
marc at gutt dot it (2013-02-20 09:32:42)

If you are still having problems after choosing ftp_pasv() you should refresh the connection through ftp_close() / ftp_connect() after x files and/or y GB have been transfered.

It solved several (random) occurring problems like:

ftp_get(): Opening BINARY mode data connection

ftp_get(): Entering Passive Mode

Hint: fopen() created a file so don't forget to delete it if an error occurred ;)

mac at codegreene dot com (2010-07-09 15:20:40)

I found one place that required passive mode to function properly, but the initial error manifested itself in an odd way:

PHP Warning: ftp_put(): TYPE is now ASCII in on line


PHP Warning: ftp_put(): TYPE is now 8 BIT BINARY in on line

The other symptom is that it was taking a long time, perhaps the 90 seconds that the timeout was set to. No errors occurred upon connect, just when I tried ftp_put().

Once I turned on ftp_pasv() it worked, both in the place where active mode worked, and on the server where active mode wouldn't work.

Anonymous (2009-09-04 10:45:46)

If you find that you are receiving "Illegal PORT command" errors you may want to try enabling passive mode.

ybourbeau at edison dot ca (2002-04-08 15:28:29)

Directly from bsd FTP manual pages:

The PASV command requests that the remote server open a port for the data connection and return the address of that port. The remote server listens on that port and the client connects to it.

When using the more traditional PORT command, the client listens on a port and sends that address to the remote server, who connects back to it. Passive mode is useful when using ftp through a gateway router or host that controls the directionality of traffic. (Note that though ftp servers are required to support the PASV command by RFC 1123, some do not.)

(2002-04-03 16:19:56)

PASV: For ftp users behind firewall, the server LISTEN for a connection.

Non-PASV: The client LISTEN for a connection from server.

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