接前文 初步学习pg_control文件之十三


/** Parameter settings that determine if the WAL can be used for archival* or hot standby.*/int            wal_level;int            MaxConnections;int            max_prepared_xacts;int            max_locks_per_xact;


/*                                        * Method table for resource managers.                                        *                                        * RmgrTable[] is indexed by RmgrId values (see rmgr.h).                                        */
typedef struct RmgrData
{                                        const char *rm_name;                                    void        (*rm_redo) (XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *rptr);                            void        (*rm_desc) (StringInfo buf, uint8 xl_info, char *rec);                            void        (*rm_startup) (void);                            void        (*rm_cleanup) (void);                            bool        (*rm_safe_restartpoint) (void);
} RmgrData;                                        const RmgrData RmgrTable[RM_MAX_ID + 1] = {                                        {"XLOG", xlog_redo, xlog_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Transaction", xact_redo, xact_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Storage", smgr_redo, smgr_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"CLOG", clog_redo, clog_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Database", dbase_redo, dbase_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Tablespace", tblspc_redo, tblspc_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"MultiXact", multixact_redo, multixact_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"RelMap", relmap_redo, relmap_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Standby", standby_redo, standby_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Heap2", heap2_redo, heap2_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Heap", heap_redo, heap_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Btree", btree_redo, btree_desc, btree_xlog_startup, btree_xlog_cleanup, btree_safe_restartpoint}, {"Hash", hash_redo, hash_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL},                                    {"Gin", gin_redo, gin_desc, gin_xlog_startup, gin_xlog_cleanup, gin_safe_restartpoint},   {"Gist", gist_redo, gist_desc, gist_xlog_startup, gist_xlog_cleanup, NULL}, {"Sequence", seq_redo, seq_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL}


