t1.cname = '形式语言与自动机'andt2.cno = t1. cpno;
  1. 查询“形式语言与自动机”间接先修课课程名称;
select t3.cname
from course t1,course t2,course t3
where t1.cname = '形式语言与自动机'andt2.cno = t1.cpnoand t3.cno = t2.cpno;
  1. 查询先修课为编译原理的课程名称;
select t2.cname
from course t1,course t2
where t1.cname = '编译原理'andt2.cpno = t1.cno;
  1. 查询间接先修课为离散数学的课程名称;
select t3.cname
from course t1,course t2,course t3
where t1.cname = '离散数学'andt2.cpno = t1.cnoandt3.cpno = t2.cno;
  1. 查询所有没有先修课的课程名称;
select cname
from course
where cpno is null;
  1. 查询所有没选修“形式语言与自动机”课程的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where sno not in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '形式语言与自动机'))
  1. 查询所有选修了“形式语言与自动机”但没选修其先修课的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where sno in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '形式语言与自动机'))andsno not in (select sno from scwhere cno in (select cpnofrom coursewhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '形式语言与自动机')));
  1. 查询选修课程总学分大于等于28的学生姓名及其选修课程总学分;
select student.sname,sum(
from student,course,sc
where student.sno = sc.snoandsc.cno = course.cno
group by student.sname
having sum( >= 28;
  1. 查询选修了3门以上课程且成绩都大于85分的学生学号与姓名;
select student.sno,student.sname
from student
where student.sno in (select sc.snofrom scgroup by sc.snohaving count(sc.cno) > 3)       andstudent.sno not in (select sc.snofrom scwhere score <= 85);
  1. 查询恰好选修了3门课并且都及格的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where sno in (select snofrom scwhere sno not in (select snofrom scwhere score < 60)group by snohaving count(cno) = 3);
  1. 查询人数多于6的学院名称及其学生人数;
select department.dname,count(student.sno)
from department,student
where department.dno = student.dno
group by department.dno
having count(student.sno) > 6;
  1. 查询平均成绩高于王兵的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where sno in (select snofrom scgroup by snohaving avg(score) > all(select avg(score)from scgroup by snohaving sno in (select snofrom studentwhere sname = '王兵')));
  1. 查询所有选修了离散数学并且选修了编译原理课程的学生姓名;
select sname
from student
where student.sno in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '离散数学'))andstudent.sno in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '编译原理'));
  1. 查询软件学院离散数学课程平均分;
select avg(score)
from sc
where sno in (select snofrom studentwhere dno in (select dnofrom departmentwhere dname = '软件学院'))andsno in (select snofrom scwhere cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '离散数学'));
  1. 查询年龄与“软件学院”所有学生年龄都不相同学生姓名及其年龄和学院;
select student.sname,student.age,department.dname
from student,department
where student.age not in (select agefrom studentwhere dno in (select dnofrom departmentwhere dname = '软件学院'))anddepartment.dno = student.dno;
  1. 查询各学院选修同一门课人数大于4的学院、课程及选课人数;
select department.dname,course.cname,count(sc.sno)
from department,course,sc,student
where department.dno = student.dnoandsc.sno = student.snoandcourse.cno = sc.cno
group by department.dname,course.cname
having count(sc.sno) > 4;

group by不仅可以对一个字段进行聚合,还可以对多个字段的组合进行聚合

  1. 查询仅仅选修了“高等数学”一门课程的学生姓名;(学号、姓名及所在学院名称)


这里需要注意的是join的用法。join在inner join时可以不写,用字段相等的条件来代替,但是在出现left/right/full join 时就不能不用join了,此处有一个人的dno为null,如果再找dname的话就少了一行。

select t1.sno,t1.sname,t2.dname
from (select student.sno,student.sname,student.dnofrom studentwhere student.sno in (select snofrom scwhere sc.cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere course.cname = '高等数学'))andstudent.sno not in (select snofrom scwhere sc.cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere course.cname != '高等数学'))) t1left joindepartment t2on t1.dno = t2.dno;





