对于数据库的操作,经常需要暂时停止对bin-log日志的写入,那就需要这个命令:set sql_log_bin=on/off

参考:dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/set-sql-log-bin.html SET sql_log_bin Syntax

SET sql_log_bin = {0|1}

The sql_log_bin variable controls whether logging to the binary log is done. The default value is 1 (do logging). To change logging for the current session, change the session value of this variable. The session user must have theSUPER privilege to set this variable. Set this variable to 0 for a session to temporarily disable binary logging while making changes to the master which you do not want to replicate to the slave.

As of MySQL 5.5, sql_log_bin can be set as a global or session variable. Setting sql_log_bin globally is only detected when a new session is started. Any sessions previously running are not impacted when settingsql_log_bin globally.


Incorrect use of sql_log_bin with a global scope means any changes made in an already running session are stillbeing recorded to the binary log and therefore replicated. Exercise extreme caution using sql_log_bin with a global scope as the above situation could cause unexpected results including replication failure.

Beginning with MySQL 5.5.5, it is no longer possible to set @@session.sql_log_bin within a transaction or subquery. (Bug #53437)

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