本文翻译自:How to uncommit my last commit in Git [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经在这里有了答案:

  • How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git? 如何撤消Git中的最新本地提交? 81 answers 81个答案

How can I uncommit my last commit in git? 如何取消对git的最后提交?

Is it 是吗

git reset --hard HEAD

or 要么

git reset --hard HEAD^





To keep the changes from the commit you want to undo 为了避免更改要撤消的提交,

git reset --soft HEAD^

To destroy the changes from the commit you want to undo 要破坏要撤消的提交中的更改

git reset --hard HEAD^

You can also say 你也可以说

git reset --soft HEAD~2

to go back 2 commits. 返回2次提交。

Edit: As charsi mentioned, if you are on Windows you will need to put HEAD or commit hash in quotes. 编辑:如charsi所述,如果您在Windows上,则需要将HEAD或用引号引起来。

git reset --soft "HEAD^"
git reset --soft "asdf"


Just a note - if you're using ZSH and see the error 请注意-如果您使用的是ZSH并看到错误

zsh: no matches found: HEAD^

You need to escape the ^ 您需要逃脱^

git reset --soft HEAD\^


Be careful with that. 小心点。

But you can use the rebase command 但是您可以使用rebase命令

git rebase -i HEAD~2

A vi will open and all you have to do is delete the line with the commit. 将打开一个vi ,您要做的就是删除带有提交的行。 Also can read instructions that were shown in proper edition @ vi . 也可以阅读在正确版本@ vi中显示的说明。 A couple of things can be performed on this mode. 在此模式下可以执行几件事。


If you haven't pushed your changes yet use git reset --soft [Hash for one commit] to rollback to a specific commit. 如果尚未推送更改,请使用git reset --soft [Hash for one commit]回滚到特定的提交。 --soft tells git to keep the changes being rolled back (ie, mark the files as modified). --soft告诉git保持回滚更改(即,将文件标记为已修改)。 --hard tells git to delete the changes being rolled back. --hard告诉git删除正在回滚的更改。


If you commit to the wrong branch 如果您选择了错误的分支

While on the wrong branch: 在错误的分支上时:

  1. git log -2 gives you hashes of 2 last commits, let's say $prev and $last git log -2为您提供2次最后提交的哈希值,例如$prev$last
  2. git checkout $prev checkout correct commit git checkout $prev签出正确的提交
  3. git checkout -b new-feature-branch creates a new branch for the feature git checkout -b new-feature-branch branch为功能创建一个新分支
  4. git cherry-pick $last patches a branch with your changes git cherry-pick $last用您的更改修补分支

Then you can follow one of the methods suggested above to remove your commit from the first branch. 然后,您可以按照上面建议的方法之一从第一个分支中删除提交。


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