/*                                            * This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup                                            */
{                                            …                                        /*                                        * Check whether we need to force recovery from WAL.  If it appears to    * have been a clean shutdown and we did not have a recovery.conf file, * then assume no recovery needed.                                        */                                        if (XLByteLT(checkPoint.redo, RecPtr))                                        {                                        if (wasShutdown)                                    ereport(PANIC,                                (errmsg("invalid redo record in shutdown checkpoint")));                        InRecovery = true;                                    }                                        else if (ControlFile->state != DB_SHUTDOWNED)                                        InRecovery = true;                                    else if (InArchiveRecovery)                                        {                                        /* force recovery due to presence of recovery.conf */                                    InRecovery = true;                                    }                                        /* REDO */                                        if (InRecovery)                                        {                                        …                                    /*                                    * Find the first record that logically follows the checkpoint --- it * might physically precede it, though.                                    */                                    if (XLByteLT(checkPoint.redo, RecPtr))                                    {                                    /* back up to find the record */                                record = ReadRecord(&(checkPoint.redo), PANIC, false);                                }                                    else                                    {                                    /* just have to read next record after CheckPoint */                                record = ReadRecord(NULL, LOG, false);                                }                                    if (record != NULL)                                    {                                    bool        recoveryContinue = true;                        bool        recoveryApply = true;                        bool        recoveryPause = false;                        ErrorContextCallback errcontext;                                TimestampTz xtime;                                InRedo = true;                                ereport(LOG,                                (errmsg("redo starts at %X/%X",                        ReadRecPtr.xlogid, ReadRecPtr.xrecoff)));                /*                                * main redo apply loop                                */                                do                                {                                #ifdef WAL_DEBUG                            if (XLOG_DEBUG ||                            (rmid == RM_XACT_ID && trace_recovery_messages <= DEBUG2) ||                            (rmid != RM_XACT_ID && trace_recovery_messages <= DEBUG3))                        {                            StringInfoData buf;                        initStringInfo(&buf);                        appendStringInfo(&buf, "REDO @ %X/%X; LSN %X/%X: ",                        ReadRecPtr.xlogid, ReadRecPtr.xrecoff,        EndRecPtr.xlogid, EndRecPtr.xrecoff);        xlog_outrec(&buf, record);                        appendStringInfo(&buf, " - ");                        RmgrTable[record->xl_rmid].rm_desc(&buf,                        record->xl_info,        XLogRecGetData(record));        elog(LOG, "%s", buf.data);                        pfree(buf.data);                        }                            #endif                            /* Handle interrupt signals of startup process */                            HandleStartupProcInterrupts();                            /* Allow read-only connections if we're consistent now */                            CheckRecoveryConsistency();                            /*                            * Have we reached our recovery target?                            */                            if (recoveryStopsHere(record, &recoveryApply))                            {                            /*                        * Pause only if users can connect to send a resume                        * message                        */                        if (recoveryPauseAtTarget && standbyState == STANDBY_SNAPSHOT_READY)                        {                        SetRecoveryPause(true);                    recoveryPausesHere();                    }                        reachedStopPoint = true;    /* see below */                    recoveryContinue = false;                        if (!recoveryApply)                        break;                    }                            /* Setup error traceback support for ereport() */                            errcontext.callback = rm_redo_error_callback;                            errcontext.arg = (void *) record;                            errcontext.previous = error_context_stack;                            error_context_stack = &errcontext;                            /* nextXid must be beyond record's xid */                            if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(record->xl_xid,                            ShmemVariableCache->nextXid))            {                            ShmemVariableCache->nextXid = record->xl_xid;                        TransactionIdAdvance(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid);                        }                            /*                            * Update shared replayEndRecPtr before replaying this record,                            * so that XLogFlush will update minRecoveryPoint correctly.                            */                            SpinLockAcquire(&xlogctl->info_lck);                            xlogctl->replayEndRecPtr = EndRecPtr;                            recoveryPause = xlogctl->recoveryPause;                            SpinLockRelease(&xlogctl->info_lck);                            /*                            * Pause only if users can connect to send a resume message                            */                            if (recoveryPause && standbyState == STANDBY_SNAPSHOT_READY)                            recoveryPausesHere();                        /*                            * If we are attempting to enter Hot Standby mode, process                            * XIDs we see                            */                            if (standbyState >= STANDBY_INITIALIZED &&                            TransactionIdIsValid(record->xl_xid))                        RecordKnownAssignedTransactionIds(record->xl_xid);                                        RmgrTable[record->xl_rmid].rm_redo(EndRecPtr, record);                            /* Pop the error context stack */                            error_context_stack = errcontext.previous;                            /*                            * Update shared recoveryLastRecPtr after this record has been                            * replayed.                            */                            SpinLockAcquire(&xlogctl->info_lck);                            xlogctl->recoveryLastRecPtr = EndRecPtr;                            SpinLockRelease(&xlogctl->info_lck);                            LastRec = ReadRecPtr;                            record = ReadRecord(NULL, LOG, false);                            } while (record != NULL && recoveryContinue);                                /*                                * end of main redo apply loop                                */                                ereport(LOG,                                (errmsg("redo done at %X/%X",                            ReadRecPtr.xlogid, ReadRecPtr.xrecoff)));                    xtime = GetLatestXTime();                                if (xtime)                                ereport(LOG,                            (errmsg("last completed transaction was at log time %s",                        timestamptz_to_str(xtime))));                InRedo = false;                                }                                    else                                    {                                    /* there are no WAL records following the checkpoint */                                ereport(LOG,                                (errmsg("redo is not required")));                        }                                    }                                        …

经过分析可以发现,在Startup_XLOG函数中,通过 RmgrTable[record->xl_rmid].rm_redo(EndRecPtr, record);

调用了各个redo函数,其中包括: xlog_redo:

/*                                    * XLOG resource manager's routines                                    *                                    * Definitions of info values are in include/catalog/pg_control.h, though                                    * not all record types are related to control file updates.                                    */
xlog_redo(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record)
{                                    …                                if (info == XLOG_NEXTOID)                                {                                …                            }                                …                                else if (info == XLOG_PARAMETER_CHANGE)                                {                                xl_parameter_change xlrec;                            /* Update our copy of the parameters in pg_control */                            memcpy(&xlrec, XLogRecGetData(record), sizeof(xl_parameter_change));                            LWLockAcquire(ControlFileLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);                            ControlFile->MaxConnections = xlrec.MaxConnections;                            ControlFile->max_prepared_xacts = xlrec.max_prepared_xacts;                            ControlFile->max_locks_per_xact = xlrec.max_locks_per_xact;                             ControlFile->wal_level = xlrec.wal_level; …                            UpdateControlFile();                            LWLockRelease(ControlFileLock);                            /* Check to see if any changes to max_connections give problems */                            CheckRequiredParameterValues();                            }

看这段话:是说找到checkpoint 后面开始的第一条记录的位置。

        /*                                    * Find the first record that logically follows the checkpoint --- it * might physically precede it, though.                                    */  



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