我在下面的Python 3.2中有一个代码,我想在Python 2.7中运行它。我确实进行了转换(已经missing_elements在两个版本中都放了代码),但是我不确定这是否是最有效的方法。基本上,如果函数的yield from上半部和下半部有两个类似下面的调用,会发生什么情况missing_element?是否将两个半部分(上半部分和下半部分)中的条目彼此追加到一个列表中,以便父递归函数与yield from调用一起使用并将这两个半部分一起使用?

def missing_elements(L, start, end): # Python 3.2

if end - start <= 1:

if L[end] - L[start] > 1:

yield from range(L[start] + 1, L[end])


index = start + (end - start) // 2

# is the lower half consecutive?

consecutive_low = L[index] == L[start] + (index - start)

if not consecutive_low:

yield from missing_elements(L, start, index)

# is the upper part consecutive?

consecutive_high = L[index] == L[end] - (end - index)

if not consecutive_high:

yield from missing_elements(L, index, end)

def main():

L = [10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20]

print(list(missing_elements(L, 0, len(L)-1)))

L = range(10, 21)

print(list(missing_elements(L, 0, len(L)-1)))

def missing_elements(L, start, end): # Python 2.7

return_list = []

if end - start <= 1:

if L[end] - L[start] > 1:

return range(L[start] + 1, L[end])

index = start + (end - start) // 2

# is the lower half consecutive?

consecutive_low = L[index] == L[start] + (index - start)

if not consecutive_low:

return_list.append(missing_elements(L, start, index))

# is the upper part consecutive?

consecutive_high = L[index] == L[end] - (end - index)

if not consecutive_high:

return_list.append(missing_elements(L, index, end))

return return_list

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