  1. 查询平均学分积小于70分的学生姓名。
select student.sname
from student
where student.sno in (select snofrom (sc left join courseon sc.cno = course.cno) t1group by snohaving  (sum(t1.score* < 70);
  1. 查询选修了“信息学院”开设全部课程的学生姓名。

inexists的区别,某字段 in (某字段集合);exist (某查询结果集合是否为空),exist 可以表示一个存在量词,一般也只是遇到全称量词或者全称量词蕴含式时才会用到



select student.sname
from student
where not exists (select *from department,coursewhere (department.dname = '信息学院'andcourse.dno = department.dno)andnot exists (select *from scwhere sc.sno = student.snoand                            course.cno = sc.cno));
  1. 查询选修了“杨佳伟”同学所选修的全部课程的学生姓名;
select t1.sname
from student t1
where not exists (select *from sc t2where (t2.sno in (select t3.snofrom student t3where t3.sname = '杨佳伟')andnot exists (select *from sc t4where t4.sno = t1.snoand                            t2.cno = t4.cno)));

练习5 DDL练习

  1. 创建2张表,信息如下:

    • 图书(编号,书名,作者,ISBN,出版社编号,版本,出版日期)。主码为编号,ISBN唯一。出版社编号为外 码,参照出版社表的编号。
    • 出版社(编号,名称,地址,电话)。主码为编号。
    • 要求:(1)创建表的同时创建约束;
create table press(pno text primary key,pname text,address text,pn text);create table books(bno text primary key,bname text,aname text,isbn text unique,pno text references press(pno),ver text,pdate date);
drop table books;
drop table press;
create table press(pno text,pname text,address text,pn text);create table books(bno text,bname text,aname text,isbn text,pno text,ver text,pdate date);
alter table press add primary key(pno);
alter table booksadd primary key(bno),add unique(isbn),add foreign key(pno) references press(pno);
  1. (1)分别向两张表中各插入2行数据。
insert into press values('某出版社1','某出版社','某地','20001023'),('某出版社2','某出版社','某地','20001023');
insert into books values('某编号1','某书','某人','某ISBN号1','某出版社1','某版本','2000-10-23'),('某编号2','某书','某人','某ISBN号2','某出版社1','某版本','2000-10-23');update press set address = '中国' where pno = '某出版社1';delete from books;
delete from press;
  1. (1)创建一个软件学院所有选修了“离散数学”课程的学生视图,并通过视图插入一行数据。



create view st as (select student.snamefrom student,department,sc,coursewhere student.dno in (select dnofrom departmentwhere department.dname = '软件学院')andsc.sno = student.snoandsc.cno in (select cnofrom coursewhere cname = '离散数学'))
with check option;insert into st values('刘铭帅');

这种更新即为非法的,为什么呢?因为我在这里给view加入了with check option的条件,这里view插入一个新的数据后,这个数据在表中的其他字段实际上是null,是不符合view的筛选条件的,所以不应该出现在view中。


这里按照题意就取消掉with check option了

create view avgs as (select course.cno,t1.avgg from course left join (select sc.cno,avg(sc.score) as avggfrom scgroup by sc.cno) t1oncourse.cno = t1.cno);
  1. 创建一张学生平均成绩表s_score(sNo,sName,avgscore),并通过子查询插入所有学生数据。

在数据库中,向数据库中插入数据,使用insert into关键字。在数据库中插入数据有三种方法。


insert into table_name(列名) values(值);


2.1) 插入两个字段以上

insert into table_name(列名1,列名2,列名3,) values(值1,值2,值3);


insert into table_name values(值1,值2,值3);//值要和表中的字段顺序类型一致


insert into table_name 子查询select语句;//需要注意的是不能违反表table_name的约束条件,以及需要和table_name的字段一致,或者少于它,但是不能多于它。

create table s_score(sNo text unique not null,sName text,avgscore numeric(6,4));insert into s_score (select student.sno,student.sname,t1.avggfrom student left join (select sc.sno,avg(sc.score) as avggfrom scgroup by sc.sno) t1ont1.sno = student.sno);
select * from s_score;

练习6 DCL




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